logistics on robbing a jewlery shop... brain storm

some questions for the mastermind. will they really try to lock me in if its a place that never dreamt of being robed a place where theres not cops running around with assault rifles but a very upper class location where there just isn't any roberys ever heard of?

Of course, I've the same system fitted to an office at a recycling yard.
Basically when they hit the silent alarm it'll go down automatically.
Most are faster to go down than in the movies, usually 3-6 seconds within hitting the alarm.

the movies make it seem cool, but once the adrenaline starts & you feel a tremor or sweat in your hand you won't give a fuck about how much you get away with, as long as you get away.

What do you actually need 30k for?

How old are you?
Of course, I've the same system fitted to an office at a recycling yard.
Basically when they hit the silent alarm it'll go down automatically.
Most are faster to go down than in the movies, usually 3-6 seconds within hitting the alarm.

the movies make it seem cool, but once the adrenaline starts & you feel a tremor or sweat in your hand you won't give a fuck about how much you get away with, as long as you get away.

What do you actually need 30k for?

How old are you?
ahh fuck me. i didn't know that.. this is why i posted. what i could do is have a friend posted outside? kind of look at him, ask him to get his opinion on two different rings. as if not noticing the teller telling me to not walk off with the rings make my way holding the rings out as if for inspection from my friend. " hey dave check things rings out, wich one do you feel would be more to brittneys liking?" meanwhile making my way to the front of the store. reassure the clerk I'm just having my friend check out the rings.. confidently and suavely. finally when I'm close enough to be almost at the door book it... ?
Its not thw amount stolen but how you are going to unload the atolen goods.

Fuxking troll thread filled with wannabe theieves.

Fuxking kids couldn't unload 100k if ur life depended
Ah fuck me I finally got to the end of this. I'll stick up for the underdog.

Don't do the jewelry store!!! Period. Upperclass whatever it don't matter. Who you know to pawn off 30k of heisted goods to? Security gonna fuck you up.

Instead, go look for a comic book and collectible store. One that also deals in gold and silver bullion.
Chances are they have less security. You pose as a buyer of silver or gold, do your same scheme.
Silver and gold bullion are way harder to trace than jewelry. Plus, you can sell it anywhere in the country without arousing near as much suspicion. Just don't unload it all to one place.
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Ah fuck me I finally got to the end of this. I'll stick up for the underdog.

Don't do the jewelry store!!! Period. Upperclass whatever it don't matter. Who you know to pawn off 30k of heisted goods to? Security gonna fuck you up.

Instead, go look for a comic book and collectible store. One that also deals in gold and silver bullion.
Chances are they have less security. You pose as a buyer of silver or gold, do your same scheme.
Silver bullion is way harder to trace than jewelry. Plus, you can sell it anywhere in the country without arousing near as much suspicion. Just don't unload it all to one place.
Security is non existant in most of these scenarios.

**i have neverdone this** but 3-4 guys can take down a a store like that in leaa thwn 5 min.

If your smart enough you will learn easier marks like a dive bar in club district on a weekend.

Be smart.

Hardest part ia offloading gold/jewels

Also expect a much lower price on thw atreet.

I knew this one guy who would spray shop owners in lighter fluis and hold a ligjter to thwm.

He atill got hit with serious charges but a gun ia 5 yeara min here

Be creative