Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

By the way since you're a leftist ask yourself how many Republicans had slaves since you want to be a proud Democrat

You do Realize that the Republican's and the Democrat's changed Positions and now it is the Republican's that are what the Democrat's used to be. The Racist one's. if it were the same as back in those day's we would be Republican's today and not the Racist one's that used to call themselves Democrats.
I vote we publicly hang the cop with no trial. And make the ones who stood there and watch cut the rope
A trial is necessary otherwise we're back to 1933 again.

It still blows my mind nobody did anything about it - in the vid you even hear some ppl saying "he's going to kill him" (or something similar) which gives proofs of a true realization of what did happen back then... this person now carries a small part of the guilt of a murder as well.

Someone should have taken an assault rifle to an elevated level and opened fire at the perpetrators. That would've send a message to these criminald cops "we're watching you".

And the point is NOT to exert revenge. It's to save the lives (of the innocent).
America is the reason you don't speak German or a lamp shade

The Russians would've defeated the Nazi army even without the US for their tactic of retreat was successful, and the Wehrmacht faced immense losses in the East. The US actually realized this and jumped into the war to simply prevent the Russians being able to take hold of Central Europe.
That's one of the the reasons why the US "came in late".

That's why the Russians are so bitter against the US because the Russians were the ones with the most losses (we nearly killed 30% of their total population) yet they weren't compensated that much (in regard to the other factions).

And it is well known that Hitler was supported by American capitalists before 1933.
Who will be on top after Covid? All three dont look good but Russia and China's influence is and will be far stronger than it was. Every terrorist group in the universe also took note of how badly America reacts to a Virus. Imagine a strong man made one. Trumps redneck fk wits would all be infecting each other and everyone else saying its their freedom to kill every Murican and its a just the flue.
indeed - the Corona-crisis has clearly shown which society can really cope with restrictions & limitations.
China, Japan, most-EU members - their people do what their leaders say is necessary. THEY CAN OBEY. And this gives strength in the long run.
Actually India is only in a bad position because they have that many poor people that simply cannot afford to stay at home. But they will develop. Once they get their infrastructure up their economical numbers will shoot through the roof just like China currently does demonstrate. I still remember how China was 40 years ago - who would've thought....
Ever heard of the Berlin Wall dumbass. The U.S. and USSR made a deal kinda, and I said kinda. The U.S. got West Germany, and Russia got East Germany. Ever heard of East and West Berlin.

The wall is torn down though now, because the people on the USSR side (East Berlin), were unhappy as fuck and raised hell. Now Germany is fully democratic. School is good, lol. The west wins again, lol.
The solution to split Germany came much later, after the full territorial conquest. Actually there were even US plans to turn Germany into a "stone-age country." The Russians almost did that with the DDR - their fault exploiting the Eastern EU states, keeping them artificially poor ("good" trade partners then LOL - at least, the Americans knwo how to make money and value trade...)

The Unification was the based on the "Völkerrecht" and largely dealt out by Helmut Kohl & Michael Gorbatschow - the Russians made it possible. Not protests in the DDR lol. Actually there were quite some protests AGAINST it in the DDR...
I thought that was all 'the Soviet Union'.

Wasn't that the Trump troll, that he was the 'strongest' against "Russia", pretending that since Russia was Soviet Union until the 90's and then rebuilding for a while everything seemed a lot better.

Until Putin decided to attack our nations democracies.
look at the shit thats happened because of Gadaafi and Saddam being gone, look at the shit fight that is Afghanistan.
and these are reasons why ISIL & ISIS could actually form --> here in Europe everyone is sick and tired that the US (and their proxies) destabilize whole countries (for simple economic reasons -.-) and then others have to clean THEIR SHIT up (like the Turks now have to do, and us as well...)

Although the French/GB were no better in that regard.

You know what's funny? The US critic of the german G4 proposal "because we didn't join the war in Iraq" --> our constition PROHIBITS the army to join in on any war! At least, at that point in time all that was allowed was to defend our own territory.

But sure - "Pre-emptive strikes" - "War on Terror" - where are Saddam's chemical weapons of mass destruction? That Iraqi guy that gave "proof" of these weapons was a lier - and the US & Brits KNEW it - the German BND officially warned both countries multiple times.

