
I was inspired to necro this great thread
From another that did not have the same cred
So I searched but riu was frugal
So I ended up using Google
And found it cuz online anonymity is dead
What a blast from the past you're reviving!
Here are verses both sweet and conniving.
I'd like to reply'm
with a suitable rhyme,
But I am drunk and high as fuck and can't rhyme to save my life from meth-crazed snails right now.
A high post count used to be ballin'
For reducing the newbies to crawlin'.
Now one's a poleef
The other aids thief
How the titans of Riu have fallen!
by "aids thief" do you mean "offers to pay off debt"?

anyhoo, have fun defending this as "NOT REAL RACISM THO!"

Screenshot 2018-04-10 at 9.04.38 PM.png
by "aids thief" do you mean "offers to pay off debt"?

anyhoo, have fun defending this as "NOT REAL RACISM THO!"

View attachment 4126808

The Big Lie when told by a goi
Has misled many a bright boy.
'course, bigotry's right
When aimed at a white
By an "atheist agnostic reconstructionist humanist incontinent alcoholic racist self-applied Jew"*, oy!

*quote courtesy of @pabloesqobar
I tried hard to stay out of the dirt
Everyone fighting had me on alert
But I like everyone involved
And venus sins still not absolved
But buck said I'm dead to him and that hurt.

GWN is a man's man
Kills goats with his bare hands
His chicken pic was rather uncouth
Humor from folks long in the tooth
But I don't think he's in the Klan

Loki tells tales of life
Stories of past marital strife
He used an acronym
It's meaning rather grim
To describe men often of trife.

Neo was a fuckface
One degree above duckface
He has little time these days
Here and there a Mandarin phrase
But still time here tryin to suck face.
I tried hard to stay out of the dirt
Everyone fighting had me on alert
But I like everyone involved
And venus sins still not absolved
But buck said I'm dead to him and that hurt.

GWN is a man's man
Kills goats with his bare hands
His chicken pic was rather uncouth
Humor from folks long in the tooth
But I don't think he's in the Klan

Loki tells tales of life
Stories of past marital strife
He used an acronym
It's meaning rather grim
To describe men often of trife.

Neo was a fuckface
One degree above duckface
He has little time these days
Here and there a Mandarin phrase
But still time here tryin to suck face.

New member: decent or caustic?
Most of us choose "be agnostic"
The truth can be found
in the pix found around
And your 'nalysis nudo-gnostic!
I tried hard to stay out of the dirt
Everyone fighting had me on alert
But I like everyone involved
And venus sins still not absolved
But buck said I'm dead to him and that hurt.

GWN is a man's man
Kills goats with his bare hands
His chicken pic was rather uncouth
Humor from folks long in the tooth
But I don't think he's in the Klan

Loki tells tales of life
Stories of past marital strife
He used an acronym
It's meaning rather grim
To describe men often of trife.

Neo was a fuckface
One degree above duckface
He has little time these days
Here and there a Mandarin phrase
But still time here tryin to suck face.
GWN is a racist little pussy

can't even defend his own history of racist ass posting