Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

nice big update for u guys, and comparisons to my last grow, i havent found a dead leaf in almost a week.. and the yellowing has seemed to of stopped completed, crystals coming in beautifuly, and a lot more whiter pistils then red now hha so weird! she looks gorgeous , and to think she still has at least 3 weeks left!!!!!!!



cheers :)
ah okay , the lights make sense now, as for watering how do u feed? on the top soil? or through the roots. and if it shows def. when u water with JUST water, its prob a little under nuted. not a big deal but thats mostly the reason i feel. idk wat to tell you. do you let the soil dry out in between waterings? like completely dry so the plant feels like nothing. it should weigh like 2 pounds or something when fully dry. also a bigger container for sure... u need more width then you do height ( when it comes to pots / growbags )

I feed through the soil, asnd yea i think i have to start feeding her at nearly full strength.
I do let the soil dry out b4 i feed again, it is usalyy bone dry after 24-48 hrs.
It had to be jus a little heat stress b/c i continued to move the lights back and she perked right up 2LL.jpg
yea shes looking better, it could be heat, but if ur other plants are fine i dont think so. maybe the strain just the strain ? not sure. keep us posted we can try to help! try givin her more nutes next time around , and lay back on the plain water for just a little bit till she feels good. just dont go over board with nutes.. that will really suck!
DAY 105 Total Days - DAY 42 Flowering

56 Hours no water, avg day temps are with open door 77F-82F - 50%H-60%H , Night temps are 67F-72F - 40%H-50%H ( I DONT KNOW HOW TO REMOVE HUMIDITY... )

we have a little mold issue again boys.... a real piss off but gotta deal with it - removed top soil were visible mold was as gentle as possible, replaced with new soil ( i dont have any of the promix left ) so i covered with some organic stuff thats very light and good for small plants so it should be okay ) :) ps. it is only on the soil, no buds or roots or plant just like last time the top soil only.. i hope this does the trick!!! after i removed the mold spots, i also spun the top soil a bit to break up any furthur growth .. then replaced with soil on top ( about half an inch worth all around )

my little quick fix for the mold / humidity was put a fan by the now open door, but i can only do this up till the 27th due to living conditions - so i need to figure out a long term fix - plus my door will have to close during the days then aswell , so hopefully that wont be a problem . here are some pics please some comments and suggestions guys!!!

ninja - just when we think everythings good something always comes outta nowhere!

day temps/humidity with open door AND fan AND ice are 76F-79F & 47%H

enjoy ! and help please!
good on ya brother :) get her outta that container A$AP ;) pictures up in aorund 13 hours!

Luigi, sorry for the intrusion but quick question, would you repot during flowering?

P.S. You did about all you could for the mold, scrape off and retop, I've done this with no ill effects as well with veggies. You're still rockin right along!
Easy, first two weeks of flower maybe. Youll stress them a bit but i bet its worth it. After four weeks from switch i wouldnt. No science on that, just a feeling.

luigi, dont worry so much about humidity, youve got a water bath in there. If your worried about it take it out for a night and see if they like it. You just hit em hard with water right? Run off? Stayed in there? Put a couple of toy cars, or some lego, or a set of tongs under her so she doesnt soak back up all the water in the tray and keep going. Good fix so far. Botritis bad, mouldy dirt, not so bad.

Watch for signs of PM if the RH stays high (white round dots on leaves that look like powdered sugar circles) but if you arent seeing any dont worry about it. Shes going to swell right away ;)
Powdery mildew. You get it from having too high of a relitive humidity. Its a mould or fungus or some shit that grows when things are too damp. He doesnt have alot of leaves so it shouldnt be a problem but if theres not good circulation and high RH its somthing to watch for. Luigi youve probly got more of a chance to get it on your outdoor plants. Letter rip ya muther fucker, crank it up eh? Shes poised to crank it up. Letter rolllllllll !!! :):):)
All I can say is "Right On" Let r' rip muthfucka's!!! :) lol dunno what happened... I was just feeling it... sorry for the language Mr. Moderator. :) lmaorotff!!
Im watchin a hockey movie and halifax is winnin. I get right randy when the pucks goin in the net. Especially when the good guys get a hat trick :hump:
easy , yea i wouldnt repot this far, theres only like 3 weeks left to flower, and ninja

i watered her but never let her sit in the water, althought when i water some goes in to the tray and she drink from both her roots and top soil!! i guess just a little less water next time?? but ill also have to change the nutes again -_- LOL !

