Marijuana inc.


Well-Known Member
His statement is insulting to Americans, that was the need for the name calling. If your an American and you didn't get offended thats you. But he didn't need to say what he said that wasn't needed. Marijuana has been around long enough for the vast majority of the world to know what it is. Yes there may be some "sheltered" people or the young children that still didn't buy their first dime bag from the play ground yet, but at least 90% of America knows what Marijuana looks like. Its not like its some secret thats been hidden for the past 1000 years or anything :roll:
While more americans may know about it, there are still large segments of society that wouldn't know what it was if it was in their soup. The older generation for example, those in their 60's and 70's have no reason to know what it looks like as they don't come into contact with it. I know my own relatives didn't know(good thing for me) what it was. I think the younger gen has a better idea as it has become more prevalent anf open in society than it has been for years, and more excepted. When I started smoking the views were that we were derelicts and ne'er do wells, whereas now it's common for professionals to toke.
All namw calling does is to degrade both parties, besides what does it prove?Disagreeing with the opinion of others is the American way, but to insult others for their opinion just ain't right..that's all my point is..


Active Member
Thanks for the heads up. It's still 97% in favor of decriminalization, and so far every single comment posted is in favor of decriminalization. Amazing- why can't the politicians wake up???


Well-Known Member
Just watched it and it pretty much explains why we all envy FDD. I'm on the east coast and my state has medical but all we have is bitch ass notices from the doctor. But you still pay a small find if you are caught. That doesn't make any since tome. The program was nice though. I DVR'd it, watched it and accidentally erased it. I set up another recording for sunder though.


Well-Known Member
I thought the show was 'tiled' in favor of prohibition with the way it up played the negative points of California at the end. Standard American sensationalist journalism. Pretty crappy if you ask me.

As to the guy who thinks American's don't know what pot looks like, you really need to think before typing. My entire elementary school knew exactly what Marijuana plants looked like as well as the final product. We had a cop come 'show' us what to look for so we could avoid it :wall:. It was all BS of course, but he brought in a real plant as well as real buds. When I did start smoking I had a good idea of what to look for off of that cops 'lecture.'

Yes our former president was an idiot, yes our government sucks in just about every aspect, but don't assume that 1 idiot who's 'henchmen' rigged the election is a representation of the entire populace. You really have no idea what your talking about, I know people who have never smoked who can see, smell and identify a marijuana plant from half a mile a way. Most of America has smoked at some point, over 68% believe in legalization. Somehow I don't think that the majority, who believes in legalization or the super majority who's at least tried it, don't know what it looks like.

Your post only proves that stupidity comes in all nationalities.

I can agree with you, cause when I was young, it though people smoked the leaves. Especially after 'The Chronic' came out and there was a pot leaf on the cover. Then when I started smoking and saw buds, I was confused. Then when I got the internet and saw bud shots on the high times website, it literally got aroused. YEAH, I said it!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Just watched it and it pretty much explains why we all envy FDD. I'm on the east coast and my state has medical but all we have is bitch ass notices from the doctor. But you still pay a small find if you are caught. That doesn't make any since tome. The program was nice though. I DVR'd it, watched it and accidentally erased it. I set up another recording for sunder though.
i personally don't envy anyone's grow yes FDD can grow a hell of a crop along with a number of others. what we can grow without haveing to worry about the local cops. isn't that right FDD. us card holders can get away with growing the huge crops.


Well-Known Member
Nobody is really talking about the content of the show or what was said before the show...

About 20 minutes before the show started they had two guests, one asshole giving the same old argument about mj being a gateway drug and it being harmful. and therefore legalizing it would be like opening up the floodgates to further addiction, and the other guy from the Marijuana Policy Project who seemed ill prepared and didn't really knock that bs of the other side down as well as he should have. At the end of the tiny (5 minute) debate the host says there were "valid points on both sides" meaning clearly cnbc didn't do it's research either, they accepted the assholes old Reagon era arguments and they accepted the bush administrations skewed numbers that said upping the war on drugs worked. They claim, with fake numbers to back up their claims, that the war on drugs has reduced the problem of marijuana / drugs by 50% in america.


