New Member
vacpurge I'm not sure I want to fess up. I fear ridicule from my peers. haha. In my defense, I had this dark honey messy goo, feeling quite proud of myself, when I realised I didn't have a clue how to handle this mess. Sooo....I remembered how we used to soak up hash/oil with dried tobacco to smoke, that got me thinking.....I made a mull of really nice bud, left it out to dry, heated up my oil &.......yep, soaked up the oil with my very fine & dry mix & it ended up looking just like the old 'gold stamp' brown putty hash. It has to be cured [heated] just like hash before it's able to be amalgamated into a mix. It's definitely my night-time medicine. One of my friends says it's too strong [good, good] Sorry I don't know how to post pics.
That's the 'sins' of my past, the error of my ways have been revealed for all to see. No excuses left....haha.
I'll have to get an appropriate thermometer, kitchen one okay? I noticed that the oil smelled like it was cooking when I put it on a bain-marie. Must be too hot.
Thanks for the advice.
haha yeah ive done something like that before too
I mixed 1 gram of oil with 1 gram of kief.... completely wasted the kief, AND the oil. neither one benefitted each other. I dont know how it worked but that mixture I made sucked,and didnt burn worth shit. I think the kief burnt first and made ash in the oil which made it not work as good or something, I Dont know. but yeah, I know what ya mean.
to post pics, upload them into, then copy and paste the forum link code.
not too sure what yu mean by a kitchen thermometer, I use a digital turkey probe and its given me good results, but a temp gun might be easier and quicker for you.
and not sure about the smell... even at 110F my whole house REEKS like oil. it doesnt smell burnt though.