Marijuana and God.

Yea, the old "God put that here to test our faith" sort of thing. Yea well, the idea that God is f**king with me is not what I believe, I think God put people like that here to test my faith man, or at least my patience. Saying God put something here to tempt us makes God sound deviant or something. Encourage us but secretly hope we fail, intentionally put stumbling blocks before me and watch me fall, no way . So don't worry too much about it, these are the same people who actually believe the earth is like six thousand years old...
I've been having many debates in the past month or so in regards to this subject. I believe god made everything for a reason and that marijuana is can be used for healing of the nations... But my friends say that god made marijuna as a kind of "temptation" so that we could practice self control.. What is a good argument to counter this?

Firstly, God didn't make weed a temptation. Man did. We vilified a plant God gave to us as a gift.
Second, It will take more than just MJ to heal nations. Ppl need faith now more than ever before.
Lastly, Too much of anything is a bad thing. Moderation is the key. We must practice self control with many things. Food, wine, women, drugs....
Firstly, God didn't make weed a temptation. Man did. We vilified a plant God gave to us as a gift.
Second, It will take more than just MJ to heal nations. Ppl need faith now more than ever before.
Lastly, Too much of anything is a bad thing. Moderation is the key. We must practice self control with many things. Food, wine, women, drugs....

Very good post. Stated perfectly IMO.
Man villifies alot of things, sometimes almost everything.
Moderation in all things.
I wish I could allways use moderation, but I sadly fall short many times
Marijuana the plant can be used for paper, clothing, cars (exteriors), building materials, fuel sources, food source (seeds) as well as recreational use. In most of these things MJ is much more efficient than current sources used today.

Think of how long it takes a tree to grow before it gets chopped down to make paper while MJ can be grown quickly and economically with much less of a carbon footprint than trees.

Hemp can be used to make fabric that (I believe tho not sure) is requires less processing for the finished product and thus less energy.

Hemp can also be used to create materials for cars.

Apparently hemp mixed with lime can be used to create materials for building walls that are "carbon neutral". It seems walls made with hemp are actually more resistant than common building materials used today and longer lasting! This further reduces the carbon footprint.

I'd go on but you get the idea. Here is where I saw most of my info from:
If you're interested in evolution I really think you should read some on the topic. You are mischaracterizing some areas and completely wrong in others. In short, we do have fossils that show a link, not only between species, but between complete classes of animals and plants. We actually have speciation evidence in extant species, not just fossils. Just google and you can see on the first page, hundreds of examples to observed speciation events. Denying macro evolution as you call it, is not acceptance of evolution. You can't accept parts of it and then grant special access to magic for other parts. That isn't science but some hybrid that denies the mountain of evidence in addition to the fossil record that says you are wrong. There is no "missing link" as you call it but hundreds of them. There is a continuum of stages from apes to humans as well as very solid genetic evidence.
However, this is not the place to discuss it and much of it is just rehashing old material, so I invite you to take this part of the conversation to one of the threads dedicated to evolution vs. ID and creationism. Here's one that I have posted some more rebuttals to your claims, most of which reveal some basic misunderstandings of the evolution, including the meaning behind the full title of Origin.

So, if we are evolved from apes, why are there still apes on Earth? Wouldn't all apes now be people, and therefore extinct? Sorry, but that doesn't play for me. And there actually IS a missing link, can't remember the title, but there is a documentary that was on National Geographic channel a couple of years back about Darwinism, Evolution and THE MISSING Link.
Guys this is preety simple . If you smoke for no other reason than to get high it is a sin . God put this wonderful plant on earth for a reason . To medicate the ailing . If you are sick and you use cannabis for medicine . Not a problem . Anything can be abused ,people in Jesus's era drank wine with dinner but they didn,t abuse it .
It is a natural medicine put here to help us . I rely on cannabis everyday . I suffer from chrones disease and feel its pain everyday . I have no appetite in the mornings ,I can't eat a breakfest without smoking .

So ask yourself why do I smoke ? Are you a Christian ? You will get your answer .