Which renders the Iraq war a war of aggression ("Oil").

What exactly is the reason the US don't recognize the International Criminal Court? Although play "world-police" whenever they feel like doing so...? (Drone-strikes = War of Cowardice)
and these are reasons why ISIL & ISIS could actually form --> here in Europe everyone is sick and tired that the US (and their proxies) destabilize whole countries (for simple economic reasons -.-) and then others have to clean THEIR SHIT up (like the Turks now have to do, and us as well...)

Although the French/GB were no better in that regard.

You know what's funny? The US critic of the german G4 proposal "because we didn't join the war in Iraq" --> our constition PROHIBITS the army to join in on any war! At least, at that point in time all that was allowed was to defend our own territory.

But sure - "Pre-emptive strikes" - "War on Terror" - where are Saddam's chemical weapons of mass destruction? That Iraqi guy that gave "proof" of these weapons was a lier - and the US & Brits KNEW it - the German BND officially warned both countries multiple times.

Which renders the Iraq war a war of aggression ("Oil").

What exactly is the reason the US don't recognize the International Criminal Court? Although play "world-police" whenever they feel like doing so...? (Drone-strikes = War of Cowardice)
Too funny to try to troll that America gets blamed for destabilizing the world by European countries.
A trial is necessary otherwise we're back to 1933 again.

It still blows my mind nobody did anything about it - in the vid you even hear some ppl saying "he's going to kill him" (or something similar) which gives proofs of a true realization of what did happen back then... this person now carries a small part of the guilt of a murder as well.

Someone should have taken an assault rifle to an elevated level and opened fire at the perpetrators. That would've send a message to these criminald cops "we're watching you".

And the point is NOT to exert revenge. It's to save the lives (of the innocent).
What’s the trial for? Floyd get one?
Too funny to try to troll that America gets blamed for destabilizing the world by European countries.
that's an old hat... when we were still sailing the seas... something seems missing though LOL

why don't you post an actual map? perhaps illustrating what your Saudi-proxies are currently doing? and the amount of weapon deals...? Trump even made a show out of it:
and these guys still fight HOLY WARS, and do other shit.

u cool with that?
What’s the trial for? Floyd get one?
Why should an innocent & victimized person be brought before a criminal court?

To my eyes Chauvin is guilty of first degree murder & abuse of power and a bunch of other stuff. Execute or lifelong, I'd be fine with both. But both would cost the people money. Better exert the right of self-defense and put such lowlifes outta the game swiftly. You get my drift, do you?
I get it but I disagree with it. You have to make an example out of this fool who abused his powers. To prevent others from trying the same thing again and again and again and again well you get it.

My point about Floyd not getting a trial is that cop didn’t follow the procedure. He didn’t let Floyd go to trial for his crimes. So why do we have to? To be the better person? Squash him like a bug with no trial. We all saw it. We all saw people tell him he was dying. He did it anyway in front of a crowd to show who is boss. Now we publicly hang him and leave him till he rots through the noose.
Too funny to try to troll that America gets blamed for destabilizing the world by European countries.
Cmon, everybody knows America uses the destabilizing of countries to its own end. Its what super powers have always done but with the modern world its so much easier and the damage is so much greater.
You cannot deny it doesnt happen, look at Vietnam. America joins in to support a hated gov that the majority of its own people doesnt want. Budhest monks were setting themselves on fire in protest of but nope the US supported a despot. Iraq.. like its just what is done.
If only you could use ur super power for good and not for evil....Like Super man!

Trying not to US bash here but fk me the Trump supporters are so ignorant that they need a slap upside the head and their version of history and what the US is is just backward.

I posted this on the aussie thread last night:
Some Septic tanks are not real sharp eh? Its always the ones that say "The world should thank America.." Like, Ive never said to a Pom or a Frenchie.. "Mate, you should thank me..". "u could of been speaking German, twice"
What the fk is wrong with some of them? Like, were you personally there? My dad and uncles faught in Vietnam, do you want their ph number to thank them?"
Can see why Trump and Bush and Co get voted in, the stupid just love them. "