Let's Use Correct Grammar!

I am going to throw this out here... I believe that [in] mostly every post I read, there are [is] a multitude of errors,[;] and I feel like I am getting dumber with each passing day. Not that it really matters, but it might to some people,[;] I don't want to make the same mistakes, and start misspelling words that otherwise I would have known.[Run on sentence] So[,] please[,] people,[:] have some consideration,[;] and don't look like an idiot! It will do everyone a favor to use correct grammar.

I have taken a moment to annotate your post; hopefully, you will take a moment and look into your own mistakes. I frequent this board as well; and although the common poster may conduct himself in a way that seems unfitting, the board as a whole is tolerable to me. I hope that you will check your arrogance at the door next time. Also, please refrain from throwing stones in a glass house.

Oh, and just for fun, here are my biggest grammatical pet peeves:

1) Using "less" to denote numerical quantity.


I need to go to the hydro store. I have less rockwool cubes than clones.


I need to go to the hydro store. I have fewer rockwool cubes than clones.

2) Changing the plurality of a pronoun mid-sentence.


Everyone who grows their own cannabis possesses the best smoke.


Everyone who grows his own cannabis possesses the best smoke.

And lastly, I am angered to see a failure to use a semicolon. One should be used in lieu of a comma in any instance in which the two fragments could be expressed as two independent, complete sentences.

Does anyone else find any particular grammatical abuse to be more offensive?

Oh, and just for fun, here are my biggest grammatical pet peeves:

2) Changing the plurality of a pronoun mid-sentence.


Everyone who grows their own cannabis possesses the best smoke.


Everyone who grows his own cannabis possesses the best smoke.


But isn't that politically incorrect? Should it not be :

Everyone who grows his or her own cannabis possesses the best smoke.
Oh, and just for fun, here are my biggest grammatical pet peeves:

1) Using "less" to denote numerical quantity.


I need to go to the hydro store. I have less rockwool cubes than clones.


I need to go to the hydro store. I have fewer rockwool cubes than clones.

2) Changing the plurality of a pronoun mid-sentence.


Everyone who grows their own cannabis possesses the best smoke.


Everyone who grows his own cannabis possesses the best smoke.

And lastly, I am angered to see a failure to use a semicolon. One should be used in lieu of a comma in any instance in which the two fragments could be expressed as two independent, complete sentences.

Does anyone else find any particular grammatical abuse to be more offensive?


Spelling in general is atrocious. If I get "redlined", I want to look it up. It's so easy; why not?
2) Changing the plurality of a pronoun mid-sentence.


Everyone who grows their own cannabis possesses the best smoke.


Everyone who grows his own cannabis possesses the best smoke.
I think it is supposed to be "their" because of the need for gender neutral language. "His" would imply that only males grow pot. Though most people will apply the "principle of charity" in understanding that you mean his or her. But if we are gonna be sticklers...

To be honest, "him" would have been correct in the past, but today, institutions teach "gender neutral" language.
people think about it too hard....it dosetn evne mtter ... i learned this in school...again...it doesnt matter..fuck
Aw, let's just be nice some people didn't make it through high school. Not all people are blessed with education or the ability to spell superbly. Most of the people here I do expect to be stoned, and spelling when you're high just isn't top priority. And what about the many people out there with dyslexia? Or what if the word they are trying to spell is super long and ridiculous. *sigh* As long as the person tried to spell that should be good enough. After all, if you can spell well why would another's spelling affect your own? And at the end of the day, if you still feel dumb, read a book and don't blame other people for your problems. Remember....

"Tolerance is the highest result of education"---Helen Keller
1) I feel that I did annotate. What I did is concurrent with your given definition.

2) "His or her" is also correct. "Her" would also be acceptable. Unfortunately, the English language does not make accommodations for gender. I choose to use "his" in order to keep my sentences from becoming more cumbersome than they already are. I have read books in which the author makes a choice to always use "her". It is a matter of personal preference. However, "their" is never correct when the subject of the sentence is singular (i.e. everyone, anyone, everybody etc.).

I did not mean to fan the flames of grammatical discontent with my first post; I merely wanted to point out the hypocrisy evident in the creation of the thread. When I post here, I try to keep things fairly formal. I do this in order to be better understood; not because I have some irrational desire to impress people on the internet. I suggest that we all do what we can to be more clear with our posts. However, this is a place where many come for a break from the tedious toil of their lives. It gives us an opportunity to discuss our favorite hobby; and a place in which we can be smug outlaws, instead of just cautious criminals. We all have some place in our lives in which we must watch our words carefully; does anyone care to have another? I don't know about the rest of you; but, I aint tryin to get nuttin like dat started:joint:.

Yes, but sometimes we all delve into other topics, one thing leads to another and so on. This is a site about many things, especially topics that have to do with i.e.growing herb, culture, politics, amongst many others! So almost nothing is out of the ordinary.
I understand where you are coming from, albeit you came off a bit harsh with your first post. This was a light hearted topic that was very random indeed, and meant to stir up a little talk about the way we post/write our threads;nothing more, nothing less. :)
Your right S-town; annotate is a synonym for edit, and edit is a synonym for proofread. My mistake.

As for those long words, is that like:
