Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

you may say that they are doing heir job. but to me there are all walking talking robots of the sytem.

most are zombies. you carry on following the system and see what they give you in return.

there are a few that are okay, but rare
My life is more positive because I spend not one second of my time hating anyone... my life is more positive because unlike you, I don't feel the need to use such childish language to engage in a conversation.

My life is also more positive because I am not delusional about this so called "regime" of police you speak of... and, my life is more positive because I do consider it my duty to respect those who go out every day, and put their lives on the line for my benefit... be it a cop, firefighter, EMT, soldier, high-tension power line worker, whatever the danger of the job they perform that betters the well-being of the public.

Enjoy hating the "police regime", I'm going to enjoy this bowl, file a flight plan with my local flight service station, and then catch a nap, lots of positivity to take in today! :-)


youre soooo cool
you may say that they are doing heir job. but to me there are all walking talking robots of the sytem.

most are zombies. you carry on following the system and see what they give you in return.

there are a few that are okay, but rare

thats all im saying, i just say it with lil more bitterness
i live in a very small town.

There's a big world out there :) Check it out sometime. Small towns create ignorance.. no offense :-P

Edit - I realize this makes no sense, i'm trying to say generalizing from personal experience in a small town is never a good idea.. IMHO
There's a big world out there :) Check it out sometime. Small towns create ignorance.. no offense :-P

Edit - I realize this makes no sense, i'm trying to say generalizing from personal experience in a small town is never a good idea.. IMHO

sorry if i come off as a hick, i just moved out here last me im not referring to the cops in this lil town, just the opposite.actually i havent had a set of cuffs on my wrists in 17 years. knock on wood....and just so you know,i just moved out of the largest metroplex in texas, lived there for 20 yrs.but just to clear things up...i dont get in trouble any more,like i said 17 yrs. but we see this and we see that and in this day and age of tech.we are fortunate to see with our own eyes, not just the po-pos version. and yet there are people like sacota who states in every posts nothing but positive comments about the crime being commited. and killing unarmed people is murder in my book. anyways sorry for rambling but wanted clear that part up about living in a small town.far as im concerned the po-po in this town are nice and respectful as well as me to them but i aint gonna buy their donuts for em....
I live i a very smal town grow plenty, about 900 people, the cops around here are great!!! They would spray my ass with a bigger nozle if i pointed that mini thing at them lmfao, but country cops are usualy real men that try to help not gun happy douche bags.

Socata if u wanna talk rep points and likes from this thread, i got plenty last night!!!!!! lmfao, seriously buddy other people can have opions, your not Jesus get over yourself hahaha well atleast i find your post entertaining and you are able to converse as an adult!!
Mistaking a hose with a giant hole and 3 inch tip is why we train our police officers .

Wow anyways i'm off to detail a clients car, who keeps a dead deer in the backseat of a Rendez vous??? Fuck gotta love country living!! PS i have my own guns and know what one looks like, i would never shoot at someone unless i knew they wanted to hurt me. But again without all the details we are just making opions based on our own feelings
There's a big world out there :) Check it out sometime. Small towns create ignorance.. no offense :-P

Edit - I realize this makes no sense, i'm trying to say generalizing from personal experience in a small town is never a good idea.. IMHO

GanJulia i recently had to pull my vibe over because it was vibrating in the tires bad, thinking i had a bad strap inside one i stopped to check, a friendly local cop pulled up behind me, i had just ripped a bunch of bongs and was like shit, because i had my mini bong and some green in my car,hidden but still. He helped me fish the slush out of my rims and explained he had a vibe and figured i had slush because he had the same issue. I don't hate cops or anyone that decides to help people as a career, but seriously if they fuck up big time they need to pay like the rest of us would, can u see a african male from harlem getting 1 yr for killing a man by accident? NEVER!!!!!
...will police be held accountable for their actions? It seems every time they kill someone, nothing changes. I mean, you have to literally carry a tape recorder/ camera to prove that cops bullshit. even then, it's a toss up... :wall:
Except in some overly corrupt states, it is a FELONY to record an officer. My state is one of those states.
GanJulia i recently had to pull my vibe over because it was vibrating in the tires bad, thinking i had a bad strap inside one i stopped to check, a friendly local cop pulled up behind me, i had just ripped a bunch of bongs and was like shit, because i had my mini bong and some green in my car,hidden but still. He helped me fish the slush out of my rims and explained he had a vibe and figured i had slush because he had the same issue. I don't hate cops or anyone that decides to help people as a career, but seriously if they fuck up big time they need to pay like the rest of us would, can u see a african male from harlem getting 1 yr for killing a man by accident? NEVER!!!!!

That sound's awesome! Perfect example of a cop who is a good citizen. I havent been pulled over yet (yes, never) but I have tons of friends who have. In my town, if your car smells like 'smoke', cigarettes or not, they immediately think its marijuana and want to search your car. I wish I lived in your town :-P The govt doesn't want to admit that they did something wrong, which i'm assuming is why they always defend their officers even in murder situations. But your right, police officers are human and if they make mistakes they should pay for it just like the boys in the hood do..
Until people have been on receiving end of police corruption/abuse, they really shouldn't talk shit.

I've had it happen lots. I can't even throw a fucking baseball anymore because of cops. Another buddy of mine had his shoulder tore apart because the cops had him pinned on the ground trying to get him to give up my name. They dislocated his shoulder blade, tore the whole bone/tendon/ligament structure apart.

