Light Mover?

thats becuz u have never used one.

I have 3 light movers. I USE THEM TO MOVE THE LIGHTS less than 12"s I used to use a light swing, where it would just swing the light. I tryed to spead the light out before 6 foot light rail, the plants that were under a light 100% of the time got huge rock hard buds. and the plants that got less light didn't get as big of buds. so I added more lights now everything has big buds.

I guess you will all have to learn the hard way, by your own misstakes.... Hang in there guys you will get the hang of it someday.
Ya, I understand that point on light movers but I believe that it is not just plants all getting some light.. I believe the more light each plants get the higher the yield.

Yield=# of lights... NOT number of plants.

So for that reason I do not need a mover so that I can use less lights. If I got a mover, I would still use 3 1000w and justget more penetration but just as many lumens.

It is basicly common sense. more light = more buds. I use my light rail to change angles of light, Just like the SUN is allways moving in the sky. I give my plants full light, intill NIGHT time, than they can sleepView attachment 2423036
All i am trying to say is a light mover dosent replace a light. it is a tool to help to get light to all sides of the buds.

I agree completely.

Though of course it does not make sense to have only 1 small plant under a 1000w light. That would be too many lumens lost. Neither does it make sense to have 10 big plants under 1 1000w light on a light mover- sure, the plants get light all around but they do not get as much as they need to reach full potential.

Its all about finding a middle ground.

I agree that a light rail is a good idea for a ton of reasons.. But not so that you can use less lights.. Plants absorb a certain amount of light. If you have lets say 10 plants under 2 1000w stationary lights then they will grow damn well but some areas will not grow as much because they did not get light.

If you place the same 10 plants under 1 1000w on a light mover then more areas of the plant will grow.. BUT you will decrease over all yield 100%.
I read in an article that the sun gives something around 1000 watt per 3x3. So anything more than 1000w for a 3x3 is a waste.
I agree completely.

Though of course it does not make sense to have only 1 small plant under a 1000w light. That would be too many lumens lost. Neither does it make sense to have 10 big plants under 1 1000w light on a light mover- sure, the plants get light all around but they do not get as much as they need to reach full potential.

Its all about finding a middle ground.

I agree that a light rail is a good idea for a ton of reasons.. But not so that you can use less lights.. Plants absorb a certain amount of light. If you have lets say 10 plants under 2 1000w stationary lights then they will grow damn well but some areas will not grow as much because they did not get light.

If you place the same 10 plants under 1 1000w on a light mover then more areas of the plant will grow.. BUT you will decrease over all yield 100%.
10 plants no. but 6-8 decent sized plants in my 4x8 with the single 1000 is doing ballin with the single light. a 1000 watt light has 5 ft of light penetration. so if i go 2 ft right and 2 ft left from center at a fast enough pace with a single 1000 on a rail gives me great results. everything still gets light and grows fabulously. i have no issues. if i was growing to support myself then no ur right i would probably go with a 1000 per meter sq. but when its just me aiming for about a P off of 4 plants for me and my friends to smoke like i am now i have no problems with it. my yields are great and my power bill is half what it normally is. i dont have to sell as much of the weed i grow to pay for power and supplies. which in turn means more smoke for me and my compadres. rails arent for comercial use. i never said they were. but for a cost efficient point of view they cant be beat. the loss in yield makes up for it in power saving alone. even with a rail i get 1.75 times as much bud as when my single thousand light is stationary. i absolutely love my rail. ive filled the whole 4x8 space with no issues of light penetration and shit like that.
I agree completely.

Though of course it does not make sense to have only 1 small plant under a 1000w light. That would be too many lumens lost. Neither does it make sense to have 10 big plants under 1 1000w light on a light mover- sure, the plants get light all around but they do not get as much as they need to reach full potential.

Its all about finding a middle ground.

I agree that a light rail is a good idea for a ton of reasons.. But not so that you can use less lights.. Plants absorb a certain amount of light. If you have lets say 10 plants under 2 1000w stationary lights then they will grow damn well but some areas will not grow as much because they did not get light.

