Lazy neighbor won't let me use vine killer on their crawling vine than eventually gets into my back yard


Well-Known Member
This vine turned my backyard into a pos and after maybe 3 years I have it under control on my property. The other day I seen they have a huge vine plant in their back yard along their property fence. The vine is probably 20 feet from my property but will climb down the fence and 2 sets of power lines and make it into my property. Once the vine gets on the 25 foot tall power line there is no way to spray it with vine killer. I talked to the neighbor's behind them (25% of the vine is on their property too) and the Dad wasn't home, but the kids said "Yeah my dad is always cutting down the vine and trying to kill it". I gave them my number and told the kid to have his dad text me.

5 mins after that I go to the neighbor's right next to me were the vine is located, the vine is like a 10 foot long shrub. I ask the neighbor if I can spray vine killer on it and he says no, bc he has a dog back there and he has a 1 year old. The vine is like 30 feet behind there house and their back yard looks like a pos. I had to send them a nice letter 3 years ago to tell them to cut their front yard bc they would cut it when it was a foot tall for real. What do I do?

A) Go back and talk to the neighbor with the vine and say is there another way we can get rid of it

B) Go to the neighbor behind him which he will most likely let me spray the vine killer bc 25% is on his property and then spray over the fence and kill the vine when the neighbor didn't want me to. He will know I spray something on it, but I can say I got permission from the neighbor behind him and just spray his side and it must have killed it. I will say I sprayed it a day before I asked him.
Depends on your states laws. My guess is you can cut any part of the plant on your property, but if you spray and it kills the plant the owner may have a legal action against you. Try asking if you can just cut it down and dig out the roots, since the sticking point seems to be the spraying. Caveat, I’m not a lawyer, but I played one on tv! (Lol)
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Depends on your states laws. My guess is you can cut any part of the plant on your property, but if you spray and it kills the plant the owner may have a legal action against you. Try asking if you can just cut it down and dig out the roots, since the sticking point seems to be the spraying. Caveat, I’m not a lawyer, but I okayed one on tv! (Lol)
I get what you're saying, but why should I cut it down. I have a fucked up neck... I was thinking about talking to him about cutting it down and then spraying a natural mixture on it. I read dawn soap, vinegar and salt all mixed together.... I don't care about no "legal action" hes not the type, but at the same time I see where he is coming from bc I wouldn't want and vine killer sprayed by my niece, but he needs to see where I'm coming from. My backyard looks like a swamp bc all of the dead vines hanging everywhere. Lazy fucking people... Like don't let you're dog and baby in the back yard for the next 2 days. I seen the dog back there, but no baby its all just lazyness.... I'm gonna give him a week then I am going back and talking to him or hopefully I see him outside.... The thing is once it gets near my property I'm spraying vine killer on it anyways. Now is the time to get rid off it for good.
Call your town or city office and ask for the by-law officer. Most places have by-laws dealing with stuff like that.

Ask the other guy being invaded if he's OK with you including him as a complainant when you talk to the officer.

You should be within your rights cutting off any that comes on your property but spraying toxic stuff onto his property could bring fines and/or a lawsuit so I'd try legal routes first.

The farmer who owns the field beside us would spray all sorts of shit that would drift over our acreage and get all over the wife's veggie garden. Never any notice and I told him to get on it really early when the wind would be moving the other way but he was a real dork. I called the Alberta Agriculture folks and they called Environment Canada. Ended up getting a huge fine mainly because he wasn't logging everything he used which by law he has to. Now he leases the section to a guy who claims to grow organic but it's canola popping up this year and that shit is all Round-up ready GMO these days.

Good luck!

Call your town or city office and ask for the by-law officer. Most places have by-laws dealing with stuff like that.

Ask the other guy being invaded if he's OK with you including him as a complainant when you talk to the officer.

You should be within your rights cutting off any that comes on your property but spraying toxic stuff onto his property could bring fines and/or a lawsuit so I'd try legal routes first.

The farmer who owns the field beside us would spray all sorts of shit that would drift over our acreage and get all over the wife's veggie garden. Never any notice and I told him to get on it really early when the wind would be moving the other way but he was a real dork. I called the Alberta Agriculture folks and they called Environment Canada. Ended up getting a huge fine mainly because he wasn't logging everything he used which by law he has to. Now he leases the section to a guy who claims to grow organic but it's canola popping up this year and that shit is all Round-up ready GMO these days.

Good luck!


