Looking For BHO Advice

vacpurge I'm not sure I want to fess up. I fear ridicule from my peers. haha. In my defense, I had this dark honey messy goo, feeling quite proud of myself, when I realised I didn't have a clue how to handle this mess. Sooo....I remembered how we used to soak up hash/oil with dried tobacco to smoke, that got me thinking.....I made a mull of really nice bud, left it out to dry, heated up my oil &.......yep, soaked up the oil with my very fine & dry mix & it ended up looking just like the old 'gold stamp' brown putty hash. It has to be cured [heated] just like hash before it's able to be amalgamated into a mix. It's definitely my night-time medicine. One of my friends says it's too strong [good, good :) ] Sorry I don't know how to post pics.
That's the 'sins' of my past, the error of my ways have been revealed for all to see. No excuses left....haha.

I'll have to get an appropriate thermometer, kitchen one okay? I noticed that the oil smelled like it was cooking when I put it on a bain-marie. Must be too hot.

Thanks for the advice.

haha yeah ive done something like that before too

I mixed 1 gram of oil with 1 gram of kief.... completely wasted the kief, AND the oil. neither one benefitted each other. I dont know how it worked but that mixture I made sucked,and didnt burn worth shit. I think the kief burnt first and made ash in the oil which made it not work as good or something, I Dont know. but yeah, I know what ya mean.

to post pics, upload them into imageshack.us, then copy and paste the forum link code.

not too sure what yu mean by a kitchen thermometer, I use a digital turkey probe and its given me good results, but a temp gun might be easier and quicker for you.

and not sure about the smell... even at 110F my whole house REEKS like oil. it doesnt smell burnt though.
Not burned - cooking, but I didn't leave it on the heat long enough to see if it burned. I'll definitely give your method a go, I have a 'triple-batch' sitting there ready to go :)

Yeah I think I got the 'hash' just right because 1-the bud mix was very dry & fine & 2-there's a point where all the oil is absorbed & no longer sticky. Great between two hot knives.

Turkey thermometer would do. A kitchen thermometer is basically one that can handle high heat. Your turkey probe would work but I think I'll get one used for toffee making, they're not as big & easier to use -most clip onto pots.
you be cracking me up. its still in comb form :] i think the vac oil helps preserve it :p

i see it EVERrrrrrY day. sits right next to my best stash . i really cant get rid of it.. :arrow::roll:
you be cracking me up. its still in comb form :] i think the vac oil helps preserve it :p

i see it EVERrrrrrY day. sits right next to my best stash . i really cant get rid of it.. :arrow::roll:

lol you smoked pure plant waxes, and youre worried about vac oil!!!

winterize it and tell yourself that the winterizing removed all the plant waxes, AND the vac oil and that its now good to smoke ;)

or edibles ;)
lol you smoked pure plant waxes, and youre worried about vac oil!!!

shietttt, ill smoke those plant waxes time after time if i had nothing to smoke :p

but i got weeeed. ive thought about medibles... but .... just thought.. ..i think im gonna keep this around for another decade or so . :]
haha 50 grams, thats nuts. that stuff goes for 30-40$ a g around here... 1500-2000$ worth of oil there I could sell that for!!!
haha 50 grams, thats nuts. that stuff goes for 30-40$ a g around here... 1500-2000$ worth of oil there I could sell that for!!!

its got a nice glisten. i'll give it to ya for a mill. its got sentimental :dunce:.

ya. dude. to think about all that $$ burnt/jacked up...

im a guy that can say i dgaffff about a lot of things though :fire:

too many things dgaffing lately..
ditch the candle warmer and invest in a cheap heating pad from walmart or target. those only get to a temp that is still comfortable to touch (100 - 110) any higher of a temp isnt good. even then you need a vac chamber. Just pony up and spend the cash, its only your health were talking about here. I think your health is worth 150 - 300$. also look into removing lipids and fats. there are plenty of videos on youtube that explain that process, and if you want to go even further look into winterizing with ethanol alcohol. I regret not knowing about this five six years ago. Not knowing the proper way and all the butane ive smoked. SMH even then we still ingest butane when using lighters,
Ah your a genius & I'm ...well...not. Off-course. I've got a heat mat & it would be ideal for the purpose, why I never thought of it.....mumble...grumble.........
And it's easy to adjust the heat by simply raising the dish.

Yeah, the guys here have shown me the errors of my ways so I'm going to have to learn the different processes. I'll have to see if I can get a vac cheap [?]. Are there vacs built for purpose available at head shops? But to be honest, I'm more interested in improving quality. If well purified gas is used I doubt there's much to worry about, is there? I intend to make cookies with my hash. Proper hash cookies. The young guys here call anything edible with any kind of pot, usually hydro, 'hash cookies'. I'll show 'em.

Vacpurge, what do you guys mean when you put your oil on a nail to smoke?

On the positive side is I've got a lovely night smoke as it is, I swear it's just like hash. So as my skills improve so will, hopefully, my oil :)
Ah your a genius & I'm ...well...not. Off-course. I've got a heat mat & it would be ideal for the purpose, why I never thought of it.....mumble...grumble.........
And it's easy to adjust the heat by simply raising the dish.

Yeah, the guys here have shown me the errors of my ways so I'm going to have to learn the different processes. I'll have to see if I can get a vac cheap [?]. Are there vacs built for purpose available at head shops? But to be honest, I'm more interested in improving quality. If well purified gas is used I doubt there's much to worry about, is there? I intend to make cookies with my hash. Proper hash cookies. The young guys here call anything edible with any kind of pot, usually hydro, 'hash cookies'. I'll show 'em.

Vacpurge, what do you guys mean when you put your oil on a nail to smoke?

On the positive side is I've got a lovely night smoke as it is, I swear it's just like hash. So as my skills improve so will, hopefully, my oil :)

there is a guy on here that has a coupel for sale they are nice looking units i think he said like 50 to 80 not sure entirely on price but they were cheap and well build
ti domeless nail or ti castle however you want to call it is the best. you can look up DIY vac chambers where you could get everything and make it yourself for a decent rice. ebay sells them also
HF also gives you an option to buy a warranty, i did it was worth it, i think 25 bucks for 3 years
i just bought my HF 2.5 cfm vac for 99 bucks, plus another 30 or so for 2 years. lets say under 140..

well.. just the other night, i let my hose suck up a bunch of sand... ... fucked vac.. rather than take apart and clean, returned for a brand new one :] and they started my 2 yr warranty over again.. yups. yups.. sand in muhh va

p.s. i like this 2.5 cfm pump more over my amazon 3cfm pump.. less oil as well..
i just bought my HF 2.5 cfm vac for 99 bucks, plus another 30 or so for 2 years. lets say under 140..

well.. just the other night, i let my hose suck up a bunch of sand... ... fucked vac.. rather than take apart and clean, returned for a brand new one :] and they started my 2 yr warranty over again.. yups. yups.. sand in muhh va

p.s. i like this 2.5 cfm pump more over my amazon 3cfm pump.. less oil as well..
I live in HF, its awesome and they always have the best customer service. This weekend they are having a 3 day parking lot sale. I will probably dump a few bills there, HF is my Toys R Us. lol I spend more time on their website then this website.

my hf was having a 3 day parking lot sale as well.. heyy, in your HF area. is there a Burger king directly across? along with a home depot, and office depot????


jw .. maybe we live in the same small world..

i lovee harbor f btw.. we must loveee tools and tinkering as well..