Lowryder and autoflowering strains.....


New Member
I had a couple questions before i go ahead and buy autoflowering seeds.

Most sites that sell autoflowering seeds have them marked at like $70 USD for 10 seeds. Does autoflowering bud grow better in soil or hydro? [I have a hydro system] Does the lighting really matter or will it still yield between 30-50g no matter what? Ive heard of different lowryder strains like ak-47 and skunk#1 crossed with lowryder to make autoflowering ak or skunk is this true? And if i get 10 seeds what if there all female how do i get more without buying seeds after seeds after seeds? Is autoflowering bud easier than regular strains to manage?? Need help ....asap any advice will be wisely taken into consideration and put to good use thanks ahead of time...


Well-Known Member
lighting always matters if you wanna get the most out of your grow. i have the original lowryders but everything i've heard is that the #2 lowryders are more potent. also it depends on if you want indica or sativa. I've noticed that more and more strains of lowryders are appearing on the net such as deisel ryder and blueberry. they are all small strains so take your pick.


Well-Known Member
I have Lowryder 2 and pollinated the lower portion so I don't have to buy more seeds. Also, I saved some pollen in the freezer for my next grow. If you pollinate the lower buds you will still have a nice sinsemilla main cola. I don't think it matters what you grow it in - they are both pretty fast. Light does matter. Seems best to grow with CFL until they get some decent size then switch to HPS. I think I added the HPS too soon and ended up with a short plant that was all bud. CFL only grows tend to have taller plants with fluffy buds, so I surmise that my short bud packed plants could have benefitted from leaving them under CFL's for longer(maybe the first 5 weeks or so). The LR-AK47 sounds like it will produce better yield and be more potent. I would have gotten that if it were available. LR2 are pretty small. I'm guessing my yield will be 1/2 ounce for my single plant. Expect to get about 50/50 male to female ratio which sucks. I started with 5 and got only 1 female. Most other people are getting 50/50, so don't worry about getting all females.
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Well-Known Member
what does auto flowering mean??

autoflowering means that you can keep the same light schedule the whole grow, be it 20l/4d or 18l/6d or whatever.. it is genetically programmed in the plant for it to flower on its own without any light change...

and for the cat that asked about buying seed after seed, if you get feminized, cut clones before the flowering starts...


New Member
thanks to all that posted. I ordered LR2 seeds from Dr.chronic's and will be getting them shortly. I also just purchased a 400 watt hps so no need for cfl, it will be getting 55,000 lumens from birth! 50/50 isnt bad. i just didnt want to keep buying seeds....and please tell me how in the hell you only pollinated selected parts of your plant lol......thats gott to be some intrigueing info right there! and another question if yall could answer it, A friend of mine told me to use heavy weight with this strain and i can produce as much as 2oz a plant or more...what are your guys thoughts on heavy weight ??


New Member
i have a couple pics from the one bagseed plant i potted that actually flowered in like 2 and a half months of growing....which i think looks like lowryder to me. but tell me what you guys think oh and btw i just stuck this seed in a pot and let it grow outside no nutes or ne thing!


Well-Known Member
and please tell me how in the hell you only pollinated selected parts of your plant lol.

you have to bust open one of the male pollen sacs (FAR AWAY FROM THE FEMALE) and rub it on a q-tip and then knock up whichever budsite you want... wear gloves and be sterile as shit as you dont want to "slip up" and make more babies than you need...


New Member
so take me step by step...plz. and have you heard of heavyweight? it needs to be alittle mores spesific then q-tip, pod, sac of pollen .....


Well-Known Member
Grow the male separate once he is identified. For Lowryder at around 1 month you will begin to see some sacs open up. Clip them and others that look like they are opening and shake them in a jar. Take Q-tip or hobby paint brush and dust the lower bud pistols with it. Store the jar with the pollen in the freezer. Do it again in another week when new pistols show up. Leave the main cola alone. you can clip it off when it is ripe to smoke, but let the seed buds mature for another 3-4 weeks.


New Member
Ok so when I germinate the seeds throw them in the rockwool, then they sprout, a month later they will show sex..? then when 1 of them shows male, take him out and go open his seed sacks [stupid question but how to open seed sacks with scissors?] shake them in a jar till i see pollen ? then take q-tip and spread rub it in jar get pollen on it and then rub it on the females lower white hairs or pistals? and with this only that one section will give me seeds? the main cola when it has amber hairs i pick but can leave the bottome ones that carry seeds alone for another 3-4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
when the trichs on the main cola turn ripe (depending on what high you want) you can pluck it and the seeded buds should take longer to mature because it puts a lot of energy into seed making


New Member
ok so i can pick the sacs off the male shake them into a jar and then when in ready take a q-tip and sterily apply it to the selected females lower budsite. after this is done then i can let it grow until main cola is ready to be plucked..? but i take the rest of the pollen before i pick the main cola and apply it to her budsite one more time and then let that bottom part grow for another 4 weeks? am i on the right track?


Well-Known Member
You have to wait until the male sacs are ripe and just about ready to open. You will know what to look for when a few start to open and release pollen. Just take the ones that look the same color and any freshly opened ones and put them in the jar. you will not get any pollen from them if you pic them too soon. I just keep harvesting pollen until I am satisfied and use a small paint brush to dust it on the buds I want to grow seeds. I just harvested my pollinated lowryder and I have a shitload of seeds. Way more than I thought I would get. I chose to not pollinate the main cola and it was harvested 3 weeks ago and is curing. The rest grew just fine after chopping her off. It took only 85 days from germination (about 53 days from pollination)to get mature seeds with Lowryder 2 in soil. I won't know how many seeds I got until the buds have dried in another 5 days or so.
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New Member
nice how do the seeds look? healthy? i think this is going to be a good strain for me .... plus with the new light im getting [400w hps] it will boost my buds and the fact that im in hydro with hydroton and GH nutes...will hopefully get me near an ounce per plant...btw how much did you yield per plant?


Well-Known Member
I plucked about 30 seeds today which is maybe half of what is left in the drying buds. I estimate that I got about 1/2 -3/4 ounce when dried from one plant. I think I can do better next time by increasing the nutrients and keeping them under CFL's for longer so they stretch. I made the mistake of putting the HPS on too soon and only giving them 1/4 or less strength nutes.