next watering ill get some rocks to put under neath her or something!!! and no nothing on the leaves or bud - jusit on the top soil like before.

fans been kicking ass all night , and ive taken the water out .. i think it changes lke 3% H .. and raises temps like 2 degrees! so we need to do some brainstorming cause i only got a few days left!! and ill be watering tomorrow morning!

and i know the reasons is because my fans are not as powerful as when i first got them... theyve been running non stop for the past like 7-8 months!!!! ( pc fans ) .... i was also thinking of making some new holes but who knows that will have to wait to this grow is over!! any ideas shout them at me!

also another reason is that it is SPRING over here, i started my first grow in october, and have been going since then ( over the fall / winter ) ! so the temp and humidity could be from that aswell. will have pictures in around 3-4 hours :)
lights just turned on, night temps arent much different from day with that fan running and door open - 77F & 45%H if i could keep these temps n humidity with the door closed and no fan id be golden!
alright boys, got my quick fix hopefully till the END OF FLOWER - keeping window room open will drop local room humidity :) and temps ofcoursee!!!! :D , will be doing starting tomorrow night ( i will have to remove the big fan, and close the door, but hopefulyl all will be well ) ps. she looks fantastic guys, no reooccuring mold - even today after my watering in the morning!!!!

buds are looking fucking RIDICULOUS!! also dense as hell, and still 21 days left!!!!!!! i cut the shark down i believe on day 65 of flowering, but the veg was 49 days
and barely any nutes! this grow i vegged for 63 days :) and will be flowering appx the same amount of time!!!!! also i used alot of nutes, at first apparently too much, and then under nuted almost the whole grow but still gaver !! and now finaly got the track right in the last 20 days! :)

this one plant will yeild almost as much as both of the other ones i believe... if not more but lets pray!!!! it is ridonculous i cant stress. the fan im guessing is helping lots , i cannot wait to see it in a week or 2 !!!!!

DAY 107 total - DAY 44 flowering

ps. ninja i havent plucked one leaf since u had told me not to... and the funny thing is , i have not needed to... not one leaf has died or yellow..and for a fact the yellow actually partially corrected itself and is now light green... so my plant is completely healthy!!!! i need to figure out the micro nutes at the veg stage tho!!! that will be key to no def. and 0 dead / yellow leaves.. i know its possible ... i know it is!!!

enjoy boys !!!
Looking healthy, still amazed you have that much bud under only 4 CFLs. You are giving me hope :D

21 days is going to fly. When do we start taking bets on how much weight???

Keep going back and looking at those sexy pics, should be some potent bud IMO.
ninja ill inbox u, we can skype today .. im home! and sadface haha thanks dude, i think alot has to do with the LSTing aswel... i dont think anyone would get half as much as i have with no sniping or anything!! ill be taking bets whenever ;)
DAY 109 total, DAY 46 flowering :) all is going well, keeping that fan on drys up the soil 24 hours quicker , so ill be watering tomorrow again!! shes looking fantastic , another 18 days or so folks :) maybe more!!!!! we wil see!

ps. door is back on and big fan is put away

more pictures up tomorrow !!!! and will have a detailed comparison of days to my previous grow :)
i also got my crystal scope back from my buddy, so will be checking the trichomes tomorrow afternoon aswell and give ya'll that update !!

untill then , enjoy :D

^ mold free :)