Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc.

The best? Well that's a little subjective. I'd say Advanced Nutrients makes the best nutes but that's me. Basically it depends on what you get the best results using. Lots of stuff is better than Jack's.

Don't get me wrong, I like Jack's Classic. As far as cheap ways to do hydroponics go there's nothing better. If you're growing veggies or something like that, Jack's is a good way to go because the value of the crop doesn't easily justify a better (and more expensive) nutrient. But with MJ the improvement in yield and quality possible by simply using a better engineered nutrient is well worth the added cost.

Where did you get the info that AN is better engineered? For one, can you tell me where AN's supposed labs for research are?? There are none ...they use outside growers who they give their product to to supposedly guide them... These growers are to say the least quite a bit biased and little to no scientific data is obtained.

On the other hand Jacks has a huge research facility in PA that has been scientifically been creating and using data steadily for over 50 years!!! You need to read up and get your facts straight and not fall for the hype and lies of AN. We'll just wait a few months and Homebrewer will PROVE it is not what it claims to be.....

Where did you get the info that AN os better egineered? For one, can you tell me where AN's supposed labs for research are?? There are none ...they use outside growers who they give their product to to supposedly guide them... These growers are to say the least quite a bit biased and little to no scientific data is obtained.

On the other hand Jacks has a huge research facility in PA that has been scientifically been creating and using data steadily for over 50 years!!! You need to read up and get your facts straight and not fall for the hype and lies of AN. We'll just wait a few months and Homebrewer will PROVE it is not what it claims to be.....


PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING ADVANCED NUTRIENTS SUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS used advanced after using general hydroponics for years. advanced nutrients are almost the worst nutrients ever lol and they are sh!ty nutrients with the highest price. Advanced is below average not great. Please all you newbies out there do not get caught up in the AN hype that only they are spewing out of there mouths. Advanced builds itself up so new growers will go spend tons of money on shity nutes untill you learn or just try something else. after 12 years trying a lot I will stick with my Humboldt nutes and General Hydroponic Nutes for my feeding. :p Advanced nutes lmao
Dear God, what a thread.

If the OP is still listening, just go get a bottle of Floranova and be done with it. Seriously that's all you need, your weed will grow like weeds on that shit.
I like the passion in some of these posts..
IMHO most "newbs" me included, tend to go with what their buddy tells them is good. I'm not so sure everyone is stupid enough not to recognize all the ridiculous language used in AV advertising. I mean 2/3 of what you read is just made up by a marketing person. I know because I am a graphic designer and sometime I have to come up with some creative BS for packaging.

But that doesn't mean the product is complete crap and a sham. I've seen good results with it. People saying proof is in the pudding, I've had the AV pudding and it was damn tasty. I plan to just try different lines and decide for myself, I definitely plan to try dynagro, (i'm already using the protekt) as well as house and garden, I want to try all organic, I've never grown in coco but plan to try it... Bottom line for me is I was using straight tap water and miracle grow, AV has to be better than that right?
Would the DG experts mind telling me which products in the DG line you're using? The thing I like about some of the other brands is they make it easy to figure out at which points in the grow you use certain things.

Do you even need to use something like AVs bud ignitor? Do you need to use a product like AVs overdrive near the finish? Do you need a carb supplement? Does DG have anything in their line like beneficial microbes, fungi, etc? Or products like hygrozyme and senzisym?

What are you DG guys using and at what stages are you using them?

As much as I hate the obvious hype in the AV advertising they do make it much easier to read and figure out what each of their products is supposed to do on their web site. Dyna gros web site Reads like a technical manual for PC users.


Edit: actually I found their Grow chart and time table of when to use their products.. That should do.
certain products from A-N i like and some i dont but i only used some of there products..bud blood, big bud powder, overdrive, bud candy and carboload are good and i have had great success with but when using there base nutrient 3part formula my plants weren't to pretty looking..i still have some till this day, it's just been sitting there for 2years or so...i like G-H and Bonticare products especially there Organicare line
i just finished a cycle where i ran the AN expert feeding schedual its like 17 different bottles of crap and cost me almost 600 bones. I wanted to try it and see if there claims of a 32% increase in yeild was even kinda close....... it wasn't, weird huh. but there ideas on what to feed do make a lot of sence, I will not be using the base line again, but will use a few of there supplament like; bud candy, bud ignigtor and big bud. the rest of there suplaments will be made up for by useing EWC tea. And yes i will return to DG for the base nutes.
Would the DG experts mind telling me which products in the DG line you're using? The thing I like about some of the other brands is they make it easy to figure out at which points in the grow you use certain things.

Do you even need to use something like AVs bud ignitor? Do you need to use a product like AVs overdrive near the finish? Do you need a carb supplement? Does DG have anything in their line like beneficial microbes, fungi, etc? Or products like hygrozyme and senzisym?

What are you DG guys using and at what stages are you using them?

As much as I hate the obvious hype in the AV advertising they do make it much easier to read and figure out what each of their products is supposed to do on their web site. Dyna gros web site Reads like a technical manual for PC users.


