Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

hell ya buddy!!

DAY 110 total - DAY 47 flowering

trichomes are pretty cloudy a random amber one every now and then , still a couple that are clear as well tho :) just watered today

1.4L water w/ 1/2 tsp. cal mag , 1/3tsp. bloom

super duper healthy from what i see, hopefully the mold stays away without that fan running and a fresh watering, i have my window open in my room to , to keep air circulating as best as possible :)

its got lots of crystals but i think the shark beat it on that one, and the shark i believe had fluffier buds, these ones are dense and and little more compact, but i also believe im yeilding way more, cause of some diff techniques. i think if i had another go at the shark i would double the yeild or close to it!! :)

heres some comparisons of previous grow - great white shark day 47 of flowering!!!!

enjoy :)
It's been a while Luiji, how've you been buddy?
Glad to see that your grow is doing so well!
And with CFL's? I gotta say, I'm impressed!
geat dude! good to see you back, and yea buddy!!! second time around with cfls - they are amazing and super cost effecient! running about 3-4$ a month in electricty ( NOTHING )
Ok so, i hate to be the guy that calls it after he sees it but. I think if you had a couple more days of veg and a better minora from the start you could have hit double the shark. I still thinkvthat you have some more hardening time and she will keep on bulking for a while, especially the last couple days. You have nice cola formation. The last grow didnt. They were kinda intermitant. This one seems to have nicer joint formation. We can only hope that they start a charge soon and join the gym ;) if your lucky enough to get some sativa traits out of her there could be some more development. If not, they still look like sugar coated frosted cereal. Drop me a pm. :):):)
cheers boys more photos up in an hour or so!!! ninja i know dude, and i agree this ones buds look alot more filled up !! :) im on skype right now , HIT ME UP?!?!
total days 112 , flowering days 49 ( tomorrow the 8th week will begin )

56 hours no water! notice more hairs changing to orange colour, also more and more crystals every single day!!!

The way this girl is growing makes you wanna take the finished buds (when done) and let some lower growth develop....prolly wouldn't yield much more but this thing keeps sprouting bud spots it looks like!! Nice end in sight I do believe!
ive never thought about that although ive seen it done with outdoors!!! maybe ill look in to it!!! we will see :)
Why not, worth a go. Just watchem to see if they go too amber. Daaamn though! Shes getting thick. Keeeeep going mini plant!!! Its like looking into a map of stars in there. Theres tops everywhere. :):):):)

  • Yea i suggest you turn off the light until you see they have sprout, it's kind of a waste of energy.​




Hey that guy lol, when you reply it goes to the end of the thread so unfortunatly you cant post in at the begining. Hit last page to see what the newest post in the thread is and you will be replying to that one. Cheers have fun RIUing. :):):)
aah thanks ninja!!

DAY 113 - DAY 50 flowering!!!!!!!

better and better by the day!! were counting on hopefully 16 more days - but prob gunna be at least 3 more weeks or so

Man I agree with Ninja, she looks better every time I see an update of her!!! She looks pretty crystaly to me too :) Good stuff...
thanks boys and i got some more pics for u here!!! i dont think ill be able to do another grow over the summer, the humidity is gettin pretty ridiculous over here, i manage to keep the temps 84 and 79 at night, but humidity is fuckey!

anyways shes looking great, trichomes are geting more and more cloudy , i found a few like clear amber ones pretty coool. also the hairs are alot more orange this morning i notice about 50/50 now :)


WATERED 1.5L w. 3/4 tsp. cal , 1/2tsp. bloom , ps. i have been watering with nutes 3/4s of the flowering ( havent had a watering with JUST water ) everything seems to be great, but ill be doing my flush after the next watering :) and then hopefully everything will be good for june 15th , or the 22nd :)

cheers boys :D