And didn't get the job..............
i was also eligible for a re-test which i chose to not take..out of certo

And didn't get the job..............
So you're opposed to capitalism now and claim that you always have been...
Reading your thread ...its full of academic Shit!! ..I grew up in the USSR, served my country well, and killed and injured many, as they did to me
that said I hate communism but unlike your fucked up comments, you have to be there to experience it yourself, I now live on a distant island with strong tribal behavior, in does not compare!!!!
in communism you are working for the man ..'at the top' a tribe..! you work for the 'team' the real team, fellow 'warriors' and their families, you do it for 'family duty'.. nothing national about it
go live in a commie state ....lets us know how you got on?
When did the cry baby join the GOP. I thought he was in some other party.
I'm opposed to unfree markets
sounds like a nice list of place that are heavily indigenous people. not a melting pot like america or other heavily immigrated countries....seems tribe like......hey im all for respecting others. thats their rules, these are ours. its not love it or leave it, its follow the rules, or change the rules in a civil manor.
The U.S. was the first on the MoonOne has to ask is it really that bad ??? i mean look at it this way for every 20 hrs in space USA did ,, Russia had 100 hrs on them Russia had the first of everything in space man , women , hell even a dog in space before america They were the first on the moon
when we look at material things like what we call property is it really relevant,
Breaking it all down is western society actually better off or are you actually living in fear ..
you may own that house yet the Government can come and take it away from you , you ever wonder why them farmers with them big field just out side a big city are no more now you see new homes etc
progress period sure they will offer you a price usually good price for your land but if you were to say no , and we herd it millions of times they come and take it from you and give you well below property value and say suck it up ..
communism is good and bad many benefits its like being in a union although your a POS worker your ass is still covered when we look at schooling , housing , and everything else which is better free schooling medical and health or how it is out west To fucking bad you got no health care get the fuck out of here lol schooling costs housing costs ,,
So where does it end ???
is our system better and or who surely not the lower income or the very few middle class people which there squeezing out of existence, we look at at China , russia , and any other comunist nation as poor 3rd world , yet keep a blind eye at the problem at hand in our own back yard unemployment homeless , no jobs , and most importantly education
No...wrong again many tend to believe but lets really look who was the first on the moon USA or Russia
The space race between the United States and the Soviet Union brought an engaging touch of science fiction to the Cold War. To American astonishment and dismay, the Russians at first took a commanding lead. Their programme was directed by Sergei Korolev, a brilliant aeronautical engineer and expert on rockets, who had displeased Stalin and spent time in the Gulag in the 1930s. He was a commanding figure who did not suffer fools gladly and his staff treated him almost as a god. In the 1950s he developed a massive and at the time almost unthinkably powerful rocket, the R-7, which would propel Soviet spacecraft to the Moon.
Sputnik 1, the first satellite ever launched, created a sensation in 1957 when it hurtled out into space and orbited the Earth every 96 minutes before falling back into the Earth’s atmosphere. Sputnik 2 took the first living creature out into space, a sweet-tempered dog called Laika, though she did not last as long as the Russians pretended. More Sputnik missions tested life-support systems and re-entry procedures. In January 1959 the spacecraft Luna 1 (which Korolev called Mechta, ‘the Dream’) was launched at the Moon, but missed by around 3,700 miles and went into orbit between the Sun and Mars.
Then, on September 12th, 1959 Luna 2 was launched. At just past midnight Moscow time on September 14th it crashed some 240,000 miles away on the Moon not far from the Sea of Tranquillity (perhaps a not entirely appropriate location). Korolev and his people were listening as the signals coming back from the spacecraft suddenly stopped. The total silence meant that Luna had hit its target and there was great jubilation in the control room.
Luna 2 (Luna is Russian for Moon) weighed 390 kilograms. It was spherical in shape with antennae sticking out of it and carried instruments for measuring radiation, magnetic fields and meteorites. It also carried metal pendants which it scattered on the surface on impact, with the hammer and sickle of the USSR on one side and the launch date on the other. It confirmed that the moon had only a tiny radiation field and, so far as could be observed, no radiation belts. The spacecraft had no propulsion system of its own and the third and final stage of its propelling rocket crashed on the moon about half an hour after Luna 2 itself.
The scientific results of Luna 2 were similar to those of Luna 1, but the psychological impact of Luna 2 was profound. The closest any American probe had come to the Moon at that point was 37,000 miles. It seemed clear in the United States that the timing had been heavily influenced by the fact that the Soviet premier, Nikita Khruschev, was due to arrive in the US immediately afterwards, to be welcomed by President Eisenhower. Luna 2’s success enabled him to appear beaming with rumbustious pride. He lectured Americans on the virtues of communism and the immorality of scantily clothed chorus girls. The only way of annoying him seemed to be by refusing to let him into Disneyland.
Korolev had a clincher to come. Only three weeks later, Luna 3 was launched on October 4th, the second anniversary of Sputnik 1, to swing round the far side of the Moon and send back the first fuzzy pictures of its dark side, which no one had seen before. It was an astonishing feat of navigation and it was now possible to draw a tentative map of the Moon’s hidden side.
While the Americans were in disarray, with their space efforts publicly failing (Russian setbacks were kept strictly secret), Korolev went on to put the first man into space, Yuri Gagarin, in 1961. In 1963, on Khruschev’s orders, he propelled the first woman into space, Valentina Tereshkova, which enabled the Soviet Union to make propaganda mileage by claiming that under communism women were treated equally to men.
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"So-called Moon"... ?are you sure you made it to the moon ??? i mean seriously , you think they made it through the van allen belt in pepsi tin can ??? and if so why have they not been to the so called moon since ?? its proven facts that when exploring something you take gradual steps but now there talking about going to mars ??? lol kinda ironic wouldn't it be much better to have a moon base then a so called space station that is not actually in space ??? think about it
What USA gained with there lies and deception they had to show the world something and it was stated they had to make it there at any cost ,, hmm wonder how paramount pictures and the moon landing have in common ????
But its all starting to unravel before your very eyes ..
are you sure you made it to the moon ??? i mean seriously , you think they made it through the van allen belt in pepsi tin can ??? and if so why have they not been to the so called moon since ?? its proven facts that when exploring something you take gradual steps but now there talking about going to mars ??? lol kinda ironic wouldn't it be much better to have a moon base then a so called space station that is not actually in space ??? think about it
What USA gained with there lies and deception they had to show the world something and it was stated they had to make it there at any cost ,, hmm wonder how paramount pictures and the moon landing have in common ????
But its all starting to unravel before your very eyes ..
you wonder why he wouldn't swear on the bible saying he was on the moon but went to attack mode lol cmon you believe everything your censored media tells you how about the big patriot lie fed on the world
Then how come the VA hospitals are so infamous for poor care?