I'm doing terribly. I lost family in NYC and in Mexico and I lost my livelihood thanks to this Chinese pandemic.Hi abandon! How are you doing?
I think I read you mentioned you live overseas . Do you have a strict lockdown in place. Things are starting to reopen here in Oklahoma today.
I am so sorry to hear this. This is absolutely terrible news and I do hope things get better for you soon.I'm doing terribly. I lost family in NYC and in Mexico and I lost my livelihood thanks to this Chinese pandemic.
I am so sorry to hear this. This is absolutely terrible news and I do hope things get better for you soon.sending positive vibes your way.
shouldn't you be flying there to help find them? you seem very insensitive.I lost family in NYC and in Mexico
“I'm not really sorry to say it, but a lot of the crusty olds would rather just die in peace than in solitude.”I'm doing terribly. I lost family in NYC and in Mexico and I lost my livelihood thanks to this Chinese pandemic.
Budley Doright said:
That’s what I’m pissed about. I’ve done my part and isolated in good faith only to have imbeciles out and about making my effort a waste of fucking time. Yes lockdowns work if an actual fucking lockdown.
Please don't shoot anyone in the face just for going outside, comrade.Budley Doright said:
And if tested positive do we get to put a bullet between their eyes if they step outside their door?
Yep, as rhythm says, trigggered. But thanks for the laughs, a Sponge Bob meme, oh yes, that's rich.Don't worry, I'll use proper social distancing so you don't feel like murdering me with your firearm.
I am sorry to hear that AC. I truly am.I'm doing terribly. I lost family in NYC and in Mexico and I lost my livelihood thanks to this Chinese pandemic.
Thank you for your interest! I worry about you too, stress is a killer, but I’m sure you know that. We are doing really well here with 2 new positives in 3 weeks. Everyone (even the youngens) have been self isolating and just doing their part to help flatten the curve and save lives ..... seems to be working really well for us. Sure will be nice to get a burger though. Again thanks for your interest and checking daily!!! If I feel the need to actually shoot some one I’ll PM you for advice.Please don't shoot anyone in the face just for going outside, comrade.
But . . . you actually did just spin what I said. Good job. Gold star.weren't you the one that said we should lift the lockdowns because car accident deaths are highly contagious too?
DJ can't spin that record. sad!
You are right, he didn't exactly cite your post. I went back and checked.But . . . you actually did just spin what I said. Good job. Gold star.
Other than agreeing that people die from a whole bunch of other stuff and we don't shut down the economy for those, I fail to understand your reasoning about why Seattle should have endured the same agony that NYC did. Instead of letting the situation get out of hand, Seattle and eventually the whole state of Washington shut down as soon as the first few cases arrived.This is what's fucked.
600K die every year from heart disease. We never used draconian measures to shut down soda companies, fast food companies, regulation of sugar, salt, fat, meat, etc. Why not? I mean, 600,000 people a year? Shouldn't we freak out and literally change our way of life over these numbers? Most of those are older people. If we don't shut down all of the fast food and soda companies, aren't we responsible for all of those deaths?
30,000 people died in car accidents in 2018. Another 3 million were hospitalized or disabled. I've thought about those numbers, and I've decided that I would rather drive and risk the potential death/injury. I'm sure you have too.
We have literally shut down the economy over something as deadly as the flu. Think about that for a sec. I've read more than one post one here from people stating that if you are against lockdown, then you are responsible for the deaths incurred. Well, if that's the case, are all of those in support of the lockdown responsible for all of the deaths from an increase in suicide, drug overdose, famine, etc.? This is a 2 way street. If that's actually you're argument, you might want to rethink it.
The recent antibody tests and their results change the mortality rate in a big way. It's basically on par with the flu. But I've never been forced to wear a face mask into my local market, isolate myself in my house, and shut down my whole entire industry over the flu. History is going to look back on the measures we took and laugh at us. We just fucked the whole global economy over a virus that has the same mortality rate as the flu. Brilliant. Congratulations everybody.
That seems to be somewhat of a pattern here lol.But . . . you actually did just spin what I said. Good job. Gold star.
my first gold star! it will go up in the man cave in between my pink hearts and green clovers.But . . . you actually did just spin what I said. Good job. Gold star.