Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

He was watering the lawn. He was moving his hand back and forth with the nozzle to evenly spread the water. Just like the 911 caller explained (not about the water but moving his hand back and forth). Other neighbors knew him and knew what he was doing at the time. There is more to this story than the police are telling. Of course.

Got a link to the 911 call? I couldn't find anything about the attachment being attached to a hose... if that is the case then the cops need to be charged with murder.

As per the Long Beach Post:

The nozzle was not attached to a hose, and Zerby had been waving it in the direction of an adjacent residence and had squeezed the trigger before pointing it in the direction of police officers who took cover in the home of the 911 caller, Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell said.

I don't know... if you can find something that says the hose WAS attached, please do, but if it wasn't attached and the above quote is true... the police had every right to shoot and kill this man.
Got a link to the 911 call? I couldn't find anything about the attachment being attached to a hose... if that is the case then the cops need to be charged with murder.

it's in the video I posted. :)

Oops, no it isn't. Here it is.

it's in the video I posted. :)

Oops, no it isn't. Here it is.


Sorry, all it says is that he is waving something that looks like a gun, it didn't say there was water coming out of it and if in fact that was the case, the neighbor would not have called in the first place because it'd been obvious it was a water hose.

So, I stick with my original guess, and the more likely one going by all the news stories... there was no hose, it was a hose attachment that looked like a pistol, he was drunk and waving it around before cops showed up, then when they did show up he aimed it at them.

We do stupid shit when we're drunk, this guy found out the hard way that quite often that stupid shit can get you killed.

Now I feel sorry for the cops who have to go through a ton of BS just to back up the fact that they felt legitimately threatened...
Sorry, all it says is that he is waving something that looks like a gun, it didn't say there was water coming out of it and if in fact that was the case, the neighbor would not have called in the first place because it'd been obvious it was a water hose.

So, I stick with my original guess, and the more likely one going by all the news stories... there was no hose, it was a hose attachment that looked like a pistol, he was drunk and waving it around before cops showed up, then when they did show up he aimed it at them.

We do stupid shit when we're drunk, this guy found out the hard way that quite often that stupid shit can get you killed.

Now I feel sorry for the cops who have to go through a ton of BS just to back up the fact that they felt legitimately threatened...

He was watering the lawn. He was moving his hand back and forth with the nozzle to evenly spread the water. Just like the 911 caller explained (not about the water but moving his hand back and forth). Other neighbors knew him and knew what he was doing at the time. There is more to this story than the police are telling. Of course.

I believe I covered that.
I believe I covered that.

So where exactly did you come up with the story of watering the lawn? Did you just assume that because he was moving his hand back and forth that meant he was watering?

Moving his hand back and forth as said on the call proves nothing except that he was moving back and forth an object which looked like a pistol, the caller didn't state he saw water, nor a hose.

There was no hose, there was no water... he was not watering a lawn, he was drunk, and probably thinking the hose nozzle looked like a gun so he, in his drunken state, went and waved it around and had a bit a fun.

Then died for it, because... it looked like a pistol, had no water, had no attached hose, and was being "moved back and forth", and "waved", then ultimately "aimed" at officers.

Drunk and dumb was what killed him, not trigger happy cops.
Sorry, all it says is that he is waving something that looks like a gun, it didn't say there was water coming out of it and if in fact that was the case, the neighbor would not have called in the first place because it'd been obvious it was a water hose.

So, I stick with my original guess, and the more likely one going by all the news stories... there was no hose, it was a hose attachment that looked like a pistol, he was drunk and waving it around before cops showed up, then when they did show up he aimed it at them.

We do stupid shit when we're drunk, this guy found out the hard way that quite often that stupid shit can get you killed.

Now I feel sorry for the cops who have to go through a ton of BS just to back up the fact that they felt legitimately threatened...

I hope you burn in hell. So even if they had a right 2 shotgun and 6 pistol shots is considered mjustice to you?

Your just as sickening
I hope you burn in hell. So even if they had a right 2 shotgun and 6 pistol shots is considered mjustice to you?

Your just as sickening

Sorry pal, when someone aims what damn well looks like a gun, and what you think is a gun (because the call was 'Man with Gun') at you... you use whatever force you have available to stop the threat.

And I'm not sick... I'm simply logical.
Got a link to the 911 call? I couldn't find anything about the attachment being attached to a hose... if that is the case then the cops need to be charged with murder.

As per the Long Beach Post:

I don't know... if you can find something that says the hose WAS attached, please do, but if it wasn't attached and the above quote is true... the police had every right to shoot and kill this man.

so according to you, anytime that you have something in your hands that a cop thinks maybe a gun, you deserve to be shot 8 times for it?? lets see what else looks like a gun, hmm, a bowl that one would smoke pot out of could look like a gun from a distance to some.. so, your out in your front yard, smoking a bowl, holding it at a shooting like way, the way one would do to smoke out of it, and a cop comes along, he has every right to shot you 8 times without ever saying a word to you?? i'd hate to live near you if that is the case..
and exactly what was the cop protecting his life from?? you have never heard of non lethal weapons, or shootting to only disarm a subject without the use of deadly force?? they easily could have shot him in the hand, and dude would have dropped the deadly weapon of a sprinkler head or hose attachment, or whatever one would like to call it, and then they could have simply arrested the man for, what was it again, being in possession with intent to squirt,that's right.. where was the need to shoot 8 times? i don't see it..
Damn it. Now I have to track down the story where the neighbors said he was watering the lawn. :: sigh ::


I tried man, I could find nothing... I guess the best thing would be crime scene photo's but of course those wont be available without a FOIA request after any and all court proceedings... I just really don't believe he was watering the lawn, because even then the cops would've seen a hose, and water coming out of the nozzle and KNOWN it was not a weapon... I don't believe the cops went there with the intent to kill, although many on this forum believe such things, and so that is how I came to my conclusion.

