Well-Known Member
He was watering the lawn. He was moving his hand back and forth with the nozzle to evenly spread the water. Just like the 911 caller explained (not about the water but moving his hand back and forth). Other neighbors knew him and knew what he was doing at the time. There is more to this story than the police are telling. Of course.
Got a link to the 911 call? I couldn't find anything about the attachment being attached to a hose... if that is the case then the cops need to be charged with murder.
As per the Long Beach Post:
The nozzle was not attached to a hose, and Zerby had been waving it in the direction of an adjacent residence and had squeezed the trigger before pointing it in the direction of police officers who took cover in the home of the 911 caller, Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell said.
I don't know... if you can find something that says the hose WAS attached, please do, but if it wasn't attached and the above quote is true... the police had every right to shoot and kill this man.