Yeah the stuff I spray is like 99% water and 1% concentrate and I would probably spray 1/2 gallon... The other neigbor behind me said it was ok to spray stuff.
@curious2garden That's what's wrong with the youth today. They don't want to put in the work to achieve their dreams. I give this guy all this solid advice all the time. And he never fucking listens to me. It's almost as if he has me blocked or something. I mean me? I'm like the most fucking rational guy I know.
Compared to Clayton and a few others you ARE the most rational person in TnT :D I think sometimes the fact TnT is not the place for serious inquiry escapes the madding crowd!
What is vine killer? And what kind of vine are we talking? Poison ivy? English ivy? Mile-a-minute? Pothos? Kudzu? Tomato?

Would your neighbor care if you cut it off right at the base? That's probably gonna be the most effective thing that doesn't involve spraying, will take like 30 seconds, and then the rest of it will die pretty quickly.
Yeah the stuff I spray is like 99% water and 1% concentrate and I would probably spray 1/2 gallon... The other neigbor behind me said it was ok to spray stuff.

I doubt very much your neighbour has the authority to allow you to go ahead with your plan. The percentage of the toxin you use is not the issue here. If you trespass to apply it then you'll be in the wrong and could end up in a world of hurt.

Just talk to a by-law officer and see what they say first. Have them banging on his door instead of a real cop banging on yours.

I doubt very much your neighbour has the authority to allow you to go ahead with your plan. The percentage of the toxin you use is not the issue here. If you trespass to apply it then you'll be in the wrong and could end up in a world of hurt.

Just talk to a by-law officer and see what they say first. Have them banging on his door instead of a real cop banging on yours.

The vine is one the fence of my lazy neighbor and the neighbor behind him. The neighbor behind him gave me permission to go on his property and spray the patch of vines. I won't be breaking any laws, but perhaps some of the vine killer will find its way over the fence by accident..... Soon I'm talking to my nieghbor again and if he don't get rid of the vine (bc its starting to come down my way) I'm gonna go to the neighbor's house behind him and spray it. I will give him another chance....Once it gets near my property I'm gonna spray it anyways so I just don't know why this fuck won't let me spray it now. He says its bc he has a baby and dog. Well keep the baby inside for 2 days and don't let the dog back there. OR cut it down. I have health issues and this is the last of the vines and I'm sick of dealing with it.... Here is a pic of the vines that I killed that crawl all the way down the power lines etc and turn my back yard to shit.... The alive vines are out of the pic and look like a bush and starting to climb towards my house on the fence and reaching up to the power lines. They are about 20 feet right of the telephone pole. The guy in the white house gave me permission to come on his property and spray the vines on his fence which are connected to my lazy neighbors vines bc they crawled over the fence.


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That's a damn fire hazard right there. The power company would be all over that as would your city fire dept.

Spray if you want but a few phone calls are in order.

You need some RoundUp. That shit gets inside the plant and will kill it right down to the roots. My neighbour should have some good farmer strength stuff I want to use on a couple thistle patches that are getting pretty big and in the way. Just spot spraying them with a little hand pump sprayer or even a paint brush to make sure the stuff doesn't go where it's not wanted.
Sneak over and cut the vines at their base in the winter when they are dead. He will never know. Roundup is good I use it all the time. Thistle has to be sprayed to kill the roots. Pulling it is useless. Glyphosate combined with Triclopyr is even better. The mix kills using two different actions. All available at big box stores.
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After seeing that picture, I'd call the power department and let them know that you have concerns about the possible fire hazard of all the vines your neighbor lets use the power lines as a trellis.
After seeing that picture, I'd call the power department and let them know that you have concerns about the possible fire hazard of all the vines your neighbor lets use the power lines as a trellis.
I asked some lineman how they would address a situation with vines on wires. The amount of vines were many times worse than in the picture. They said that they would just cut the wires and pull new ones.
Does you neighbor actually like having the vine there? Or do they just not want you using toxic chemicals on their property?

There are ways to kill a plant that don't involve poisoning it, such as cutting it off from the base. Maybe you could approach your neighbor and be like, "hey, I'm concerned about the way that vine is growing all up on the power lines. Would you mind if I just cut it at ground level so it dies back and doesn't cause more problems with the power lines?"
After seeing that picture, I'd call the power department and let them know that you have concerns about the possible fire hazard of all the vines your neighbor lets use the power lines as a trellis.
Yep, this. Tell them you can't be sure but you thought you saw sparks one night.