Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

GW lol that's a funny racket ....well rioters cured the covid outbreak I guess the virus knows the difference between people at a trump rally and people protesting its a smart virus
GW lol that's a funny racket ....well rioters cured the covid outbreak I guess the virus knows the difference between people at a trump rally and people protesting its a smart virus
I’m sure the dispensary owners they looted would love this thread. Virus watches CNN and they tell it where to go
Yeah we'll take you to jail if you go to work but you're okay to burn and loot in protest..... fucked up part about that is I work on government contracts so I'm essential I have to go to work.... everybody's job is essential to them they're fucking joke
What do you mean by the 'media'? Do you mean actual news media? Because you are not correct, they accurately report what his administration say and he gets upset and calls it 'fake news', which unfortunantly is often correct because Trump expects his 'officials' to lie to the American people through their interviews on the news.

On the other hand...

Well in answer to the OP's statement, the best cure for ignorance is knowledge and the great part is you can get it with a laugh these days.
Leaked Excerpts From Bolton's Book Detail Trump's Pattern Of Corruption And Obstruction

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton took notes while President Trump used American foreign policy to pursue outrageously corrupt deals with dictators and other foreign leaders.
Who is a pedophile cam you prove it I mean it is a crime

Here is your Hero btw. I am not sure if your spelling is off because you're trying to do that or you just don't understand Plain Engrish. GET IT !!

This is what you asked for, Now answer Bucks Question, Why do you support a Pedophile and and Racist ?

Please Explain We need to hear why someone supports this DEVIL... Ya need to read what Bolton say's about Trump, maybe that will change your mind, but by the way your talking here nothing will. Your resorting to Name Calling shows your immaturity Two Wrongs don't make a Righty does it?
Hmmm so Trump colluded with Russia but the US government with all their agencies could find no evidence of him colluding with Russia but you call him stupid apparently he has to be one of the smartest people on the planet you can't defend your own argument

Could I ask if you're one of these people or did you read the reports ?

Because these are Your People....... Bigly and Sadly
I don’t disagree with the fact that trump can be a piece of shit. But he has done awesome shit the media won’t even say. And the constant attack on him is unreal. So they spread the lies. He scared the deep state cause he is exposing how it all works.
Deep state!
