Mandala Seeds Kalichakra and Satori


Well-Known Member
hey there babygro how be it. you must not be a yankee cause i have looked everywhere for formulex and cant find a retailer in my area. will a company in uk ship it to me? im in killa cali.

how is foumulex compared to luquid karma (formula, uses). i went with that cause i couldnt find it.

stop by my journal and say hi! i have pics of my outdoor SS. about 30days left i think


Well-Known Member
Hiya Sk3tch3!

I'm getting behind on my updates really particularly the pics. I've still got pics to upload from the previous update.

Formulex is made by Growth Technology (Growth Technology) and I believe they have an American distributor, check them out. Any product that virtually does the same thing would be fine - a weak full chemical nutrient solution.

Pleased to report that all 3 Satori's and all 2 Kali's have started flowering. The Kalichakra's and 1 Satori haven't stopped stretching and at about a metre tall, I've only got about 18 inches or so of height left to play with!

Repotted the clones a day or so ago and they're doing fine too.

I've been doing a bit of 'Sherlock Holmesing' in the last couple of days as I was browsing down a genetics list and a strain/hybrid very much caught my eye. Senor Garcia from Reeferman Seeds is a hybrid I'm seriously thinking of growing out next. I've been interested in Panama Red for a long time and as it's not available as a 'true breeding line' the next best thing is a hybrid with some of it in. Enter Senor Garcia, a hybrid of Panama Red and Oregon Purple Thai! This has to be some knockout smoke, but it was the origins of the Oregon Purple Thai I was interested in, as I've already done plenty of research on Panama Red.

It turns out the Oregon Purple Thai is a DJ Shorts hybrid made from a Lowland/Highland Oaxacan and a Chocolate Thai - the Chocolate Thai giving it it's odd occasional mutant/growth disorder but keeping the stone and high. It comes as no surprise to me at all that the Oregon Purple Thai was bred originally by DJ Shorts and I also beleive Blueberry has a fair amount of Oregon Purple Thai in it as well, hence the odd growth behavior of some of the original 'Blueberry'.

Reeferman has some really interesting strain/hybrid/genetics on his list and it's not really a seed breeder I've paid much attention to, but if some of its parental stock comes directly from DJ Shorts - it can't be all that bad.

A couple of small budding shots to keep everyone happy !



Well-Known Member
i say go for it. i love all those strains mentioned and the PRxOPT sounds unbettable. my buddy who runs my local shop said it was not in his distributors catalouge and, not that i didnt believe him but i looked for myself. the only way i can get it is if someone ships it to me. he cant buy it from his supplier for some stupid reason. but if the chemistry of it is similar to a full bodied nute, just weaker then i will go with that. im using liquid karma, how do they compare, is there something in the formulex that is not in liquid karma? are they completly different, am i just way off track? i feel that way sometimes. what would be something i can get if the liquid karma is missing something or completly different all together, that will compare to formulex?

for the past SOG grows i have relied on "size" of the plant. im learning more and more its all about under the soil line. i got microbe colinizing fungi ima use before they get xplanted. i really want the week inbetween rooting and flower to be all about the roots and colinization. next time im going to skip the keg cups alltogether and go straight to the flower container from rooting. i couldnt do it this time cause i only have one light and all those plants wont fit under one light unless they were in keg cups.


Well-Known Member
Found this on another site and it amused me somewhat -

I've recently harvested my first mandala plant. A kalichakra, and now i have a perma-grin!
Kalichakra is awasome weed!!
5 days ago i chopped it down. I know that that is nowhere enough time to dry let alone cure, but i wanted it and that was that. I tried a few early buds and knew what to expect. A happy upbeat high that make you wanna do stuff. Anyway i let the plant finish properly and i could only wait 5 days. I rolled one.
Loved it. smiled. I was stoned. I was "soaring happy" for quite some time. Now this is new to me. I've been doing bho and bubble hash exclusively for the last few months,, in excess. My tollerance is extremely high. So when i say stoned i'm suprised.
So i broke down and rolled two more. Usually after getting high for the first time each day the rest (5-6 times) aren't realy anything to look foward to. So I smoked one and about 3/4 of the way i was stoned again! Omg! I went to put it down but i couldn't i wanted to see how stoned i could get so i finished it and sparked another.
To make a long story short. I spent the last 20 min stumbling my fingers accross this keyboared. My face hurts from smiling and laughing. I cant remember being this "blissed out" ever.
This is my first long winded, rambling post i have ever ever made. I blame it on the best dope i have smoked in a long time. All I wanted to do was thank mike for the great genetics at incredible prices.


