Manafort trial predictions

I have no skin in the outcome. Just curious if identity politics has corrupted this trial. If the eyes of justice are blind, odds are very good he is convicted. I think his only chance of escaping conviction is the political argument. Do you think Hillary or Trump could be convicted of anything by a politically diverse jury? I don't. Just like if I'm on a jury for some dude being prosecuted for growing weed, the dude is getting off. So it goes.
Then he gets retried and goes away to prison for life you obvious alt right cuck
You don't find anything strange about manafort hiding tens of millions of dollars from Russians then coming and working for free as trumps campaign manager...?

This trial has nothing to do with Trump, the 16' election, Russia or the Trump campaign is general. Its over being a tax cheat.

Over and over MSM and here said Manafort was going to "flip" because he had the Russian collusion shit on Trump's campaign.

Yeah right. If he was going to "flip" he would have done it before spending $$$ in legal fees on a tax cheat trial.
This trial has nothing to do with Trump, the 16' election, Russia or the Trump campaign is general. Its over being a tax cheat.

Over and over MSM and here said Manafort was going to "flip" because he had the Russian collusion shit on Trump's campaign.

Yeah right. If he was going to "flip" he would have done it before spending $$$ in legal fees on a tax cheat trial.
He’s not spending a dime

It’s all being paid for by your donations to the rnc you cuck
Jury asked for clarification on reasonable doubt. Defense sees this as a positive sign. Hmmm.
I sat on a jury a few years back. The guy was guilty. The other jurors except myself and another guy knew he was guilty according to the evidence. The defense lawyer whittled the jury down to women haters. 2 days to seat the jury. The x cop got off for beating his wife because the jury thought she deserved it. We finally relented and the guy got off. I realized then than people stick together based upon beliefs and life events. It would not surprise me if he gets off. The fact that we have elected this poor excuse for a human tells me a lot about humanity. I go out a couple times a week for groceries. Love living in the sticks away from pricks!
I will celebrate win or lose with whoever wants to smoke a bowl and share some laughs. :bigjoint: Win-win for me.
If its a hung jury, they'll try him again.

Only reason for a hung jury is if someone wants to have their 5 minutes of fame.

They have him dead to rights, on every count. Its all on paper. Screw what the witnesses said, even though they support the evidence.

The facts are on paper.

I'll all but guarantee they aint comin back with.. NOT GUILTY. AINT HAPPENIN.
I'll celebrate when people like this stop making my destiny, and getting away with anything they want.

This guy,, Bannon are BOTH RIGHT WING NUTS.

Bannon says being called a Racist/Bigot is a Badge of Honor. Its on tape at a Right Wing Nut Speech in Paris France some months back when he was supporting the female right wing nut that was LOST against Macron.
Manifort is no better as hes worked as far back as friggin MARCOS.


If Manafort ever gets to federal prison, hes gonna be in deep shit. Especially if he gets convicted in his next trial.

He aint goin to a camp, a Low, or a Medium.

MFers going to a MAX.

Lots of Latinas, and Blacks in there just waiting for him in there. I bet many of the inmates are already speculating where he'll end up, if convicted.
He wont get protective custody either.:fire::fire::fire::hump::hump::hump::hump::shock::shock::shock::o:o:o:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
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