One has to ask is it really that bad ??? i mean look at it this way for every 20 hrs in space USA did ,, Russia had 100 hrs on them Russia had the first of everything in space man , women , hell even a dog in space before america They were the first on the moon
when we look at material things like what we call property is it really relevant,
Breaking it all down is western society actually better off or are you actually living in fear ..
you may own that house yet the Government can come and take it away from you , you ever wonder why them farmers with them big field just out side a big city are no more now you see new homes etc
progress period sure they will offer you a price usually good price for your land but if you were to say no , and we herd it millions of times they come and take it from you and give you well below property value and say suck it up ..
communism is good and bad many benefits its like being in a union although your a POS worker your ass is still covered when we look at schooling , housing , and everything else which is better free schooling medical and health or how it is out west To fucking bad you got no health care get the fuck out of here lol schooling costs housing costs ,,
So where does it end ???
is our system better and or who surely not the lower income or the very few middle class people which there squeezing out of existence, we look at at China , russia , and any other comunist nation as poor 3rd world , yet keep a blind eye at the problem at hand in our own back yard unemployment homeless , no jobs , and most importantly education