Edit: actually I found their Grow chart and time table of when to use their products.. That should do.

Dynagro KLN
Foliage Pro
Mag Pro

Where did you get the info that AN is better engineered?

I wasn't referring specifically to AN when I used that term, but it is definitely better engineered than MG. Lots of nutrients are.

For one, can you tell me where AN's supposed labs for research are?? There are none ...they use outside growers who they give their product to to supposedly guide them... These growers are to say the least quite a bit biased and little to no scientific data is obtained.

From what I've read they have a facility in Bulgaria, perhaps others I don't know. I've heard they also do testing like you describe but I don't have any reason to believe that's the only testing they do. I don't really see why you would believe that unless you have some inside knowledge the rest of us don't have access to. Do you?

On the other hand Jacks has a huge research facility in PA that has been scientifically been creating and using data steadily for over 50 years!!!

Growing what and under what conditions? I would bet the vast majority of their testing is outdoor in soil. Jacks is fine, don't get me wrong. It's just geared to veggies and flowers. Sure, plants are plants but if you've done much gardening you know that tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers and so on all have decidedly different requirements. I'm not a fan of one-size-fits-all solutions.

We'll just wait a few months and Homebrewer will PROVE it is not what it claims to be.....

You complain about these alleged AN "test growers" being biased but you think Homebrewer is going to prove something? Be serious, he has more anti-AN bias than any other sane grower I know. (To be clear, I'm saying he's sane - the guys that hate AN more than him come across as hard-core nutjobs.) The point is he's setting out to prove that he's right about AN. If that's not bias I don't know what is.

Science is proposing a hypothesis and then testing to see whether it's right or not - not deciding what you want to be true before you start the test. People have the tendency to find what they're looking for regardless of whether it actually exists.
I wasn't referring specifically to AN when I used that term, but it is definitely better engineered than MG. Lots of nutrients are.

From what I've read they have a facility in Bulgaria, perhaps others I don't know. I've heard they also do testing like you describe but I don't have any reason to believe that's the only testing they do. I don't really see why you would believe that unless you have some inside knowledge the rest of us don't have access to. Do you?

Growing what and under what conditions? I would bet the vast majority of their testing is outdoor in soil. Jacks is fine, don't get me wrong. It's just geared to veggies and flowers. Sure, plants are plants but if you've done much gardening you know that tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers and so on all have decidedly different requirements. I'm not a fan of one-size-fits-all solutions.

You complain about these alleged AN "test growers" being biased but you think Homebrewer is going to prove something? Be serious, he has more anti-AN bias than any other sane grower I know. (To be clear, I'm saying he's sane - the guys that hate AN more than him come across as hard-core nutjobs.) The point is he's setting out to prove that he's right about AN. If that's not bias I don't know what is.

Science is proposing a hypothesis and then testing to see whether it's right or not - not deciding what you want to be true before you start the test. People have the tendency to find what they're looking for regardless of whether it actually exists.

Well if you would have the time I would like to refer you to Homebrewer's GH vs DG comparison grow where he set out to prove that the GH he had been running for 10 years was superior to the Dynagro... That was his goal...but wow...it came out exactly the opposite of what he set out to prove and instead the Dynagro whooped the GH in every aspect the first time he ever used DG after having dialed in GH for 10 years!! He reported exactly what he found, openly admitted he was wrong and happily dropped GH in favor of DG! That combined with the fact that he has always kept his word with me and documents almost emphatically has earned my trust and has proven his intelligence and skills as well as his integrity.

So you say since they aren't pot plants then the research is futile at best? May I ask you what type of plant is cannabis? Is it not the same genre as tomatoes? (seem you would know this given your username) Now humans have nutritional needs correct? Does the race of the person change the nutritional requirements? Look it is up to you to spend your money and grow with anything you want. But AN sources their elements from the least expensive source available...mostly industrial manufacturing byproducts...hence the need to use so many different containers as these source elements are dirty and antagonistic to each other, which they love so they can sell you more bottles. Jack's and Dynagro source from some of the cleanest and expensive sources available. This information is not just privy to myself but to anyone who does the research and studies the analysis reports and industry newsletters to see this. Am I now going to list you a bunch of links...no... I do not believe it would matter one bit to you nor do I want to do the work for you. But I know AN is definitely inferior to Jack's and it is not opinion but fact. So I suggest you do research before you judge others, their intentions, and their knowledge my friend.

I wasn't referring specifically to AN when I used that term, but it is definitely better engineered than MG. Lots of nutrients are.

From what I've read they have a facility in Bulgaria, perhaps others I don't know. I've heard they also do testing like you describe but I don't have any reason to believe that's the only testing they do. I don't really see why you would believe that unless you have some inside knowledge the rest of us don't have access to. Do you?

