Mandala Seeds Kalichakra and Satori


Well-Known Member
Mandala Seeds Kalichakra and Satori

Just about to start my next grow and thought I'd share this one with Rollitup.

My last grow, some Sensi Star clones, which I've just jarred up went fairly smoothly mainly because I built on the experience from my previous grow of a Sensi Star from seed. I had an annoying Magnesium deficiency plague that grow mostly due to my hard tap water not working particularly well with Biobizz's Allmix soil. I still used Allmix for the clones but added a little dolomite lime that helped to buffer the soil ph and add some Mg in at the same time. I also foliar fed and root fed fairly regular doseages of epsom salts through the clone grow to help keep that Mg def problem in check. If anything I slightly overfed them despite using well below recommended doseages of nutrients.

I'm not using Allmix for this grow as I still don't think it's worth the high price and I've heard of others suffering from similar Mg deficiency problems and the solution for those problems makes Allmix not worth paying for or bothering with if there are equally bad or better alternatives at a 1/4 of the price available locally. I still think that Allmix 'could' be a good soil for other people in different water areas growing not quite so nutrient fickle a plant as Sensi Star.

So this grow I'm switching from Allmix to one of the Westland Multi-Purpose composts with added dolomite lime and probably calcified seaweed and some rockdust if I can get hold of some at a reasonable price. The next grow after this one I'd like to experiment with some of my own home made compost mixtures but at the moment don't feel experienced enough to do so and also because I'm curious to see what was causing the Mg problem - my tap water or the Allmix soil. If I get the same kind of problems with this next grow, I may invest in a small RO water purifier to help take out some of the hard water dissolved solids.

I'm using up the last of the Allmix mixed up with some standard John Innes no2 at a ratio of 40:40 with 10% Perlite and 10% Vermiculite to get the new seeds germinated and under way in 1L pots. I used a slightly different germination method this time, last time I soaked for 24 hours in tepid water then used the tissue and tupperware container method to produce a taproot which I then transferred into pots. Last time I got 100% germination and 100% survival rate using this method. This time I decided to germinate the seeds in the soil rather than germinating first then planting.

So far 4/4 Kalichakra have surfaced and 3/4 Satori, with one Satori being a little reluctant to come out and play. In the photo's the Kalichakra are all on the back row and all the Satori on the front row. They're about 4 or 5 days from breaking the soil surface in these pictures.



Well-Known Member
Did you know that if you cut all the leaves off and the top now, like 20 will totally grow back in its place dude.

I saw this page earlier and went to something else, then i couldnt find it again so i searched under threads started by you, this has got to be a first. It is a first


Well-Known Member
Nice strains tho, i've got a few kerala krush seedlings going at the moment, its got similar sativa effects, maybe have to do a lil swap of some sort ;)


Well-Known Member
I saw this page earlier and went to something else, then i couldnt find it again so i searched under threads started by you, this has got to be a first. It is a first
Heya NGT, thanks for stopping by dude. It's a first for me to put up a grow diary on Rollitup, for sure, thought it was about time I did one though.

I'm really looking forward to growing out these genetics, they're a lot closer to landrace than most of the current dutch genetics and I want to experiment with the use of some HPS and MH lights in flowering this time, probably HPS for the first 4 weeks of flowering and MH for the final 4 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of these strains before can't wait to find out more about them.
Heya Skunky, thanks for dropping in.

I'm trying to move away from the 'sanitised' over-bred Dutch genetics that all have far too much Indica bred into them to stabilise and bulk up their yield for growing under artificial lights. Kalichakra and Satori are bred by Mike from Mandala seeds who grows them all outdoors in spain and sources his genetics from landrace varieties.

Kalichakra has genetics from South India, SE Asia - it's a cross between Sativas from Kerala in South India, a Sativa Thai from Asia and I also believe it has some Columbian and Mexican in it as well as the obligatory touch of Indica for yield. Satori is based on several Sativa strains from Nepal as well as a touch of Indica.

Here's the breeder descriptions of them -


Type: sativa-indica
Contains land race genetics from: Nepal
Cultivation: indoor/outdoor
Flowering time: 65-70 days/October
Yield: 550-600 gr/m2 (dry weight)
High: a clear, cerebral high and strong potency sets in quickly; it supports concentration & creativity; very inspiring and stimulating. Ideal for writers, artists, musicians, or other creative people.
Aroma: fruity-citrus, pungent.
Medical Use: Satori shows her therapeutic potential in relieving depression and anxiety; this strain can ease sleep disorders from auto-immune diseases and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

