Led Users Unite!

Right now I'm looking into apachetech, lumigrow, california lightworks, vipar led, and actually the 5th isnt led but indagro. I started reaching out to apachetech, clw, and vipar already. If anyone is interested I can post summaries of my conversations with them?
Right now I'm looking into apachetech, lumigrow, california lightworks, vipar led, and actually the 5th isnt led but indagro. I started reaching out to apachetech, clw, and vipar already. If anyone is interested I can post summaries of my conversations with them?

Hey puffenuff...I'm a noob here at riu but not to grows. I'd be esp interested in your talk with Inda-Grow--I've been scoping out their site as an led alternative, since I'm moving to where heat is a major issue.

Any input (output?) would be much appreciated.
i tried to contact the guys at california light works about the solarflare, the smaller LED they sell since right now i don't have room for that beast of a solorstorm! but i havent heard back....
i tried to contact the guys at california light works about the solarflare, the smaller LED they sell since right now i don't have room for that beast of a solorstorm! but i havent heard back....

This Is The Exact Reason Why I Will Not Buy A Led From CLW OR Kessil.I Contacted Them In January And As Of Yet I Havent Heard A Word
kinda surprised Advance LED diamond series didn't crack your top five...? why?

That was the only other LED I seriously considered when deciding on my purchase. I was real intrigued and had I wanted to spend the extra money, I probably would have gone with it. Was about 50% more for the same effective wattage of my blackstars. Much better warranty tho - have heard bad things about the owner but seems like a good product nevertheless.
Hey puffenuff...I'm a noob here at riu but not to grows. I'd be esp interested in your talk with Inda-Grow--I've been scoping out their site as an led alternative, since I'm moving to where heat is a major issue.

Any input (output?) would be much appreciated.

I'll let you know if I get a hold of anyone there for sure. I'm looking at the 420 unit.

i tried to contact the guys at california light works about the solarflare, the smaller LED they sell since right now i don't have room for that beast of a solorstorm! but i havent heard back....

This Is The Exact Reason Why I Will Not Buy A Led From CLW OR Kessil.I Contacted Them In January And As Of Yet I Havent Heard A Word

That's funny, i've gotten email responses from both kessil and clw first time sending emails. few days to respond but both answered my questions in full. george at clw offered a discount code though which was nice.

try stealthgrow, they'll talk yer ear off ;)

haha that could either be a good thing or a bad thing. hopefully a good thing. I've always been interested in them, and i'm front row for your grow eyecandi. maybe you'll convince me?

kinda surprised Advance LED diamond series didn't crack your top five...? why?

Ah, that's because I already own 2 panels from them and love 'em. just wanting to see what else is out there.
Yea They Probley Would But Damn Their Leds Are Outragous.I Mean Come On 899.99 For A 285 Watt Led.I Just Belive Thier Just As Good Leds Out Their Thats Way Cheaper

That's not outrageous at all if the power draw is near 100%. The blackstar 500w which is cheapest in it's watt range is over $900 and delivers just over 300w actual draw... so sounds roughly equivalent in price if draw on their 285w is near 100%. if it's similar to blackstar it's a rip.
Puff, when you contacted CLW was it thru the contact link on their site or thru your own email? their solar flare model would look real nice in my cabinet!
Yeah I've talked to George several times at California lightworks....the man knows his stuff...he not just some middle man/drop shipper(got a BS in electrical engineering)....that said i'm also interested in the indagrow:-P
I'm bored, so here are some recent bud shots from my flowering tent.

Pineapple Express (Week 6)



Sour Cream (Week 6)