Growing what and under what conditions? I would bet the vast majority of their testing is outdoor in soil. Jacks is fine, don't get me wrong. It's just geared to veggies and flowers. Sure, plants are plants but if you've done much gardening you know that tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers and so on all have decidedly different requirements. I'm not a fan of one-size-fits-all solutions.

You complain about these alleged AN "test growers" being biased but you think Homebrewer is going to prove something? Be serious, he has more anti-AN bias than any other sane grower I know. (To be clear, I'm saying he's sane - the guys that hate AN more than him come across as hard-core nutjobs.) The point is he's setting out to prove that he's right about AN. If that's not bias I don't know what is.

Science is proposing a hypothesis and then testing to see whether it's right or not - not deciding what you want to be true before you start the test. People have the tendency to find what they're looking for regardless of whether it actually exists.

And where did you get Jack's is one size fits all...you need to research before you speak...a list of some of their products:
Jack’s FeEDs
® ™
fertilizers. They feature our most advanced chelating system and
boosted levels of micronutrients to fit the specific needs of today's
crops. Each product contains increased levels of iron, derived from
three chelate sources (EDDHA, EDTA and DTPA) to keep it available over
a wide range of pH values. They also contain magnesium, low
ammonium, and no urea nitrogen.
Mums are heavy feeders that respond well to additional magnesium, sulfur
and iron. Many times though, the iron becomes unavailable as the pH rises.
The elevated iron levels found in the exclusive FeED iron chelate system
keeps the iron available to the plant even if the pH rises during the crop
cycle. The additional 2% nitrogen in this formula reduces your fertilizer
usage by approximately 10%, making this product not only nutritionally
effective, but cost effective as well.
22-5-16 Mum FeED
Product #77740
This product is specially formulated for those chronically iron-hungry crops
such as petunia, calibrachoa, bacopa and others. It contains double the iron
of peat-lite formulations, derived from three chelate sources to keep it
available over a broad range of growing medium pH values. It contains 60%
nitrate nitrogen, magnesium and no urea. The low phosphorus level helps
prevent excessive elongation. It is not recommended for use on geraniums
or other iron sensitive crops.
20-3-19 Petunia FeED
Plus Magnesium
Product #77770
This product is designed to fit the needs of the newer poinsettia cultivars
that need the micronutrients, but a lesser amount of macronutrients. It
contains 50% more micronutrients than a typical poinsettia peat-lite
formula, yet it provides less boron. The iron is derived from three chelate
sources to keep it available over a wide range of growing medium pH values.
It provides 1 ppm of molybdenum for each 200 ppm of nitrogen and
contains additional magnesium and high nitrate nitrogen levels.
17-5-19 Poinsettia FeED
Plus Magnesium
Product #77760
Designed specifically for pansy production in late summer and early fall. A
nitrate/ammonium nitrogen system is more efficient in warmer weather
than a traditional high nitrate pansy fertilizer. The result s a potentially
acidic product that will lower media pH over time. This product also
contains J.R. Peters exclusive FeED iron chelate system plus additional
magnesium and boron which is necessary to produce a consistent, high
quality crop. At 17% nitrogen content, you also use less product to achieve
your desired rates than the
17-3-19 Fall Pansy FeED
Product #77730
This product features all of the benefits of 17-5-19 Poinsettia FeED but also
supplies calcium.
15-4-15 Poinsettia FeED
Product #77750
Specifically designed for spring pansy production, it can also be used for
vinca, salvia and other iron-inefficient spring plants. We took our traditional
15-2-20 Pansy, Salvia Vinca product and incorporated the exclusive J.R.
Peters FeED iron chelate system.
15-2-20 Spring Pansy FeED
NEW! Product #77720
Jack’s Professional
Product Descriptions, Page 1 of 6 The LX™ system utilizes proven acidifying solutions to keep N, P, K, Ca
Jack’s LX
and Mg in concentrated form together! All formulations in this
enhanced line of fertilizers are fully mixable to tailor customized blends
for individual growers and water supplies. The LX™ system provides a
peat-lite micronutrient package that is balanced throughout the
product line. This ensures a consistent micronutrient level is supplied
when products are tank-mixed.
This is the ideal fertilizer for moderate to high alkalinity waters. It is
formulated with over 60% nitrate nitrogen and a peat-lite level of
micronutrients. It can be tank-mixed with 15-5-15 and other Jack’s LX
21-5-20 All-Purpose
Product # 77990