The MPP guy said that was bullshit and the numbers were just made up by the bush administration but he didn't really get a chance to make a good argument.

Of course then at the end of the actual show, which was certainly NOT pro marijuana or pro legalization, they asked the man who actually flew the choppers and he said it used to be they could fly around all day and get a few plants, now anywhere they look there's more out there than they can handle. Millions of plants destroying nat'l forest lands with no end in sight and that it's not working...

I think it was a pretty half assed attempt at a show and there was no further debate afterwards.

And NO MENTION of the 97% of votes wanting it legalized on their poll.


Well-Known Member
While more americans may know about it, there are still large segments of society that wouldn't know what it was if it was in their soup. The older generation for example, those in their 60's and 70's have no reason to know what it looks like as they don't come into contact with it. I know my own relatives didn't know(good thing for me) what it was. I think the younger gen has a better idea as it has become more prevalent anf open in society than it has been for years, and more excepted. When I started smoking the views were that we were derelicts and ne'er do wells, whereas now it's common for professionals to toke.
All namw calling does is to degrade both parties, besides what does it prove?Disagreeing with the opinion of others is the American way, but to insult others for their opinion just ain't right..that's all my point is..
And I agree with your opinion bro, it does degrade both parties. But at one point or another in your life you called a person a name just like everyone else does in their life. (I dont wanna hear anybody say they never called anybody a name in their lifetime thats just a damn lie) If your a "name caller" once thats what you are. Just because I name call on here when I think i'm being insulted (let alone the whole country I live in) doesn't make me any worse then anybody on here and i'm not saying your saying i'm worse then other people. When they take my first ammendment away (which will probably be sooner then a lot of people think, One world gov. ftl) then i'll be a little more careful about what I say.
People take things different ways thats one of the things that makes everyone different. I just find it funny how many people on here call names and talk a lot of crap but I'm the one thats gets picked out of 500+ people to be made an example out of.. Take a look at this thread that was goin off this morning. You should try and preech your words in there. (not trying to be a dick bro just making an example) Just picking one person out of the community to make an example out of isn't going to make the whole community better. If the things I said were that offensive I think i would of had a mod come talk to me but one has yet to send a message.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I thought the show was 'tiled' in favor of prohibition with the way it up played the negative points of California at the end. Standard American sensationalist journalism. Pretty crappy if you ask me.

As to the guy who thinks American's don't know what pot looks like, you really need to think before typing. My entire elementary school knew exactly what Marijuana plants looked like as well as the final product. We had a cop come 'show' us what to look for so we could avoid it :wall:. It was all BS of course, but he brought in a real plant as well as real buds. When I did start smoking I had a good idea of what to look for off of that cops 'lecture.'

Yes our former president was an idiot, yes our government sucks in just about every aspect, but don't assume that 1 idiot who's 'henchmen' rigged the election is a representation of the entire populace. You really have no idea what your talking about, I know people who have never smoked who can see, smell and identify a marijuana plant from half a mile a way. Most of America has smoked at some point, over 68% believe in legalization. Somehow I don't think that the majority, who believes in legalization or the super majority who's at least tried it, don't know what it looks like.

Your post only proves that stupidity comes in all nationalities.

Excuse me...Yes, there are many who do know what it looks like, but there are an equal number who don't Believe it or not, there are folks over the age of 50 who don't have any need to know. As to that 68% , how many were surveyed? Were you surveyed, I wasn't, neither were anyone I know. The truth is, surveys can be tailored to reflect what ever the group taking the survey wants it to say. Check out the next "survey stats..then check out just how many people were actually asked.By the way, what is your source for the 68%? Don't assume that your experiences reflect those of every one else. I'm sure were you to take a bag into a nursing home that most residents don't know what it is, whereas take the same bag into a bar and everybody will know what it is.
As for stupidity, yours is showing if you insult and disrespect those who don't agree with you


Well-Known Member
Fuck people who cares about stupid name calling and whether people can recognise a plant, talk about the show, make your post count for something or shut up!


