Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

Knowing Socata personally I can assure you he is not a Cop and he never tried to be a cop...
I ,on the other hand ,was a Cop and Navy Spec. Ops.and am a solid III%'er..
Who is anyone here to judge?.....
All I see are just a bunch of Cowards playin like lil bitches startin Drama...Not all of you,but a select few...

America G U N S America...

Who fucking cares, you fight for a bullshit system and secret governments that view you as a cow... Pretty much you just suck uncle sam's dick all day...
a peace offering..


Fuck i hope you fail your drug test hahahahaha.
Wow that's so great you celebrate death and make a fucking joke out of it...

Your a horrible fucking person... Wow.

man, that is how i was feeling with that socata dude.. when he told me that the dude deserved to be shot a few more times cuz he was still moving around on the ground after being shot numerous times first, i was like, do people really think this way, honestly?? and i thought that i had my issues in life, but id take every day that i've spent doing some of the things i'm not very proud of over a day or even a minute of thinking like that..
i guess for all my faults, compassion is not one that i don't have in spades..
idk if it was you or me grow.. after all, i'm the one he told to grow a set, and not to come down to his backwoods neighborhood or i may get eaten by an aligator.. like, you'd ever see me in that assbackwards area he's from anyhoo's, lmao.. i like to hang out with the ten fingered peoples who have all of their teeth still..

me or you...looks like both of our posts on that page, and i did flame him...recanted said flame and thats where the peace offering statement comes from. either way..fuck dat pig....
me or you...looks like both of our posts on that page, and i did flame him...recanted said flame and thats where the peace offering statement comes from. either way..fuck dat pig....

oh yah, i went to do something else for a couple of minutes, and i come back and you were there flaming him on.. just my luck, leave the room for a second, and....
man, that is how i was feeling with that socata dude.. when he told me that the dude deserved to be shot a few more times cuz he was still moving around on the ground after being shot numerous times first, i was like, do people really think this way, honestly?? and i thought that i had my issues in life, but id take every day that i've spent doing some of the things i'm not very proud of over a day or even a minute of thinking like that..
i guess for all my faults, compassion is not one that i don't have in spades..

you should go back to some of his posts from last year...he can piss me off just seeing his avatar.stupid pig wanna be....
you should go back to some of his posts from last year...he can piss me off just seeing his avatar.stupid pig wanna be....

who are you referring to grow? socata?? i don't know how he flew under my radar for so long, i'll have to go give him a looksy tomorrow when i've got some energy.. i wonder if i have to take him off of me ignore list to be able to read his old posts?? lmao..
the only problem with the damn ignore function is that you usually end up seeing what the person on ignore said when someone inevitably quotes them..
another reason for me not to give a fuck when a cop gets killed.

I was gonna go off sayin a bunch of shit.....but this sums it up, and I'm good now.

When they kill people it barely makes National news, then gets swept aside, the cop gets suspended with pay or forced into early (paid) retirement.....but a fucking prison guard gets killed and it's the top story on CNN and flags are lowered at the White House.

Fucked up civilization we live in. No wonder other nations/peoples want to destroy what they view as an evil in this world.....can't say I blame them.
Idgas what your logic, his logic, any fucking logic is. So in this logically logic moment logically speaking anybody waving a sprinkler nozzle should be shot logically speaking that is?

A sprinkler nozzle that at 40-50ft away looks like a weapon, yes!

Found it!

I would trust those two websites about as much as I trust my president, zip.

I bet he doesn't feel a thing.

I bet you're right! :clap:

The guy should have driven home instead of going to his friends house. Yeah he was drunk, but he wouldn't have gotten shot over a hose attachment.

And regardless of the situation, it's always wrong when innocent people are killed. You can bet your ass I would have lost it someone in my family was shot and all he had was a water nozzle.