This is an ideal fertilizer for poinsettia production with moderate to high
alkalinity waters. The peat-lite level of micronutrients is adjusted to provide
higher zinc and molybdenum and lower boron with over 60% nitrate
nitrogen. It can be tank-mixed with other Jack’s LX
20-5-19 Poinsettia
Product # 77590
The Jack’s LX™ blend for growers desiring a 4-1-4 ratio for pure water. This
formulation will not cause pH crash in media. Calcium is supplied at 3% with
magnesium at 1.5% to add what pure water does not supply.
17-4-17 Pure Water
Product # 77560
This product is designed for plug production with high alkalinity waters.
Plug growers generally prefer low phosphorus and high nitrate levels for
plug production but many have trouble keeping their growing medium pH
under control when using traditional plug formulas. This product is
formulated with 75% nitrate nitrogen and a low phosphorus content to
promote compact, sturdy plugs and 3% calcium and 1.5% magnesium, yet it
is potentially acidic.
16-2-15 Plug Formula
for High Alkalinity Water
Product # 77600
This is a truly comprehensive fertilizer with all the macro and micronutrients
in one tank. It contains 4% calcium and 2% magnesium, making it an ideal
choice for waters low in those nutrients. It is formulated with 80% nitrate
nitrogen and a peat-lite level of micronutrients. It can be tank-mixed with
15-5-15 Ca-Mg
Product # 77940
21-5-20 and other Jack’s LX
15-0-0 Cal-Trate This product can be tank-mixed with other Jack’s LX
formulas to supply
additional calcium and nitrogen. Unlike regular calcium nitrate, it contains
Product # 77470 the LX
micronutrient package. At 100 ppm nitrogen it supplies 120 ppm of
This is an ideal product for growers who want a non-phosphorus, high
nitrate product but need additional magnesium. It is formulated with 82%
nitrate nitrogen, 5% calcium, 2% magnesium and the LX
15-0-14 Dark Weather
Plus Magnesium
level of
Product # 77270 micronutrients. It can be tank- mixed with other Jack’s LX
This product is formulated with 75% nitrate nitrogen and elevated
potassium levels for strong stems. It can be tank-mixed with other Jack’s
14-5-38 K-Trate
Product # 77950
formulas to produce customized N-P-K blends.
This is an ideal fertilizer for plug production with 6% calcium and 3%
magnesium. It is formulated with 94% nitrate nitrogen and a low
phosphorus content to promote compact, sturdy plugs. It can be tankmixed with other Jack’s LX
13-2-13 Plug
Product # 77490
Magnesium is supplied at 9% in this micronutrient-enhanced fertilizer.
Nitrogen is supplied as nitrates. Mag-Trate is fully mixable in concentrate
with all fertilizer blends made by JR Peters, Inc.
10-0-0 Mag-Trate
Product # 77420
Jack’s Professional
Product Descriptions, Page 2 of 6 Premier grade fertilizers formulated with highest quality components
Jack’s Professional
and manufacturing controls. Bob Peters has improved his special blend
Water Soluble
of growth enhancing “goodies” that are included in every batch of the
Jack’s Professional brand.
High efficiency formula designed to maximize your NPK delivery while
keeping a balance of macro secondary and micronutrients for optimum
plant growth. Best as a continuous feed for heavy feeding plants in
moderate to warm temperatures. Micronutrients levels are comparable to
Peat-Lite formulas. Can be used as a nutrient booster for great green-up for
almost all varieties.
25-5-15 High Performance
Product # 77990
27-15-12 Foliar Feed
Product # 77521
This is the fertilizer to use for foliar feeding of ornamentals, vegetables and
fruits. The high urea content and micronutrients promote green-up and
foliar expansion. Can be used in conjunction with normal media fertilization
or alone. Addition of a surfactant enhances activity.
24-8-16 Tropical Foliage
Product # 77930
A great choice for plants grown in warm conditions. The 3:1:2 ratio is
considered ideal for tropical foliage plant production and is useful in
interiorscapes. Its high potential acidity is helpful in controlling media pH
when moderate to high alkalinity irrigation waters are used.
21-7-7 Acid
Product # 77130
This is an ideal fertilizer for acid-loving plants in the nursery and landscape.
Provides a rapid correction of a high pH situation. Unlike other brands,
Jack’s 21-7-7 Acid contains no harmful chlorides.
20-20-20 GP
Product # 77010
The general-purpose industry standard, 20-20-20 is great for maintaining
plants in garden center and growing facilities. It provides fast green-up and
great foliar expansion due to the high percentage of ammonium and urea
nitrogen plus balanced phosphorus and potassium for excellent root and
shoot growth.
20-10-20 GP
Product # 77840
One of the most popular formulations, 20-10-20 GP has the traditional
micronutrient levels needed for general production including propagation
and all types of bedding plants. High nitrate nitrogen levels (60% of the
total) provides for green foliage and more compact growth.
20-10-20 Peat-Lite
Product # 77860
