Marxism fails, always.

media hype and a turtle fucker?:lol:

now go to a .gov site where you can look up his record..i'm good with who he is, what he votes and no amount of media will get me to hennypenny.
So in otherwords, Bernie is a figure of authority you won't question. Directly contradictory to your stateist themed signature. Strange. Are you always this hypercritical, or just in politics?
One has to ask is it really that bad ??? i mean look at it this way for every 20 hrs in space USA did ,, Russia had 100 hrs on them Russia had the first of everything in space man , women , hell even a dog in space before america They were the first on the moon
when we look at material things like what we call property is it really relevant,
Breaking it all down is western society actually better off or are you actually living in fear ..
you may own that house yet the Government can come and take it away from you , you ever wonder why them farmers with them big field just out side a big city are no more now you see new homes etc
progress period sure they will offer you a price usually good price for your land but if you were to say no , and we herd it millions of times they come and take it from you and give you well below property value and say suck it up ..
communism is good and bad many benefits its like being in a union although your a POS worker your ass is still covered when we look at schooling , housing , and everything else which is better free schooling medical and health or how it is out west To fucking bad you got no health care get the fuck out of here lol schooling costs housing costs ,,
So where does it end ???
is our system better and or who surely not the lower income or the very few middle class people which there squeezing out of existence, we look at at China , russia , and any other comunist nation as poor 3rd world , yet keep a blind eye at the problem at hand in our own back yard unemployment homeless , no jobs , and most importantly education
Russia's "first man in space" died there. Russia has never been to the moon.
because to rightie it's a social safety for the vets who came back..they don't deserve it, therefore, they (rightie) votes against funding.
Why do you blame "righties" for the poor performance of the VA that is run by Democrats, under Obama? Note Obama has not even prosecuted VA officials for falsifying documents in order to fraudulently claim bonuses, TWO felonies. As this was the cause of 100s of deaths, it seems that mass murder charges might also be appropriate. Yet Obama is mute on the subject. The VA debacle had nothing to do with funding.
did you ever figure out where you want your sock puppet's location to be? you seemed to get caught in a lie about living in las cruces or albuquerque.

@sunni , where is our sock puppet friend's IP coming from nowadays? let's work together to figure out the mystery of this loser sock puppet.
Yes, let's do.
first off you cannot believe anything america has to say or said they done truth is usa has been in Syria for what one year ??? and ask your self WTF have they accomplished
Russia has done more in one week then usa has done in 1 year
You can't believe a word Americans say,look how they presented the Cuban Missile crisis as a victory for JFK,it was nothing of the sort.America omitted to tell the World that in return for Russia turning back those Missiles from Cuba,Kennedy quietly agreed to remove US Missiles from Turkey,a fact kept quiet from the World.It was a victory for Kruschev,not JFK.Things ARE NOT necessarily,the way that the United States presents them.

Same thing applies to the Apollo moon landing how ironic the most so called important thing in US history and all the DATA has mystically deleted by NASA yeah i guess that is believable for the average or common american
no different then if anyone will ever know who actually caused 911 that simply has been shoveled away and forgotten

but here yeah they were on the moon lmao
reports, Aug. 29, 2009, that a “moon rock” given to former Dutch prime minister Willem Drees by the three Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin during a global tour following their moon mission in 1969, is a fake.

J. William Middendorf, the former American ambassador to the Netherlands, had made the presentation to Drees. The rock was later donated to Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum by Drees’ estate after his death in 1988.

Curators at Rijksmuseum, where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year, discovered that the “lunar rock”, valued at £308,000, was in fact petrified wood, possibly from Arizona.

Researchers at Amsterdam’s Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests. Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation, said, “It’s a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone.”

Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation, said the museum would continue to keep the stone as a curiosity: “It’s a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered. We can laugh about it.”