Go on and wish your fellow pigs the best at funerals. I say fuck them. They didn't show up at my friends' funerals. Except to ask questions. Couldn't even wait till the services were over and the elderly family members were vacated. Talking loud.............

"So we think so and so was involved in this, what can you tell us"

Fucking kidding me.

They don't give a fuck about us. All they care about is their "Code of Silence"......................sorry fuckfaces, you work in a public figure position, you don't get the fucking luxury of the "Code of Silence".

Judgement day will come in some form or another, I just hope it's before I die.......cause I am gonna blast as many of the fuckers that fucked with me, as I can before I go.

Fuck this, I got me some old school Ice-T on figure out what track I am listening to.
cops have way too much power (especially for someone of their intelligence)

and this sounds like murder to me.
Not a good scene. Positive attitudes. The army and cop's would come out to my paintball field all the time. So i got to know alot of them. Pretty much if you get in there bussiness they will get in yours (cops). There was need for force but not that much. We don't know all the facts and weren't there so making a fair judgment call is hard. I do agree that it is tragic and there needs to be a further investgation? Even in Vancouver the police force is starting to show a more milizarized type role/equipment. My sister's friend that we grew up with us is a cop in toronto now. she go beat up alittle already.they gave her a different side arm because issue was to big. The female cops in Barrie ont that cant use the 870 have been issued AR 15 or something. Yes you are seeing force vs force lately and it scares people. But better have it and not need it then need it and not have it. It comes down to this...we don't need gun control we need gang control. So before you say F**K the pigs walk down one of those Police Officier memorial's because you will probably cry when see how many "pigs" have given their world trying to make yours better. They are just like you and me some are bad and some are good. they are all human

Don't give me that stupid shit. How many cops have died since 2007? Less then 700. Most of which died in a car accident. There is at least one person killed by police everyday. Too bad the DEA is supressing statistics on the war on drugs death toll.'s something.

I just went out to McDonalds to get some breakfast. On the way back, I am in a left turn lane behind what did not in anyway appear to be a cop vehicle, not even a ghost car.

I am waiting to turn left, with this vehicle in front of me.....light still red. The other traffic is stll flowing, then I notice a small car kind of push the yellow light. He's turning left onto the road I am on, and headed away from me. Not illegally really, just real close to it. This vehicle in front turns on it's siren, cranks the wheel to the right, and blows thru the intersection after the "violator".

What the cop failed to do, was shoulder check, instead, he just cranked it, and pinned it.....all within about a half a second. Just about gets t-boned by a car in the right lane. This car had a lady and 3 kids in it. They hit and bounced off the curb, and the fucking pig just kept going after the light jumper.

I pulled into the BlockBuster nearby, on the other side of the highway and watched. No cops came to see if she was alright....nothing. Luckily no one was hurt, and no real damage to her car, and she was able to pull into the mall parking lot and some dudes checked on them.

I can accept that cops make mistakes....they are human. But they should have to pay for them as much as or more than a civilian does.

If I did that, and a cop witnessed it, I would be arrested and/or fined. Have to go to court, and possibly lose my license.

Fuck cops.
Don't give me that stupid shit. How many cops have died since 2007? Less then 700. Most of which died in a car accident. There is at least one person killed by police everyday. Too bad the DEA is supressing statistics on the war on drugs death toll.

NO... DON'T YOU GIVE ME THAT SHIT. You don't know shit. Where you getting your stat's? Police are getting picked off in Mexico, there stations coming under machine gun fire and grenade attacks!!! Drug cartel threanting there family's lives/kidnapping so they will resign. We have it so good in Canada/USA for the most part. I don't think you realize the value of life in other countries do you? What would the states be like with no cops?
Don't give me that stupid shit. How many cops have died since 2007? Less then 700. Most of which died in a car accident. There is at least one person killed by police everyday. Too bad the DEA is supressing statistics on the war on drugs death toll.

And lets be honest while we're on it. most car accidents involving the police, the cops are at fault. Citizens are usually walking on eggshells with the cops around. Cue Socata's lame ass "That's just speculation" argument.
This video makes me sad.... It reminds me of movies like Training Day and Crash and Superbad. Where police think they have "special privileges" because they're just that: cops. It's like everytime I even look at a cop, even if I am doing nothing illegal, I get scared and start thinking that I'm doing something wrong increasing my chance of arrest. Does anyone else feel like that?
I saw a cop crash last week.
He was chasing someone and they crashed,then the cop hit the back of there car.
The people who were being chased got out and ran and got away lol.The cop was hunched over with his face on the steering wheel and he looked like he was bleeding.
People started clapping when they got out and ran.Nobody helped the piece of shit cop.
Tell me why this happened.....cop says nothing, just BOOM....fuckin pig. I wish the crowd rushed that mother fucker and curb stomped this fuck.......


This dude gets approached and detained after asking a question someone about their possible involvement in a secret society...........


Some times there is a little justice....


Too bad it wasn't a shotgun that accidentally took his head off...................oh wait, they save that for dudes that water gardens.......what was I thinking.
Just don't label all stoners as thieves and gangbangers because of the actions of a tiny minority of the overall cannabis community.
People, you live in a police state, I have been driving since I was 17, I have never been pulled over by police.....