Well-Known Member
I am going to throw this out here... I believe that [in] mostly every post I read, there are [is] a multitude of errors,[;] and I feel like I am getting dumber with each passing day. Not that it really matters, but it might to some people,[;] I don't want to make the same mistakes, and start misspelling words that otherwise I would have known.[Run on sentence] So[,] please[,] people,[:] have some consideration,[;] and don't look like an idiot! It will do everyone a favor to use correct grammar.
I have taken a moment to annotate your post; hopefully, you will take a moment and look into your own mistakes. I frequent this board as well; and although the common poster may conduct himself in a way that seems unfitting, the board as a whole is tolerable to me. I hope that you will check your arrogance at the door next time. Also, please refrain from throwing stones in a glass house.