New Member
Found this on another site and it amused me somewhat -

I've recently harvested my first mandala plant. A kalichakra, and now i have a perma-grin!
Kalichakra is awasome weed!!
5 days ago i chopped it down. I know that that is nowhere enough time to dry let alone cure, but i wanted it and that was that. I tried a few early buds and knew what to expect. A happy upbeat high that make you wanna do stuff. Anyway i let the plant finish properly and i could only wait 5 days. I rolled one.
Loved it. smiled. I was stoned. I was "soaring happy" for quite some time. Now this is new to me. I've been doing bho and bubble hash exclusively for the last few months,, in excess. My tollerance is extremely high. So when i say stoned i'm suprised.
So i broke down and rolled two more. Usually after getting high for the first time each day the rest (5-6 times) aren't realy anything to look foward to. So I smoked one and about 3/4 of the way i was stoned again! Omg! I went to put it down but i couldn't i wanted to see how stoned i could get so i finished it and sparked another.
To make a long story short. I spent the last 20 min stumbling my fingers accross this keyboared. My face hurts from smiling and laughing. I cant remember being this "blissed out" ever.
This is my first long winded, rambling post i have ever ever made. I blame it on the best dope i have smoked in a long time. All I wanted to do was thank mike for the great genetics at incredible prices.

Go hit those boards in the spirituality forums babygro, or toke n talk. I've never seen you in there, at least I can't remember it. Good to see you back again babygro, I was starting to wonder where you'd got to.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Go hit those boards in the spirituality forums babygro, or toke n talk. I've never seen you in there, at least I can't remember it. Good to see you back again babygro, I was starting to wonder where you'd got to.:mrgreen:
Heya Skunky

I'm still around mate, but been really busy with real life recently and any spare time I have had has gone into the plants, the updates of which are now very overdue.

The clones are coming on nicely but easily outgrowing their little temporary home so I'm going to have to move them shortly. I'm planning on turning them into 'bonsai mums' which I'll document on here which should be interesting.

The main plants are going great, not at the end of the third week of flowering yet and they're already starting to spew out resin on the surrounding leaves :mrgreen: man these plants are vigorous! I think they're pretty much at the end of their stretch now, just as well really as I only have another foot of headroom left!

I've also got the RO machine now, so looking forward to hooking that up sometime next week and banishing that dreaded Mg problem I've been plagued with for good.

To be honest with you, I'm way too busy now with the Rollipedia copy writing and occasionally helping people out with their problems to spend much time in Toke N Talk or Spirituality, although I am looking to reduce down my 'problem solving' posts because I feel I'm basically wasting my time. People don't listen, nor do they value the information I give them, best to let the 'know it all's of the board hand out their wrong advice, because I'm now really weary of the constant battle I have to get simple points across.

I'm also tired of all the poor advice I see people hand out, but it doesn't seem to stop - so best to let people get on with it I'm afraid. Sadly its the users who'll suffer the most, but hey, not my problem.

That's the problem when you hand out FREE advice to someone - they simply don't value it and opinions I'm afraid are like assholes - unfortunately - everyone has one, but most newbies here struggle to differentiate between good advice and poor.

Hope to get more pics and more updates and answer a few outstanding posts in this thread sometime next week.


New Member
Looking forward to the bonsai moms that will be very interesting.

There are always plenty of people willing to help out the newb's. I pop in myself from time to time but the repetitiveness does get tiring.

Good to see things running smoothly.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey BG, I'm looking forward to the pics of your girls 3 weeks into flowering mate!

I know what you mean about being busy with real life, it really takes over sometimes eh!?

Love the idea of your bonsai Mum btw, I hadn't even thought about that to be honest. My veg cupboard is really too small to maintain a decent Mum......I was thinking of how I could create a bigger space, but maybe Bonsai Weed is the way to go :).....Can't wait to see how this works for you. Good luck!



Well-Known Member
seen a few bonsai mums on another forum, looks like an interesting twist to growing. i hear theyre relatively hard to maintain due to the roots being bound in small pots, making watering and feeding a delicate matter. however you clearly have good, adaptable knowledge of the plants requirements and i wage that youll pull it off.

good luck with the restof this grow and i look forward to hearing about your bonsai...