It is indeed always wrong when innocent people get killed, but this guy was not innocent... innocent would be a kid playing with a water hose nozzle and not knowing any better. This was an adult who not only was playing with a water hose nozzle as if pretending it to be a weapon, but he also... by cop, and witness accounts... AIMED it at the officers.

read sacotas previous posts...he buys the po-pos donuts,he tried to be a cop but didnt make it,no matter what the situation the cops are always after post his nose is so far up their ass hes learned to live without oxygen....sacota youre a cop stuck in a stoners body....some things will never change, fuckin wanna be pig-shit

but maybe you didn't understand socata smoker correctly.. don't you understand that the guy deserved to be shot 8 times for the simple fact that he had a sprinkler in his hands?? jesh, kids today, lol..

Hey, you got 8 cops, each cop is protecting the next... 8 shots seems rather normal, and certainly effective in stopping the threat.

if someone rolls through your front door and fully extends his arms with a black metal object clutched between his hands ... what will you do? ask him "sir, what are you doing?" i think not ... boom boom badguy

edit: it seems like some of you guys actually believe he was there to water the lawn

Yeah really, who is dumb enough to believe this guy is gonna water his friends lawn, while drunk? And indeed even if they weren't at my front door, if I saw that object pointed at me from a distance of 25-40ft... I'd think it was a gun and immediately take cover and fire. It's stupidity that got him killed, not the police.

i would never have guessed that the two of you would be friends.. birds of a feather... anywho's, who are you calling a coward here? i'm not the one who shot an unarmed man eight times, and neither are any of the other 'cowards' here, that would be your boys in blue..

Unarmed in who's opinion? He could've carved a handgun out of wood, painted it to look realistic, and then pointed it... same difference, he pointed an object that looked EXTREMELY close to real gun at officers, he got shot... as to be expected.

yea, i may have read it wrong. i think his statement was he wanted to be a cop, hence wanna be.good for you being a pig...pig!youre a coward,and a lil bitch too!

I've wanted to be a lot of things in my life, a ganja farmer, a truck driver, train engineer, astronaut, marine biologist, so what is wrong with wanting to be a cop?

Many folks on this forum have admitted such and that's a good thing... show's that we're getting more like minded cannabis friendly folks out there in uniform... that's one of the reasons I wanted to be a cop, to try and piece together a good relationship between cops and cannabis users...

Oh no he might have sprinkled them with water instead of the burning metal they imbeded in his flesh, so how many cops had time to get to him and shoot him again?

And I'm so glad you've got the eagle eye to see from a distance that the object in the picture I posted a few pages back is a weapon, because to me and everyone I've received rep from in reference to this thread have said that from a distance, as the cops were, that it looks like a handguns, more specifically a crappy Russian handgun IMO but a handgun none-the-less.

According to the cops that shot an unarmed man....

Again, unarmed in your opinion... in my opinion he was armed as he was making the motions and did, as stories go, intend for the nozzle to be construed as a handgun.

Don't waste your time. I gave up on Socata a long time ago. Nothing you can do to get him of his knees in front of officer friendly. Sometimes I wonder if he's mentally challenged.

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down... that's my motto! Stick with me baby.

That's their story, and if you can't see've been flying up in the clouds too long and need to come back to reality.......this is a perfect example of the police mentality in this modern world.

And who's to say any different? Who's to say they're lying?

Whatever happened to the days when they pull up short on a scene and broadcast from the PA's they have in the cab of their car. "SIR PUT YOUR GUN DOWN !!"

They had to take cover in a house, obviously they validated the threat and just guessing on this, but once they tried approaching he probably swung around with that nozzle extended in his hand and once you do that, you're getting shot... no time to yell anything when someone is swinging around and about to draw on you with what you perceive (due to distance) is a weapon.

Figures you of all people would say something like that... We will just wait and see how you feel when that happens to one of your loved ones.

You know, I tried to make myself feel what it would be like if that was my dad... and honestly, if the story is how it's put in all the newspapers and cops account... I would be mad, at my father. The cops thought their lives were in danger and took appropriate action.

who are you referring to grow? socata?? i don't know how he flew under my radar for so long, i'll have to go give him a looksy tomorrow when i've got some energy.. i wonder if i have to take him off of me ignore list to be able to read his old posts?? lmao..
the only problem with the damn ignore function is that you usually end up seeing what the person on ignore said when someone inevitably quotes them..

