logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

I think you best bet would be start giving hand jobs for 10$ blowies for 15 and give up the booty for 20, think about it you give 1000 hand jobs for 10$ a pop that's 10g right there, you seem dedicated so you can prolly pull off atleast 5 a day
How many it take you to get a g of that tar.



The risk is not worth the reward.
Only illegal if you get caught

thanks u so much .......i need to work out some dark ideas this is so much fun

so many ways to do this it is easy i mean so easy
1 is the store outside on the street or in a mall
2 what are the number of ppl i am working with
3 what is the cop numbers and locations
4 what is the budget .....we unlimited or are we working off jerry rigging
5 is this a kill or no kill op

well the simplest and easiest way to do something like this is smash and grab in a mall ....with the use of cellphone and radio jammers
one man goes in and smashes the case top the other 4 come in be hide and clear their cases and out of the place with in 40 secs ......u pick a mall with freeway access and u have a switch car somewhere along the highway ..cross state lines with in 20 to 40 mins of doing it and u are golden

just wait several weeks before u try to sell the stones and metals ( see if u get rid of them before u verify they have no id numbers cut on the stones is sure fire way to get self caught ) .....so u watch the news on it and using a jewelers loop to make sure not marked

if u are going to do a major store with a street access it gets little more complex ....cutting the power to the shop cutting the phone lines and cable feeds then jamming the back up alarm call and keeping anyone from the store calling out .....gives u about total of 3 mins and then u are still going to need road blocks .......but it is more then doable
I just got back from partying my ass off y'all want pics?
No unless youbfeel like sharing. Mr bublonic acts like a dick. I was simply posting a pic of aome high grade to see him talk shit.

I have nothing against you in the slightest.

Anyways i really will try n nod off to sleep now. .15 of h munch 10mg of clonea and if it doesnt work 120mg seroquel
just grow some dope .. if grown right it'll glisten like diamonds.. ya god damn dummy..

I could really use 10 grand tomorrow.. Im not gonna go take it though.. because thats wrong.

ya dont steal from people... anyone .. ya steal then you fucking fail at life instantly.
Last time i dis meth tho i was cruiaing for a long time. It wasnt pretty conaidering i mised it with rock.

I just dont have thw heart xor that.

Ill do a thumb print before more meth imho