Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

According to your left is Doctrine you shouldn't be talkin to me like this because black lives matter remember
I speak to human beings and you ain't much of one, judging by your posts, you're not black, if you were you'd be either crazy like that black lunatic at all the Trump rallies, or your an idiot.

Nope you are a triggered racist who knows he is losing the struggle for the soul of the nation, things is a change'n Cletus, election day is about 140 or so days away. Since Donald and the GOP are crashing in the polls you cockroaches have been crawling out of the woodwork.
I'm a ex military I respect the office not the MAN I'm not a Hitler youth I swore an oath to protect this country as all soldiers do I went in during the Bush era its crazy when President comes to your base it's a honor trust me....American people need to realise that Congress holds the power not the President they come and go we have people that have been on Congress for 30+ years still the same problems
oh no! you have destroyed my faith in democracy and institutions. i will no longer vote