Oh he's referring to me... I often get shit on the forums for sticking up for law enforcement, due to the fact that I do indeed have a great deal of respect for those men and women who are fighting wars in our country on the streets... as our soldiers do overseas.

Police officers deal with a lot of shit, more than anyone in this thread could imagine... such as a baby cooked in a microwave, DUI crashes involving fatalities, murderers, rapists... all kinds of criminals, and police deal with these people personally yet have to hold their own feelings and emotions in when on scene. If that pressure was put on any of the many cop haters in this thread, I am more than sure they'd break down inside... however most police officers take the shit and go back out the next day, ready to protect any civilian who's life is in danger, or ready to save a civilians life that is in danger.

As a cannabis user, I think it's even more important to interact with police on a friendly level because of the way it can shift an officer's point of view about cannabis users, and hopefully make them think twice about using their discretion when they encounter another person who uses cannabis.

I am not heartless and in the end, yes this man died because of a water hose nozzle... not a sprinkler, a sprinkler is a long metal tube or a plastic spring loaded too to spray large areas of the lawn, this was a hose attachment that looked almost exactly like a pistol.

I elect this good man for Cop of the Year!


And a friendly reminder to those in this thread who generalize about police, you're no better than all the anti-pot critics who generalize that all stoners have fried their brains and sit on the couch all day.
Nahhh! I love writing man... especially when passionate about the subject :-)

That, and this nice sativa strain I'm toking on helps quite a bit! :weed:

fucking makes me sick, i very much dought the police will get their comupence. they never do.

they litrally get away with murder
A sprinkler nozzle that at 40-50ft away looks like a weapon, yes!

I would trust those two websites about as much as I trust my president, zip.

I bet you're right! :clap:

It is indeed always wrong when innocent people get killed, but this guy was not innocent... innocent would be a kid playing with a water hose nozzle and not knowing any better. This was an adult who not only was playing with a water hose nozzle as if pretending it to be a weapon, but he also... by cop, and witness accounts... AIMED it at the officers.

Hey, you got 8 cops, each cop is protecting the next... 8 shots seems rather normal, and certainly effective in stopping the threat.

Yeah really, who is dumb enough to believe this guy is gonna water his friends lawn, while drunk? And indeed even if they weren't at my front door, if I saw that object pointed at me from a distance of 25-40ft... I'd think it was a gun and immediately take cover and fire. It's stupidity that got him killed, not the police.

Unarmed in who's opinion? He could've carved a handgun out of wood, painted it to look realistic, and then pointed it... same difference, he pointed an object that looked EXTREMELY close to real gun at officers, he got shot... as to be expected.

I've wanted to be a lot of things in my life, a ganja farmer, a truck driver, train engineer, astronaut, marine biologist, so what is wrong with wanting to be a cop?

Many folks on this forum have admitted such and that's a good thing... show's that we're getting more like minded cannabis friendly folks out there in uniform... that's one of the reasons I wanted to be a cop, to try and piece together a good relationship between cops and cannabis users...

And I'm so glad you've got the eagle eye to see from a distance that the object in the picture I posted a few pages back is a weapon, because to me and everyone I've received rep from in reference to this thread have said that from a distance, as the cops were, that it looks like a handguns, more specifically a crappy Russian handgun IMO but a handgun none-the-less.

Again, unarmed in your opinion... in my opinion he was armed as he was making the motions and did, as stories go, intend for the nozzle to be construed as a handgun.

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down... that's my motto! Stick with me baby.

And who's to say any different? Who's to say they're lying?

They had to take cover in a house, obviously they validated the threat and just guessing on this, but once they tried approaching he probably swung around with that nozzle extended in his hand and once you do that, you're getting shot... no time to yell anything when someone is swinging around and about to draw on you with what you perceive (due to distance) is a weapon.

