so ur telling me over the time of the grow running 3 1000 watt light wont cost 900 bucks overall? after u harvest. 2-3 months of flower not to mention the veg. yeah not monthly but per grow. if ur in the 3rd or 4th power tier from ur power company like i am it will cos that much. which he should be with 3 1000s going at once. .25-.30 cents per kilowatt hour to run my 1000s 12/12 it cost me 108 bucks per light per month.
3lightsX108roughlypermonthX2-3 months. should cost 650-900 bucks in power per grow. whereas a light rail would kill his bill by 2/3.
unless he lives somewhere cold or hot where he gets power breaks for heat and air conditioning its going to cost him.
Ok well firstly, you were talking about entire grow, we were talking about monthly.. But ya, for 4 months of lights running, for sure $900... Per month... (hopefully) not more than 200-300... But yes, super big break with cooling, we have 1 10" exhaust blower, and 1 6" running. Thats it. No ac needed... We pump in the freezing canadian air and it cools it down super well... I actually think it might be a bit TOO cold for the plants.. but we have a mite problem so I suppose this is the better alternative...