logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

Dude it ain't that hard.
But talking aboutbit here won't help you . at least not on your mom's phone bill

But robbing store ain't hard jewelry espevially

I'm jk. I'm high. Idk a single post in here
Hitting a coveniance store might get you $100 of you wait till drawer count it's not not a bad chunk. Family dollar has 2 employees there at night. Alarms arwnt set. Roughly 10 min after close they count the safe and drawers.
All you do is hit a jewlwery store at night rip bars off using car. Sledge hammer bust glass and snatch what's not in the safe

Then you go back to your town..

Intresting, i like this idea and will dully consider it... you just upgraded my scenario. i love it.

I have one other idea to make a quick chunk of change, check it out. from what I read so far this is pretty sketch.i didn't imagine it be so hard to flip the shit. and the drop cage or whatever, I didn't think they all had that for some reason.

Ok so scam the Nigerian scam. post a car on craiglist and just wait for that bastard to offer you a check to pay for the moving costs of the car and the car itself. last time I posted an add on craigslist I had a check mailed to me from a guy in new jersey, when the check came from yet another state with a different name on the signature I new I had a Nigerian scammer. I never cashed the check.

what if I post an add for a car in severall locations and lure a scammer in. get a check for 10k for a car listed at 10k. the checks are somehow set to clear but eventually as I understand the money bounces... i set up a bank account using a little change of detail in my info to make it impossible for them to link me to the account, trade secret. it involves changes some numbers around ill just say. bam i have a check that will clear 5,000 as i understand. honestly i can be very creative with this amount of money to make it grow, i know some resourceful people. no charge as i understand it just the state coming after you to collect that money. once the check clears, bounce to another state, and actually like i said i know how to make a bank account so it cant be tracked to you. you use your reall name and everything but change a number detail like i said, so the state cant touch me. if done something like this before with a guy who was supplying these types of checks..
Those Nigerians are no joke :(
Your not a good risk planner I see,the risk vs reward in your master plan is insane,after fencing the jewelry you'll end up with about $5k & risk doing life in prison .

For that kinda risk you'd be better off going full blown psyco maniac & robbing a pharmacy that caters to pain management patients,start out by car jacking a senior citizen & breaking his hip ,then head directly to the pharmacy, as soon as you enter take out your pistol & fire a few rounds into the ceiling so they know you mean business, then pistol whip the living shit out of the counter girl to set the mood.

Next you'll want to force the pharmacist to give you some amil nitrate caps before you tie his ass up with the telephone wire ,snort a few of the poppers the pharmacist just gave you ,then shoot him in the ankle ,lock the customers in the basement after robbing them of all cash & pills, dont forget to fondel the hot girl on methadone before you throw her down the steps on her face & bolt the door, next you'll want to start a raging fire to destroy all evidence & leave no wittnesses, roll the obese woman in a Rascal scooter out into traffic to create a diversion after you take her script of amphetamines she just filled, then take the counter girl hostage & lock her ass up in the trunk, that way if the cops shoot at you as you flee she will stop the bullets, crash thru a few road blocks as you make your way across state lines with $500,000 worth of narcotics in a stolen car & your home free with half a million !

Are you taking notes here :lol:

If your desperate enough to do all that I'll personally front your ass a pound of primo,if only to save the obese woman in the scooter .
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Ya'll thinking way too hardcore about this.
Scope out your local mall, pick a store close to an exit. I'll use Spencer's as my example as I used to be assistant manager a few years ago.
Spencer's was close to an exit. There was a bank on the far side of the parking lot where we did our daily deposits.
Scope it out, find out who does the deposit and when. Wait for the Monday deposit as it will have saturday, sunday, and Monday's cash.
Have the homie with a get away car a block or two away where no cameras.
When you see the Spencer's assistant manager walking across to the bank, ride by on a bicycle and snatch the bag.
Ditch the bike and hop in the homies car. Boom, you just got three grand.
Buy a male n female pit bull and breed the shit outta them suckers.
Family dollar so much easier .
Swear. You blow the door or wait inmmside. Safe times open they pull the drawers out. Registers are open and cash stays in counter
You simply go in grab and leaven.

No outside cameras in most of these places.

Ime You get away everytume