The most popular formulation, 20-10-20 Peat-Lite has approximately twice
the level of micronutrients as the GP formulation. The additional level of
micronutrients provides necessary elements absent from most commercially
made peat-lite potting media.
20-0-20 Hi Cal Peat-Lite
Product # 77660
A high calcium (6%), low-phosphorus formulation that is neutral in reaction.
The additional level of micronutrients provides necessary elements absent
from most commercially made peat-lite potting media. Helps to control
plant stretch. Excellent for use in warm environments.
17-5-24 Low Acid Peat-Lite
Product # 77430
High nitrate nitrogen, low potential acidity fertilizer. Enhanced magnesium
and sulfur levels can reduce the need for Epsom salts. Good for use when
cool, dark growing conditions are prevalent and no additional calcium is
required. The additional level of micronutrients provides necessary
elements absent from most commercially made peat-lite potting media.
16-4-12 Easter Lily
Product # 77100
The 4:1:3 ratio is ideal for lily production. The potential basicity of this
formulation helps to maintain media pH values over 6.0 for leaf scorch
reduction. It controls stretch while promoting strong growth and longlasting blooms.
15-30-15 Hi Phosphate
Product # 77080
The 1:2:1 ratio of this formulation promotes flowering and root growth. It
can be used as plants enter the flowering stage to increase bud set and bud
count and to improve flower color and size. It is also useful as a plant starter
indoors or outdoors. It helps with transplant shock. This fertilizer has the
traditional micronutrient levels found in general purpose formulations.
Jack’s Professional
Product Descriptions, Page 3 of 6 An excellent choice for finishing poinsettias grown in soil containing mixes.
It is formulated with additional molybdenum and traditional levels of
micronutrients. The 3:4:5 ratio and high nitrate nitrogen content has been
shown to produce strong stems and bright bracts.
15-20-25 Poinsettia Finisher
Product # 77050
Similar to 20-20-20 but with over 60% nitrate nitrogen, boosted
micronutrient levels and much less acidic reaction in the root media! The
balanced N-P-K ratio is excellent for producing fast-growing plants or for
maintaining plants in a sales environment.
15-16-17 Peat-Lite
Product # 77220
An ideal fertilizer for geraniums and other neutral pH loving plants. The high
phosphorus content promotes strong root growth and bud set and is great
for pink hydrangeas. The high nitrate nitrogen content (56%) and the
general-purpose level of micronutrients help minimize nutritional toxicities
on geraniums.
15-15-15 Geranium
Product # 77020
The nitrogen to potash ratio (1:2) is excellent for use as a finisher. It is great
for pot mum production and for other crops with high potassium
requirements, such as greenhouse tomatoes. The additional level of
micronutrients provides necessary elements absent from most commercially
made peat-lite potting media.
15-11-29 Peat-Lite
Product # 77230
The nitrogen to potash ratio (1:2) is excellent for pot mum production and
for other crops with high potassium requirements. This fertilizer has the
traditional micronutrient levels found in general purpose formulations.
15-10-30 Pot Mum
Product # 77110
15-5-25 Poinsettia Peat-Lite This fertilizer contains more than 70% nitrate nitrogen and has a
micronutrient package adjusted for poinsettias (lower boron and increased
magnesium, zinc and molybdenum.) An ideal choice for low alkalinity
waters when the feed program is supplemented with calcium-containing
Product # 77790
The traditional high-calcium fertilizer (11%) for growers who need to
supplement their fertilizer programs with calcium. Alternate with 20-10-20
Peat-Lite or use as a “finisher” for flowering plants like poinsettias. This
formula has the traditional micronutrient levels needed for general
15-0-15 Dark Weather
Product # 77190
Dark Weather Peat-Lite has approximately twice the level of micronutrients
as our traditional formulation. The additional level of micronutrients
provides necessary elements absent from most commercially made peat-lite
potting media.
15-0-15 Dark Weather
Product # 77180
Use this high phosphorus formulation during periods of bud set to increase
number and size of blossoms. Resume use of traditional production
fertilizers for the remainder of growing cycle to avoid internode stretch.
Great for vegetable production.
10-30-20 Blossom Booster
Product # 77160
Initial use of 9-45-15 when transplanting into cells or beds supplies the highphosphorus ratio designed to boost root growth prior to shoots. Can also be
used to correct or supplement low phosphorus situations, especially in
outdoor production.
9-45-15 Plant Starter
Product # 77140
5-12-26 Hydroponic THE fertilizer to use for hydroponic plant production. It is easily modified to
fit specific crop needs and individual water qualities. Supplies magnesium
Product # 77251 and sulfur with 100% nitrate nitrogen.