Easy, suicide is a major sin! If you didn't eat to stay alive, it would be akin to committing suicide. How's that answer?
So, if we are evolved from apes, why are there still apes on Earth? Wouldn't all apes now be people, and therefore extinct? Sorry, but that doesn't play for me. And there actually IS a missing link, can't remember the title, but there is a documentary that was on National Geographic channel a couple of years back about Darwinism, Evolution and THE MISSING Link.
You seriously want to use that argument?
Americans descended from Europeans. Why are there still Europeans on earth?

Your post demonstrates your complete lack of understanding of human evolution. Watch the following video, then if you still have questions, come back and I'll do my best to answer them.


You heard "his" word? Okay, which single word of the bible did Jesus write. NONE! It blows ALL other documents away? In who's opinion? YOURS! I agree when you said it was written by many different MEN over sever thousand years. But I do not believe it carries the same theme all the way through. Historically its a story about the jewish people and the god they invented to be on their side against ALL other people named Jehovah not Jesus. So the creator of the universe needs several men over thousands of years to communicate his will to us? I highly doubt it. So just what did people do to understand this person and his will for them over the course of thousands of years? Cmon really? People invented religion PERIOD. And why you are on here debating if it's a sin to smoke weed or not is beyond me. If you dont want to do it don't; if you do, then do. But leave all this religion shit out of it. The plant was here before we were according to your book anyway. Just for shits and giggles look up "murder in the bible" in your search engine and see what kind of god jehovah was.

Nothing against you personally cause I don't know you. But I have respect for all. Freedom of religion, as well as, freedom from it.

You sure don't come off as having "respect for all" or even any except those that hold the same beliefs you do, which are apparently are none. You are right, though Freedom of religion is our right, but at the time the Declaration of Indepence was written most people did believe in God, maybe not the Jewish or Christian or Catholic God, but in a supreme being or beings. And yes, I did separate Christians from Catholics even technically Catholics are Christians. If you're Catholic, I need not explain!
You seriously want to use that argument?
Americans descended from Europeans. Why are there still Europeans on earth?

Your post demonstrates your complete lack of understanding of human evolution. Watch the following video, then if you still have questions, come back and I'll do my best to answer them.


Actually Americans are descended from people all over the world. And Europeans and Americans alike are people, the same species. That argument is not even equivalent.
You seriously want to use that argument?
Americans descended from Europeans. Why are there still Europeans on earth?

Your post demonstrates your complete lack of understanding of human evolution. Watch the following video, then if you still have questions, come back and I'll do my best to answer them.


I don't have questions about God. Went to Catholic Schools all through, CCD, Sunday School, etc.. Religious people don't just discount science but, those with no faith think that the two cannot both be true. Even if we are descended from apes, who created apes in the first place? Or the single cell ameoba (sorry for the spelling, I'm sure that's wrong).
Actually Americans are descended from people all over the world. And Europeans and Americans alike are people, the same species. That argument is not even equivalent.
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Actually the analogy is quite spot on. We didn't just descend from apes, we ARE apes. We descended from fish too so in your world that means we can't go fishing this weekend I guess.
You responded to a post that starts out by saying, "If you're interested in evolution I really think you should read some on the topic. You are mischaracterizing some areas and completely wrong in others."

You really should have taken that comment to heart. Where did you get the idea that when a new species evolves that parent species must go extinct? The fact that you are arguing with the analogy given tongue-in-cheek makes me doubt whether you are capable of understanding.
I don't have questions about God. Went to Catholic Schools all through, CCD, Sunday School, etc.. Religious people don't just discount science but, those with no faith think that the two cannot both be true.
No one has claimed that religious people discount science however there are some that do. There are others that don't discount science unless it contradicts what they have been taught by their religion. It is those people that create the conflict between religion and science, not the atheist or the scientist.

Even if we are descended from apes, who created apes in the first place? Or the single cell ameoba (sorry for the spelling, I'm sure that's wrong).
If you start with the premise that living things must have been created in the first place, then you are merely begging the question, a logical fallacy that is a form of circular reasoning.
Jeezy Creezzy.... It's funny how people define evolution based on their own incorrect notions, only to then dismiss their own, incorrect notions, lol....