Looking For BHO Advice

I have learned more shit in a week of reading this board than I have over a year of growing weed and reading the forums. Some serious knowledge around here.
Alright thanks guys and I may look into winterizing with 99%iso alcohol next time I make a batch

Sometimes you have to use what ya got, but if you have choices, Isopropyl doesn't work as well as Ethanol or Methanol for winterization, because it has a lower dielectric constant (~polarity).

If you can get 190 proof Ethanol, it will do a better job, and Methanol the best, though with Methanol you have some of the same health issues as with any residual Isopropyl.
151 isn't high enough in alcohol percentage to winterize. I believe you need at least 90 percent or higher, of course the higher the better.

most of us use Everclear 190 proof or 99 percent isopropyl alcohol.
They make you show ID when you have to sign for the package. Atleast from winechateau that's what happened with me. I'm of age so it wasn't a problem, but they wouldn't leave the package for me. I had to pick it up and show ID.
Also, I'm thinking he "perma-gooed" his batch by using the candle warmer as it got too hot. Yeah, he could also get a friend to sign.
I bought an ir thermometer gun...next batch im gonna blow onto pyrex and keep a hot bath at 130 and purge at that then take it off and let it sit over night to evap anything else then scrap it sound good?...since I was told candle warmer is too hot
butane needs help evaporating off, an over night set out next to a fan will work with iso or everclear not butane
Cant get it in washington and im 20

It is interesting that we live in a society where a person is mentally mature enough to vote and die, or be maimed for life for their country at age 18, but not mature enough to control their alcohol consumption.

The fish trap exists only because of the fish. The fish in this case is that they don't want a 20 year old drinking alcohol, so if you aren't going to fulfill their deepest fear by doing so, one might argue that you have fulfilled your end of the bargain.

If you are a medical patient, it might be worth discussing with your attorney, as I know 200 proof was readily available to me in the high school and college chemistry labs, long before I was even 18. We just had to log it out as we used it, to have an audit trail showing that it was consumed in our experiments, as opposed to us drinking it.

Interestingly, my group never abused that agreement, yet the drinkers from our school had been binging on illegal beer since before age 14, purchased by an adult.

Perhaps you can also find an adult to purchase the ethanol for you, and closely supervise your use, to insure that your safety is insured at all times and that any that is left over, is immediately safely secured from your access, until you are old and mature enough to be legally trusted with that responsibility yourself?
Lol ya drinking age is pretty fucking stupid im 20 work full time got an apt with my gf got 2 pets and we pay all our own bills I should be allowed to drink if I want.....but I actually dont really care for drinking last saturday me my gf and my neighbor and his gf all drank and played the board game life and card game bs lol I drink maybe 4 times a year max not because I cant get it but because I dont care for it