Jack’s Professional
Product Descriptions, Page 4 of 6 This product is used to supplement calcium (18%) and nitrate nitrogen with
no micronutrients added. It can be used to raise media pH and to reduce
ammonium, sodium and high micronutrient levels. This “greenhouse grade”
material can be used for foliar sprays to supplement calcium levels in tissue.
15.5-0-0 Calcium Nitrate
Product # 77260
This product is used to supplement potassium and nitrate nitrogen with no
micronutrients added. It can be used to raise media pH and combat
micronutrient toxicities. Can be used alone or as a component of custom
fertilizer programs.
13-0-44 Potassium Nitrate
Product # 77241
A full package of micronutrients required for greenhouse and nursery
production. Fully soluble and mixable with fertilizers not containing
MOST – Mix of Soluble
Product # 77391
A revolutionary No Boron Mix of Soluble Traces for locations naturally high
in boron. A
MOST – No Boron
MUST for poinsettia production in those areas!!!
Product # 77392
This chelated micronutrient package is designed for incorporation into the
liquid feed program of growers who mix their own fertilizers. It is
completely soluble and contains a colored dye.
Chelated Trace Element Mix
Product # 77480
Used as a fertilizer supplement for poinsettias and many vegetable crops. It
can be incorporated into the liquid feed program or used as a foliar spray.
Ammonium Molybdate
12 x 1 lb. case
Product # 77743
Designed specifically for very low alkalinity waters such as RO, rain or
distilled waters. This is a low phosphorus formula containing all essential
nutrients. A pH adjuster is recommended (sold separately) to keep the
finished solution near the preferred pH of 6.5.
12-3-15 Orchid –RO Type
Product #77640
For average water types. This low phosphorus formula has added calcium
and magnesium, and the neutral formula will not raise or lower media pH.
16-4-20 Orchid Well Water
Product # 77650
Designed for the price-conscious grower, Jack’s Special™ Fertilizers are
Jack’s Special
made from highest quality ingredients with the care you have come to
expect from the original makers of the blue stuff!
Similar to 20-20-20, this slightly higher nitrogen formulation provides quick
green-up and excellent maintenance for flowerbeds and plants in garden
22-18-18 General Purpose
Product # 77580
This 59% nitrate nitrogen formulation has a 2-1-2 balance widely used by
growers of all types of flowering and vegetable plants.
21-8-18 Peat-Lite
Product # 77440
Designed for low phosphorus feed programs, this fertilizer contains 50%
nitrate and 50% ammoniacal nitrogen with elevated micronutrient levels.
21-2-18 Low Phosphorus
Product # 77530
The balanced N-P-K ratio is excellent for producing fast-growing plants or for
maintaining plants in a sales environment. This product combines high
nitrate nitrogen and elevated micronutrient levels.
17-15-17 Peat-Lite
Product # 77540
An ideal fertilizer for finishing and toning bedding plants, potted plants and
cut flowers. It combines high potassium and nitrate nitrogen (60%) with the
traditional micronutrient levels needed for general production.
17-5-26 Finisher
Product # 77500
Combines 81% nitrate nitrogen, 4% calcium and 2% magnesium with
relatively low potential basicity. Excellent for low phosphorus feed
programs and plug production.
17-0-17 4Ca 2Mg
Product # 77510
Jack’s Professional
Product Descriptions, Page 5 of 6 Used as a dark weather type feed where growers desire low
ammonium/urea nitrogen, this formulation also supplies some magnesium
to help maintain foliar color.
16-0-17 –10Ca .05Mg
Product # 77460
Combines 83% nitrate nitrogen, 5% calcium and 2% magnesium. Excellent
for low phosphorus feed programs and plug production. Combats effects of
high sodium in irrigation water when used in conjunction with an
acidification program.
15-0-14 5Ca 2Mg PL
Product # 77450
An excellent choice for plug production. This fertilizer combines 94% nitrate
nitrogen with 6% calcium and 3% magnesium. Combats effects of high
sodium in irrigation water when used in conjunction with an acidification
13-2-13 6Ca 3Mg Plug PL
Product # 77550
This product is designed for growers who mix their own growing media
Jack’s Professional
and prefer a granular nutrient charge. It contains all the essential
Dry Nutrient Charge
major, secondary and micronutrients (in immediate and slow-release
forms). The only other ingredients the grower may wish to add are
limestone or gypsum.
This product is designed to get plants off to a good start, but is most
effective when a liquid feed with the appropriate Jack’s Professional
10-5-10 Media Mix Plus III
fertilizer is initiated immediately after planting. Incorporate at the rate of 2
lbs. per cubic yard of mix for most growing situations. Available with or
without wetting agent. Do not sterilize media after incorporating any
fertilizer product.
Product # 77370
Packaged in 50 lb. bags.
Custom formulations are also available!