This season we are introducing our new Satori. We have refined this strain genetically to produce an even more reliable and powerful cross that will delight your connoisseur heart. Satori is an exceptionally easy to grow sativa. She has shown impressive hardiness against spider mites and other pests, and she possesses a good measure of mold resistance. her slim appearance makes it possible to plant in narrow rows, or in SOG, to maximize her typical record yields even more. The firm side shoots provide highest quality cuttings. As with all our sativas she is heat resistant - an added bonus for small indoor environments and hot summer grows. The mainly sweet & fruity-spicy aroma is a real treat for the senses. Satori grows a long head bud with chunky flowers and does not require much feeding on soil; you can almost do without feeding provided you use quality soil and sufficient pot size (approx. 2 gallon pots for adult plants under 250-600W lamps). Keep EC levels low in hydroponics for best results. All Mandala strains are extremely efficient in nutrient uptake due to their hybrid vigor and require only low EC levels/feeding to develop huge leaf, stem and bud structure. Satori is a high yielding, powerful plant with an exceptional sativa high. The heavy buds are easy to manicure, and from the resinous bud leaves you can produce finest grade hash, comparable in quality to the famous Nepalese “temple balls”.


Type: sativa-indica
Contains land race genetics from: South India / S.E.Asia
Cultivation: indoor/outdoor
Light: 400 W/m2
Flowering time: 63-68 days/October
Yield: 500-550 gr/m2 (dry weight)
High: a potent, sativa high with an energizing body effect; sensual and stimulating. Good for active recreation, but heavy indulgance can lead to a temporary state of being blissed-out; excellent potency despite long-term regular use.
Aroma (dry): fruity-floral; earthy; incense
Medical Use: Kalichakra shows her therapeutic potential in pain relief and helping against depression.

Kalichakra is named after the Indian goddess Kali (a consort of the ganja smoking Lord Shiva) to symbolize the power of this hardy, potent, high-yielding sativa. Unlike typical sativas she develops extremely well indoor with vigorous growth and sturdy stems. This hybrid vigor, and the unique land race traits, make her surprisingly adaptable and easy to grow, and a good choice for novice gardeners. mother plants provide clones easily and quickly. The cuttings can be placed into flowering early for cultivating shorter plants in trays, grow boxes, etc., or to shorten flowering time. We recommend this strain for SOG as well. In hydroponics rapid growth can be expected. She responds well to being tied down and grows an impressively large main cola from the even light distribution. The high calyx-to-leaf ratio and frosty coating of trichomes contribute to the exceptional quality of the ripe flowers. The plants possess on average a good mold and pest resistance thanks to our dedicated breeding goals in minimizing undesirable genetic traits. Up to the 45° latitude Kalichakra delivers bumper yields outdoor and is one of the best strains available for hot/southern climates. In northern climates she has also performed well but results depend on plant care, local weather, and phenotype.

I won't post pics as they're not mine to post, but you can see pics of the strains on the website.


Well-Known Member
Heya Skunky, thanks for dropping in.

I'm trying to move away from the 'sanitised' over-bred Dutch genetics that all have far too much Indica bred into them to stabilise and bulk up their yield for growing under artificial lights. Kalichakra and Satori are bred by Mike from Mandala seeds who grows them all outdoors in spain and sources his genetics from landrace varieties.

Kalichakra has genetics from South India, SE Asia - it's a cross between Sativas from Kerala in South India, a Sativa Thai from Asia and I also believe it has some Columbian and Mexican in it as well as the obligatory touch of Indica for yield. Satori is based on several Sativa strains from Nepal as well as a touch of Indica.
Sounds like you would also like seeds from the flying dutchman seedbank, the guy behind the flying dutchman is a purist and likes to prevent strains from being over crossed most of his are eithe pure sativa or sativa dominant.

The FlyingDutchmen

He also believes that seedbanks such as sensi and dutch passion charge too much for their strains and that a strain should not be above a certain cost, i cant remember what that figure now.

Goto seeds, order seeds, i have some kerala krush in veg at the moment.


New Member
Anything about height babygro, is this a consideration?

My grapefruit mother is really short, all her clones have never reached above 5ft... shame to see her go really.

Anyway, looking forward to some pic's.


Well-Known Member
Anything about height babygro, is this a consideration?

Well it is of course a consideration, and this is from Mandala's website, so I guess they're basically just recommending flowering at lower heights to keep overall height down. That's fine with me as I'm considering going with SOG with these but that depends on how many females I end up with.

Did you notice the suggested yield rates of both of these? Pretty darned high for Sativa doms !

When should I switch to a 12/12 light cycle (flowering) for indoor plant height of 60-100cm/2-3.5 feet?

From seed in soil: 20-25 cm/8-10 inches

Cuttings in soil: 30 cm/12 inches

From seed in hydro

Sadhu, Hashberry, Speed Queen: 20 cm/8 inches

Kalichakra, Satori, White Satin: 15-20 cm/6-8 inches

Cuttings in hydro

Sadhu, Hashberry, Speed Queen: 25-30 cm/10+ inches

Kalichakra, Satori, White Satin: 20 cm/8 inches


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you would also like seeds from the flying dutchman seedbank, the guy behind the flying dutchman is a purist and likes to prevent strains from being over crossed most of his are eithe pure sativa or sativa dominant.