Well-Known Member
And I agree with your opinion bro, it does degrade both parties. But at one point or another in your life you called a person a name just like everyone else does in their life. (I dont wanna hear anybody say they never called anybody a name in their lifetime thats just a damn lie) If your a "name caller" once thats what you are. Just because I name call on here when I think i'm being insulted (let alone the whole country I live in) doesn't make me any worse then anybody on here and i'm not saying your saying i'm worse then other people. When they take my first ammendment away (which will probably be sooner then a lot of people think, One world gov. ftl) then i'll be a little more careful about what I say.
People take things different ways thats one of the things that makes everyone different. I just find it funny how many people on here call names and talk a lot of crap but I'm the one thats gets picked out of 500+ people to be made an example out of.. Take a look at this thread that was goin off this morning. You should try and preech your words in there. (not trying to be a dick bro just making an example) Just picking one person out of the community to make an example out of isn't going to make the whole community better. If the things I said were that offensive I think i would of had a mod come talk to me but one has yet to send a message.:leaf:
My only point was that it's possible to disagree without insults, that's all. I have said the same in other forums as well..not picking on ya dude. Just think if personal insults weren't so prevalent in the Middle East how much better it would be.


Well-Known Member
My only point was that it's possible to disagree without insults, that's all. I have said the same in other forums as well..not picking on ya dude. Just think if personal insults weren't so prevalent in the Middle East how much better it would be.
I know ya weren't picking on me bro. Just tired of hearing people say how dumb americans are. He may not of said it like that but that was what he was insinuating.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Fuck people who cares about stupid name calling and whether people can recognise a plant, talk about the show, make your post count for something or shut up!
if you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen. if your feel goods get hurt over someones opinion then this is not the site for you cuz your going to herar it alot on here, opinions, name calling it happens. do we all get this ofensive to our friends to their face like this for their opinion NO I DON'T. so why should we here. and like OREGON MEDS said we are way off the topic that was started.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I know ya weren't picking on me bro. Just tired of hearing people say how dumb americans are. He may not of said it like that but that was what he was insinuating.
im sorry but their are some nieve americans in the world and to a lot of thing other than not marijuana.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Oregonmeds...That was definitely a half-assed attempt at a show that could have been alot better. You would think that they would have had more statistics, dollar amounts as far as spending on "the fight"(besides the billions they mentioned the DEA were spending). They said nothing about the amount of people arrested each year and how much it costs to find those people, arrest those people, encarcerate those people, and hold them in jail. They didn't mention that most molesters and some murderers serve less jail time than alot of people arrested for growing pot. They also didn't elaborate on the violence at all. All they did was show that someone broke into somebody's house, tried to rob them, and got shot. They didn't talk about the fact that by it being illegal it causes alot of violence....with robberies and turf wars. I'd like to add too that I didn't like it that they showed that house burned down and said that it happens often. Those people obviously weren't paying attention to the wattage and amperage ratings on their power strips and extension cords. And the lady doing the reporting, she was not the right person for the job. She was very ill-prepared. Terrible attempt. I am glad to see it being talked about, I just wish it had been done better.


Well-Known Member
see, most people (especialy in california) don't care.
back in 1993 i was standing at a bus stop at a shopping mall near sandiego.
a CROWDED bus stop. two dudes sparked a joint and toked the whole thing while waiting for the
bus. About 15 people of various ages and ethnicities just ignored it. I WAS ASTONISHED.
but happy. Sometimes me and my friend would smoke with his grandpa who was dutch, a member of the dutch resistance durring the 5 year nazi occupation.
a real badass old guy to smoke with. i'm rambling, sorry.