That, and the fact that as a kid, I too used to play with water hose nozzles as a weapon... so logically it worked.

I tried man, I could find nothing... I guess the best thing would be crime scene photo's but of course those wont be available without a FOIA request after any and all court proceedings... I just really don't believe he was watering the lawn, because even then the cops would've seen a hose, and water coming out of the nozzle and KNOWN it was not a weapon... I don't believe the cops went there with the intent to kill, although many on this forum believe such things, and so that is how I came to my conclusion.

That, and the fact that as a kid, I too used to play with water hose nozzles as a weapon... so logically it worked.

so as a kid, you should have been shot dead for your choice of a toy?? that is just ludicrous to me..
so according to you, anytime that you have something in your hands that a cop thinks maybe a gun, you deserve to be shot 8 times for it?? lets see what else looks like a gun, hmm, a bowl that one would smoke pot out of could look like a gun from a distance to some.. so, your out in your front yard, smoking a bowl, holding it at a shooting like way, the way one would do to smoke out of it, and a cop comes along, he has every right to shot you 8 times without ever saying a word to you?? i'd hate to live near you if that is the case..
and exactly what was the cop protecting his life from?? you have never heard of non lethal weapons, or shotting to only disarm a subject without the use of deadly force?? they easily could have shot him in the hand, and dude would have dropped the deadly weapon of a sprinkler head or hose attachment, or whatever one would like to call it, and then they could have simply arrested the man for, what was it again, being in possession with intent to squirt,that's right.. where was the need to shot 8 times? i don't see it..

First off, a bowl in the "toking" position looks nothing like a pistol at the ready to fire position, see example A:

Unless you have a REALLY long pipe, you will not succeed in getting a sufficient hit off of a pipe in this position. :clap:

Secondly, these cops were protecting their life from the drunken man holding a water hose attachment that looks more like a gun than anything object I've heard about where the suspect was in fact NOT holding a gun.

Thirdly, when being drawn upon by a suspect with a weapon, there is no "non-lethal" options... it is SHOOT TO KILL. There is no time to "hope" you make a good non-lethal shot to the hand, because the cops don't know when the suspect will pull the trigger... so action must be taken immediately.

Finally, the need to shoot 8 times was the need to make sure the target was down and could not recover his weapon, being drunk... I am sure the suspect moved a bit on the ground after being shot the first few times, and therefore to make sure he cannot grab again for his weapon, he would need to be dispatched with additional shots.
so as a kid, you should have been shot dead for your choice of a toy?? that is just ludicrous to me..

In 3rd person point of view, as a kid... if I had aimed it at a cop, I would have expected to be shot.

Unfortunately racerboy, this is not the good, wholesome 40s and 50s... when cops weren't expected to get shot at every traffic stop... nowadays, with so many people willing to shoot a cop just because he/she IS a cop, the mindset and tactics have to be adapted to the mindset of the civilians they come in contact with. And in Long Beach, those civilians are some of the worst in the country.

This man was an adult playing with something that looked exactly like a pistol, then aimed it at cops...

The shooting was legit and the only way it wouldn't be legit was if that nozzle had a hose attached and water coming out.
First off, a bowl in the "toking" position looks nothing like a pistol at the ready to fire position, see example A:

Unless you have a REALLY long pipe, you will not succeed in getting a sufficient hit off of a pipe in this position. :clap:

Secondly, these cops were protecting their life from the drunken man holding a water hose attachment that looks more like a gun than anything object I've heard about where the suspect was in fact NOT holding a gun.

Thirdly, when being drawn upon by a suspect with a weapon, there is no "non-lethal" options... it is SHOOT TO KILL. There is no time to "hope" you make a good non-lethal shot to the hand, because the cops don't know when the suspect will pull the trigger... so action must be taken immediately.

Finally, the need to shoot 8 times was the need to make sure the target was down and could not recover his weapon, being drunk... I am sure the suspect moved a bit on the ground after being shot the first few times, and therefore to make sure he cannot grab again for his weapon, he would need to be dispatched with additional shots.

i don't even know what to say to that.. that last, the third thing you just said, really makes me sick to me stomach.. honestly. i think i'm gonna puke.. good for youi.. i can't even argue with thinking like that.. your sure the man twitched on the ground after being shot.. really?? that is disturbing.. let me guess, your a cop?? your thinking and especially your third ex. there just makes me ill.. i don't even know how to respond to he was twitching on the ground after the first couple of shots without wanting to punch a hole in my computer screen..

i don't even know what to say to that.. that last, the third thing you just said, really makes me sick to me stomach.. honestly. i think i'm gonna puke.. good for youi.. i can't even argue with thinking like that.. your sure the man twitched on the ground after being shot.. really?? that is disturbing.. let me guess, your a cop?? your thinking and especially your third ex. there just makes me ill.. i don't even know how to respond to he was twitching on the ground after the first couple of shots without wanting to punch a hole in my computer screen..

Not a cop, however I do open carry usually when in public, mostly for my own safety but also because my city is infested with shitty people who'd shoot innocents just for a dime.

I'm just not a dumbass and have learned self-defense tactics with and without the use of a firearm.

While you will be the one getting shot if put in that situation, I will be the one going home because I took proper action... regardless if the man had a water nozzle or a pistol, he acted in the ways people do with firearms with an object that looks exactly like a firearm.

As for my moving on the ground after being shot initially... it's a simple observation made from the knowledge of how alcohol effects the body, especially a body in pain...

You should try it, shoot yourself in the leg... then get really drunk and shoot yourself in the other leg, which hurts more?