The FlyingDutchmen

Thanks very much for the heads up on The Flying Dutchman, I'll certainly check out his offerings. The beauty of Mandala Seeds is that not only are they very good genetics bred by someone who really knows what he's doing, they're also very reasonably priced - these two cost me 15 quid each for 10 seeds! Which I consider a pretty reasonably priced for some landrace derived decent genetics.


Well-Known Member
Nice strains tho, i've got a few kerala krush seedlings going at the moment, its got similar sativa effects, maybe have to do a lil swap of some sort ;)
Wouldn't mind some cuts of your Jack Herer NGT, been interested in growing that out but have always been put off by the rediculous price of the seeds!


New Member
I haven't been growing long enough to know about force flowering. I do know that a plant will triple in height or thereabouts during flower. It also depends much on your pot size. My grapefruit which are (i think) 100% sativa are growing (dwc) in 6litres of root space each plant. They are at the 6 week mark and I'm growing them in the loft, they are barely reaching 4ft. No more than 4.5 ft by the end of flowering.

From seed, I always advise a decent veg', allowing the plants enough time to mature. I have found this to pay dividends when I instigate flower. The plants are ready and explode with pistils from day one of 12/12. Although as you are only looking for mothers, once these have been found the other plants are of little importance. It's my experience though that you still need to wait for the plants to mature properly (around 6-8 weeks), as even though you might be sure of your mother, you cannot really be sure until she shows sex, which is usually around the 6-8 week mark of veg'.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been growing long enough to know about force flowering. I do know that a plant will triple in height or thereabouts during flower. It also depends much on your pot size. My grapefruit which are (i think) 100% sativa are growing (dwc) in 6litres of root space each plant. They are at the 6 week mark and I'm growing them in the loft, they are barely reaching 4ft. No more than 4.5 ft by the end of flowering.
Yeah there are quite a few factors that influence final plant size, obviously starting size and genetics will play a big part as will environment, particularly vegging light colour and min/max temperatures and even nutrient strengths.

On the whole I think genetics plays the biggest part and Indica and Indica doms tend to double in size, Sativa and Sativa doms tend to triple and sometimes quadruple in size with Indica/Sativa hybrids sitting somewhere between the two.

From seed, I always advise a decent veg', allowing the plants enough time to mature. I have found this to pay dividends when I instigate flower. The plants are ready and explode with pistils from day one of 12/12. Although as you are only looking for mothers, once these have been found the other plants are of little importance. It's my experience though that you still need to wait for the plants to mature properly (around 6-8 weeks), as even though you might be sure of your mother, you cannot really be sure until she shows sex, which is usually around the 6-8 week mark of veg'.
Yeah I'm a big fan of longer veg times particularly with Indica and Indica doms due to the fact that on average they only tend to double in size and so therefore the longer vegging time helps with yield as well as reaching sexual maturity which helps with potency.

My Sensi Star from seed was vegged for just under 7 weeks and still only reached about 28-30 inches tall, but benefitted from that extra veg time in the bushiness of it. The clones were vegged for slightly less time about 6 weeks and still only reached about 18 inches tall - mind you there were pretty tiny clones to begin with!

However, with very Sativa dominant plants this time round, particularly ones with the hybrid vigour that these Mandala genetics have I'm extremely wary of vegging them too long knowing how in flowering their height is going to literally explode.

I'm not a big fan of SCRoG's but I'm very interested in Sog growing. So as you suggest I may well simply find two outstanding mothers out of both strains and keep them as mothers and grow out any other females that I might be lucky enough to get. I think both these strains I'm growing are well suited to Sog style growing and put out plenty of clone material.

I do think that with my setup these plants would be best grown out Sog style, so I'll just have to see how many females I get!


New Member
Good luck. Although how are you going to find your mothers. early clone and force flower of such?

My master kush all germinated fine and went into the medium this morning. Hopefully they'll poke out their heads soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey babygro, looking forward to following this one. Hope all goes well for you mate! :joint:
Thanks Snow White!

I'm really looking forward to this grow as I learnt so much doing my previous grows I'm keen to put it into practice! This is the first grow I'm going into pretty confident of knowing what I'm doing and what I'm trying to acheive. I'm also hoping to do a little experimentation this grow with lights and different feeding schedules and strengths.

So stick around it might get interesting :)


Well-Known Member
I flowered some original haze at 4 weeks veg from seeds in hydro, my grow space just couldnt handle it, i vowed never a sativa again, but guess what i'm growing some.

With the jack and kerala krush im only going to germinate for a mother so that i can clone and keep the sexual maturity and hopefully flower them as soon as i see roots just to keep it managable.