Well-Known Member
i've heard bonsai mums arent too hard to maintain. They need to be trimmed regularly but if you're taking clones, job done.
The roots only need to be trimmed bout 2 times a year taking around 1.5 inches of the sides and bottom abd then re-plant but bury the stalk more, and give them water as normal and only nutes once a month


Well-Known Member
Finally got the RO machine up and running and gave the first plants a watering with 50/50 RO water and tap water + 2 mil Seaweed extract per 5 litres. Looking forward to seeing how they respond to that. I may have to alter the ratio a little.

Update on the clones - they're still in the 3" pots I transplanted them into and moved them all into a new location under a 200w blue Enviro. I switched the second red Enviro into the main plant flowering area this afternoon.

Here's a few pics of the clones before they all lose their heads :)


beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Can you post more bud shots of these? Should be 30 days in or so now of 12/12...if not more...and I'm sure a buncha folks who use hps that you've put down along the way would like to see how this is all done properly.

Those buds must be the size of Chernobyl watermelons by now under all that CFL/true to PAR lighting...

so let's see 'em....first grow and all...c'mon talk, talk, let's see that walk, walk, walk. It's only fair.


Active Member
Wonderful grow journal babygro. I forgot to thank you for helping me out a little over a week ago with my plants, so thank you.


Well-Known Member
Can you post more bud shots of these? Should be 30 days in or so now of 12/12...if not more...and I'm sure a buncha folks who use hps that you've put down along the way would like to see how this is all done properly.
All in good time.

Day 34 of flowering today.

Those buds must be the size of Chernobyl watermelons by now under all that CFL/true to PAR lighting...
I'm not using Purple bulbs for flowering, I'm using standard warm red 2,700k, which puts out the same spectrum as a HPS 2,700k bulb.

When I'm ready to do so, I shall put out a challenge to anyone on here to out-yield my fluorescents with their HIDS. You're free to take me on if you like, but you'll have to do a lot better than 0.4g per watt of electricity used if you hope to beat me, because I'm achieving more than that with my existing fluorescents.

so let's see 'em....first grow and all...c'mon talk, talk, let's see that walk, walk, walk. It's only fair.
First grow? Wrong. First grow documented on here, yes.

Neither do I have anything to prove to you or anyone else on here with what I do in my own grow. I'll post pictures when I'm ready to post pictures - not when you demand to see them.

If you'd like to follow the progress of my grow - please feel free to do so.

If you're only posting in my grow journal to cause trouble - fuck off and annoy someone else.


Well-Known Member
Babygro how's it going?
It's going well, they're not all dead as some on here might suggest ;) It's about time I updated this anyway.

It's day 87, 38 flowering. So they're just starting their 6th week of flowering.

The Kalichakra are 63-68 days and Satori 65-70. So another 3-4 weeks flowering to go and I wish they'd get a hurry up!

Been watering them with about 80/20 RO/Tap water which sorted the Mg problems I've been having, but some of the ones in smaller pots starting showing N def's but the ones in the bigger pots have been fine.

Feed has been about 2 mil per litre Biobizz Grow and 1 mil per litre of Biobizz bloom. Why more Grow than bloom? Two reasons really, firstly, to keep the N problems in check and secondly because of the molasses content of Grow.

People wonder why I don't use molasses - that's why - Biobizz Grow is based on Sugar Beet byproducts and that's effectively where molasses comes from. Grow already has a lot of molasses content in it.

And people say I can't comment on molasses because I've never used it - Wan***s.

FlowerSat4 is the plant that doesn't seem to want to stop going upwards - at 6 weeks it's still going! Still putting out new growth and still going upwards. I'll have to bend it if it goes up much more.

FlowerSat5 I think is a Kalichakra, but I can't remember now.

FlowerSat2, 6 is the other Indica dominant Satori, similar to the Sat4, although slightly smaller - it' s packing on the buds nicely, all the way up the main stem, so much so that it leans to one side! I may have to tie this one up to stop it falling over as the bud weight goes on.

This is probably the plant I'm going to take clones from (from the mothers I made) to grow out SOG style next grow, depending on how it smokes of course. It has the characteristics I'm looking for - nice medium height, nice bud weight, no def's on this one so far at all - it'll work well in a SOG.