If you place the same 10 plants under 1 1000w on a light mover then more areas of the plant will grow.. BUT you will decrease over all yield 100%.

where do you get your yield numbers from? both me AND a fellow grower (not even counting people i have talked to online) have experienced no to little yield loss with light rails and less light.
i didnt replace as much light as him, but he went from 3k to 1k on a rail and lost 4 grams.

where do you get your yield numbers from? both me AND a fellow grower (not even counting people i have talked to online) have experienced no to little yield loss with light rails and less light.
i didnt replace as much light as him, but he went from 3k to 1k on a rail and lost 4 grams.

some peeps just dont understand. lol. rails are nice. altho i wouldnt run it in flower with anything less than a thousand. i even vegged with it with a 400 and had amazing even growth.
Wow it's hard to imagine living somewhere that electricity costs that much. I live in the midwestern us and 3000w @ 12hrs a day will increase my bill only 90 dollars a month. And even when i calculate for ballast effecientcy and cooling as you described my monthly flowering cost would only increase by 138 dollars per month.
Wow it's hard to imagine living somewhere that electricity costs that much. I live in the midwestern us and 3000w @ 12hrs a day will increase my bill only 90 dollars a month. And even when i calculate for ballast effecientcy and cooling as you described my monthly flowering cost would only increase by 138 dollars per month.
iit cost me 108.33 per 1000 watt light per month just 12/12. no vegging. thats not including cooling and fans. i have roughly 3200 watts available to use but i always end up having a couple of hps lights with about a week or 2 of downtime while i harvest so i save a bit on my bill each month.
I live in the bay area of Cali and the power bill here cost $2,300 per month to run 10,000 watts in a residential area.
Someone gave me a couple of chain driven rails... I don't need them but ive never used one so i wanted to try them out..
I set one up but the chain keeps falling off after a several hours of use.
Anyone know what's causing it, or know anything I can do?
Thanks in advance for any insight.
I've had 2 grows,both w rails..and there's noway ill believe they don't help..using the same lights but instead of aircooled hoods I had batwings,4 600s on a l.r.5..I seen a huge differnce in the room I'm dealin with no...compared I had a 9X18 room with a rail 5..sister room of a l.r.3..the l.r.5 DID start to go defucnct and stop moving..but both increase coverage 25% in each direction..its sad I have all 4 600watts in a 10x10 now and no need for a rail..they are the shit and increase yeild no matter what..its apparent when you get an extra bump in product and barely notice the cost of electricity..I've realized my same lights with a rail,same environmental conditions and feeding schedule,has yeilde 1/3 of my old harvest or less..I wish I could have a bigger longer room..(sound like a weed whore? Lol)
I've had 2 grows,both w rails..and there's noway ill believe they don't help..using the same lights but instead of aircooled hoods I had batwings,4 600s on a l.r.5..I seen a huge differnce in the room I'm dealin with now...compared I had a 9X18 room with a rail 5..sister room of a l.r.3..the l.r.5 DID start to go defucnct and stop moving..but both increase coverage 25% in each direction..its sad I have all 4 600watts in a 10x10 now and no need for a rail..they are the shit and increase yeild no matter what..its apparent when you get an extra bump in product and barely notice the cost of electricity..I've realized my same lights with a rail,same environmental conditions and feeding schedule,has yeilde 1/3 of my old harvest or less..I wish I could have a bigger longer room..(sound like a weed whore? Lol)
I also like not getting sunburned on my neck by stationary lights...perhaps I spend too much time with my ladies?
Someone gave me a couple of chain driven rails... I don't need them but ive never used one so i wanted to try them out..
I set one up but the chain keeps falling off after a several hours of use.
Anyone know what's causing it, or know anything I can do?
Thanks in advance for any insight.

Some people say "I can't afford $200-$300 on a light mover. I say I can't afford for a Cheap-o light mover to fail.. I KNOW my light rail 3.5 is moving back and forth flawlessly right now, and i have not been in my grow room for 2 days. there is no doubt in my mind wether or not my light rail Fucked up.

You are right people GIVE the "LIGHT TRACK"s away for free. You know why? it's because they had trouble with it and relized they can't afford for Failer.

You can make your own hook once the stock one breaks/bends ,

Here is my first lightmover/swing the most expesive part is the JB weld View attachment 2481233
I think they just stopped growing. They never mentioned having issues with the chain but it sounds like this is a common issue with these cheap models ? I'll check the hook out to see if that seems to be the problem. It's weird cuz it will will work fine for hours before failing. I'm never there to see why it falls off. Thanks for your advise.