I realize it would be nice to be able to sit outside a cafe or someplace open and smoke weed, but I believe the main thing is to get it legalized first and not give non smokers any excuse to ban it, once it becomes normal day by day then we could relax and smoke where ever we wish, but for now lets concentrate on showing others that it's not as dagerous or addicted as most people think and show that we are not non conformers, give them a chance to accept us first.....just my opinion.
DeeTee let me answer that young men in another way:
I see this is the hardest thing to teach to the young people in here. HOW TO PLAY THE GAME . it's my most favorite sarcasm and use it quite often with my kids and grand kids, to get it in their heads
I'm not saying Cannabis is anywhere as nasty as cigarettes , no it's not , BUT you have to learn to win hearts and minds in order to win the game.
the game in case you lost sight of the ball, is get Cannabis OFF the CSA and then , plain old regulated like alcohol so all the doogooders who will ALWAYS out number us stay under control.
in other words boobie you need to sell them the bill of goods, oh wait you're still confused let me put it in your language HASHTAG#BULLSHITTHEMWITHKINDNESSANDSMILES