You know, I tried to make myself feel what it would be like if that was my dad... and honestly, if the story is how it's put in all the newspapers and cops account... I would be mad, at my father. The cops thought their lives were in danger and took appropriate action.

Oh he's referring to me... I often get shit on the forums for sticking up for law enforcement, due to the fact that I do indeed have a great deal of respect for those men and women who are fighting wars in our country on the streets... as our soldiers do overseas.

Police officers deal with a lot of shit, more than anyone in this thread could imagine... such as a baby cooked in a microwave, DUI crashes involving fatalities, murderers, rapists... all kinds of criminals, and police deal with these people personally yet have to hold their own feelings and emotions in when on scene. If that pressure was put on any of the many cop haters in this thread, I am more than sure they'd break down inside... however most police officers take the shit and go back out the next day, ready to protect any civilian who's life is in danger, or ready to save a civilians life that is in danger.

As a cannabis user, I think it's even more important to interact with police on a friendly level because of the way it can shift an officer's point of view about cannabis users, and hopefully make them think twice about using their discretion when they encounter another person who uses cannabis.

I am not heartless and in the end, yes this man died because of a water hose nozzle... not a sprinkler, a sprinkler is a long metal tube or a plastic spring loaded too to spray large areas of the lawn, this was a hose attachment that looked almost exactly like a pistol.

I elect this good man for Cop of the Year!


And a friendly reminder to those in this thread who generalize about police, you're no better than all the anti-pot critics who generalize that all stoners have fried their brains and sit on the couch all day.

youre the one who generalize all being right, good, andheros. every goddamn time theres a cop thread youre there spewing your love and loyalty on how theyre only doing their job. but i know thats you now. keep sucking the po-pos dick.
youre the one who generalize all being right, good, andheros. every goddamn time theres a cop thread youre there spewing your love and loyalty on how theyre only doing their job. but i know thats you now. keep sucking the po-pos dick.

I'm the one generalizing? I think that in every thread about cops, I explain that I know there are bad apples, and the fact that in terms of percentages... and statistics, there are many, MANY more good cops out there than bad.

While you, in every cop thread... spread hate and generate malice towards all cops... you are no better than the bad apple cops that you hate... for you perpetuate the mindset that only pushes good cops to go bad when they continually meet such hateful berating from people like you.

I love being able to talk cannabis with the police, you should try that sometime... instead of using your extremely expansive vulgar vocabulary to describe your hate towards them, find a common ground, because in case you didn't know, they are humans too! :hump:
I'm the one generalizing? I think that in every thread about cops, I explain that I know there are bad apples, and the fact that in terms of percentages... and statistics, there are many, MANY more good cops out there than bad.

While you, in every cop thread... spread hate and generate malice towards all cops... you are no better than the bad apple cops that you hate... for you perpetuate the mindset that only pushes good cops to go bad when they continually meet such hateful berating from people like you.

I love being able to talk cannabis with the police, you should try that sometime... instead of using your extremely expansive vulgar vocabulary to describe your hate towards them, find a common ground, because in case you didn't know, they are humans too! :hump:

god i hoppe you get busted
god i hoppe you get busted

Busted for what?

I'm away from home, so I don't grow... and if I was to ever get pulled over down here away from home, I'd gladly tell the cop about the 2g's I carry on me at any particular time when driving around. Then we'd probably have a friendly chat about Alaska and how I legally grow there, I'd tell him about all my equipment and experience... poke at his funny bone with a joke about coming up to visit and partaking in a little ganja on top of some snowy mountain ridge after a snowmachine ride, being the respectful human that I am, I'd hope that he'd probably let me go on my merry way, if not... oh well, it's against the law down here and I knew that... so until it changes I can only accept what penalty I knew I faced, I'd hold no grudge against the cop for that.

Now, when I do get back home... there's nothing to be busted for, because it's legal under the Alaska Castle Doctrine... :-)

Keep trying, partner... you're the only one out of the two of us who will have a negative experience due to your mindset.