Well I sure hope you have learned something friend.....

You complain about these alleged AN "test growers" being biased but you think Homebrewer is going to prove something? Be serious, he has more anti-AN bias than any other sane grower I know. (To be clear, I'm saying he's sane - the guys that hate AN more than him come across as hard-core nutjobs.) The point is he's setting out to prove that he's right about AN. If that's not bias I don't know what is.

Science is proposing a hypothesis and then testing to see whether it's right or not - not deciding what you want to be true before you start the test. People have the tendency to find what they're looking for regardless of whether it actually exists.
Lets put this in perspective. You have no grow journals nor do you post pics of your plants. Do you even grow? You're more than welcome to follow my Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 grow) journal and call me out when you think I'm posting incorrect information, but you better be prepared to back up your statements with facts and pictures. I'll be waiting for you.

EDIT: You know what, how about you post a DynaGro journal and conduct your own comparison. If you're in fact a grower with any amount of experience, you and I will come to the same conclusions.
The NPK ratio of this fertilizer is 3-1-2 for veg nutes and 1-4-2 for bloom. These ratios are indeed well suited to growing MJ. The veg, bloom, silicon and mag would be all you would need for a good grow.

Contrary to what the advertising hype would have you believe, any well balanced fertilizer blend with micro nutrients will grow good plants. Names like Super Sasquach Scat or Composted Coyote Cum or fancy logos are not necessary for great growth. Other good products of good value are General Hydroponics Maxi Bloom for the complete grow or Jacks water soluble ferts.

Finally some good advice!! thanks!!

I skipped the majority of this thread just because there was so much going back and forth. But I think the most important thing to look for is the NPK rating. If you are using nutrients that are truly "water soluble", then they should all break up into their separate ions once they are in the water. That is the main difference between organic nutes and water soluble nutes. And why many organic nutes are not suitable for hydroponic systems. Many organic nutes need time to brake down in the soil in order for the plants to absorb them into the roots.
Originally Posted by sxgrower
Dear God, what a thread.
If the OP is still listening, just go get a bottle of Floranova and be done with it. Seriously that's all you need, your weed will grow like weeds on that shit.

Yeah really!

Here's the OP
" Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc...
Nearly got my set-up complete, so I've been searching for what nutrients to buy, and as expected there's vast differences of opinions on what's best for them - cost and effect wise, and along with that there's normally a long lists of combinations that they've been experimenting with. I don't mind paying a little extra as long as it's worth it, but as a beginner I would prefer to keep it simple and develop an understanding as I go."

And in response he gets this kind of stuff:

" create a ratio of Mg/Ca/N, Mag half of Calcium and Calcium almost equal to Nitrogen (.8 to 1).
Using Sweet (Mg 1.5% , S 2.0%) and Cal-Mag (N 2%, Ca 3.2%, Mg 1.2%, Fe .1%), mixing these together at 1 part Sweet to 2 parts Cal-Mag gets me to a solution that is N 4%, Ca 6.2%, Mg 2.7%, S 2.0%, Fe .1%."

"Dude you just think you know it all when it is obvious you dont....so go on and preach all you want...but god is dead...and you did not assume the position...well not that one anyways
"High nitrate nitrogen, low potential acidity fertilizer. Enhanced magnesium
and sulfur levels can reduce the need for Epsom salts. Good for use when
cool, dark growing conditions are prevalent and no additional calcium "

WTF???? This is supposed to help?

I read through this thread because I had the same question that as tick tock. I have a few successful closet grows under my belt and knew just enough about nutrients to get decent results. But it's about 5 years since I did my last grow (with Flora Nova) so I thought I would catch up a bit.

Now , thanks to all the experts in this thread strutting their knowledge and pissing on each others heads I have no fucking idea which way is up!

I know some of you guys really know a lot. I respect your expertise and usually I am grateful that you are willing to share it, but following this thread is like trying to drink from a fire hose!

I don't know what Tick Tock's reaction to all this was but I am going to buy a bottle of Miracle Grow and forget I ever read this thread .
@ zvuv and
I'm on the advanced nutrient "bandwagon" so to speak. I started growing in soil in 2003 with Bio Bizz brand nutrients as my first grow, i just got what they had locally and jumped in. For this grow i investigated then I restarted with the Advanced nutrients sensi 2 part last year in DWC, I agree i jumped onto Advanced nutrients after researching the web. i didn't know a whole helluva lot about nutrients and i seemed to a least learn more words on the adv nute site. :lol:. The grow went ok I had my ups and downs maybe because of the nutes maybe because of me (smoking and measuring out nutes), anyway now I'm doing the 3 part system from advanced nutrients. (grow,Mirco, Bloom) and the supplements Voodoo juice, B-52, Big Bud & Bud Candy. I've not tried another nute other than BioBizz and that was a soil grow so I can only tell you that with Advanced Nutrients I'm not confused on what to add and when. i use their online calculator for the most part but i stick to only these nutrients and supplements. You can check out the issues i went through in the first grow (use the signature link) and now with the 3 part system i seem to be doing ok seeing as i just germinated on April 3rd and I had 1 week of no light. :( due to a blown house fuse caused by an old HiD transformer or igniter.

Anyway people say AN is expensive, but i personally priced AN next to another mentioned often here and the price difference was nominal and depended largely on which supplement you used. Base nute pricing was about the same.

I don't have any enemies on RIU & homebrewer is my bud, so anyone feeling like shooting at me for stating the facts as i see if can KMA.
I do not have half the experience as some of my bud's whom have commented here. And i have a huge amount of respect for my buds, those that know me know I'm speaking the truth. But I've grown and learned and had this to share!

@ zvuv and
... I agree i jumped onto Advanced nutrients after researching the web. i didn't know a whole helluva lot about nutrients and i seemed to a least learn more words on the adv nute site.
I don't have any enemies on RIU & homebrewer is my bud, so anyone feeling like shooting at me for stating the facts as i see if can KMA...

I didn't mean to single anyone out. And the quotes were just examples. It was a group thing. One or two comments along that line would have been no big deal but it never came back to earth.

I read the whole thread as attentively as I could and by the end of it, my head was swimming. I have a tech background and I am used to details and numbers but I felt like I was drowning here.

Facts are important. But theres a time for more facts and a time for fewer. If a small child asks how a car runs do you swamp him with the details of timing advance, fuel types, injectors vs carburetors, limited slip differentials? Would that be the right time to start an animated discussion with your buddies about programming custom PALs (or whatever kind of chip they use to hold the control program these days)?

At some point I might become a Nutes Nut and be very glad that there are people here who know all the intricacies of nutrient interactions etc. But thats an investment of time. Right now I am starting a grow, there's lots of other things to do. I need to make a choice that will give decent results, thats all. I ordered a qt of Flora Nova Veg and one of Flora Nova Bloom. It's what I used previously and I got lots of great dope. :)
Well if you would have the time I would like to refer you to Homebrewer's GH vs DG comparison grow where he set out to prove that the GH he had been running for 10 years was superior to the Dynagro... That was his goal...but wow...it came out exactly the opposite of what he set out to prove and instead the Dynagro whooped the GH in every aspect the first time he ever used DG after having dialed in GH for 10 years!! He reported exactly what he found, openly admitted he was wrong and happily dropped GH in favor of DG! That combined with the fact that he has always kept his word with me and documents almost emphatically has earned my trust and has proven his intelligence and skills as well as his integrity.

Intelligence, skills, and integrity are not in question here. Conducting an experiment with a bias has the potential to alter results. It may not always do so, but because it can cause that to happen no such results can rationally be considered accurate.

So in one example an experiment's results came out the opposite of the bias. So? That doesn't mean it was accurate, it simply means that the bias didn't push the results far enough to change the winner. Maybe the results were perfectly accurate. Maybe they weren't. The point is that we don't know.

Bias skews results. Sometimes very little or not at all. Sometimes a lot. It's that very unpredictability that makes bias so dangerous to science.

So you say since they aren't pot plants then the research is futile at best? May I ask you what type of plant is cannabis? Is it not the same genre as tomatoes?

Actually it's closer to hops than tomatoes, but tomatoes are significantly more common and have enough in common from a requirement standpoint (pH, nutrition, etc) that they make a good comparison. You can walk into a garden store, talk about tomatoes, and not raise a lot of eyebrows. But cannabis is actually more closely related to hops. Not that it matters.

Now humans have nutritional needs correct? Does the race of the person change the nutritional requirements?

No, but the different races of humans, when compared to the different strains of cannabis, are effectively identical. There is profoundly more diversity in cannabis than humanity.

And there is a measurable difference in the nutritional requirement between male and female humans. Furthermore, any study into the potential differences in nutritional requirements between human races would be considered racist. I'm not aware of any research done in that field, but if a difference were found it would be considered by racists to be proof of inequality in the races, and therefore denounced as being a product of racial bias.

It's important for our own harmony as a race for us to consider all people of all races to be equal in every way. Anything that proves different is quickly labeled racist or stereotyping and thrown out.

So I'm aware of no variation in nutritional requirements between the races of people, but whether or not a difference exists is unknown to me.

AN sources their elements from the least expensive source available...mostly industrial manufacturing byproducts...hence the need to use so many different containers as these source elements are dirty and antagonistic to each other, which they love so they can sell you more bottles.

That's the opposite of what I've heard, and I'm skeptical such evidence actually exists.

But I know AN is definitely inferior to Jack's and it is not opinion but fact. So I suggest you do research before you judge others, their intentions, and their knowledge my friend.

If two people both "know" something, and their knowledge directly contradicts each other, then they can't both be right.

But as a rule someone who states their beliefs are facts doesn't hold a lot of credibility with me. It's nothing personal, but I strongly believe that there are very few true "facts" known by anyone. Every time a human perceives anything we color that observation by our perspective. To actually "know" anything is rare.

And where did you get Jack's is one size fits all...you need to research before you speak...a list of some of their products:

(annoying long list)

Well I sure hope you have learned something friend.....

Generally when people speak of Jack's in this application they're referring to Jack's Classic 20-20-20.

Lets put this in perspective. You have no grow journals nor do you post pics of your plants.

That's correct. I don't have the ability to know what the future holds. I don't know what the laws will be like in 10, 20 or 30 years. I don't know what kind of computer forensics will exist then. I cannot be certain that it will be impossible in the future for a law enforcement agency to go through archives and use the data there to connect pictures with my real world identity.

And if the only price I have to pay for erring on the "better safe than sorry" side is the occasional ad hominem attack, it's well worth it in my eyes.

Do you even grow?


EDIT: You know what, how about you post a DynaGro journal and conduct your own comparison. If you're in fact a grower with any amount of experience, you and I will come to the same conclusions.

My experiences tell me the reverse is true.

Besides, if my comparison were to come out as I expect it to my own argument concerning bias would simply be turned on me. Until someone conducts a blind comparison study where the growers don't know which nutrients are which, the growers themselves will always be able to consciously or sub-consciously influence the results.