Massachusetts citizens VOTE YES ON #2 decriminalize marijuana

Those mother fuckers if they turn over this bill I am gonna freak. We the people of the state have steped up and preformed our civil duty now these fuckers who think they know whats best for us is gonna change what we the people voted yes too. By 2.5 to 1 vote. What is the point of voting then if someone has the last say anyway? fuck them grrrrrrr fuck that. This system is not a democracy if that shit happens. They asked we responded now get it done fuckers. They should never let things go to vote if they can change or reform it. That should all be done ahead of time. This system angers me. What if i don't like who just became president. I want to change or revoke him. Such bullshit someone elses views and opinions telliong me whats good for me and wehats not takes away my rights as an individule. Fuck I pay my taxes my votr should count. alright Im done... Just happy it passed we will see what happens. If anyone has info about any other action we as people can take to make sure this does not get overturned please let us know. Thanks.
kool if they appeal the bill you and i will storm the goddamn statehouse and smoke up right in the fucking lobby.

why isn't this thread blowing up? out of the 80,000 members there's only us few posters that care bout this? lol
It's the same thing as what happened in IL. The voters said yes, the IL senate said no, so no is the answer. If the federal government would decriminalize then the states could relax and finally let the people have what we voted for.
yes but from the NORML website...

Since 1973, 12 state legislatures -- Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and Oregon -- have enacted versions of marijuana decriminalization. In each of these states, marijuana users no longer face jail time (nor in most cases, arrest or criminal records) for the possession or use of small amounts of marijuana. According to national polls, voters overwhelmingly support these policies. In Oregon, voters recently reaffirmed their state's decriminalization law by a 2-1 margin in a statewide referendum.

so 12 other states have already allowed this through. that's reason enough for me to get excited.:bigjoint:
its a gateway law. but in this case the "gateway" effect may actually work, unlike herbals being a gateway to all drugs. in denver this law already passed, but still we get arrested for federal laws. at least its a step
I have my OMMC card here in Oregon and grow with out fear, and I grow outdoors ONLY! In fact it's very relaxing and can't wait until next spring.
So any word yet on progress to allow growing? It's pretty clearly stated in the new law that "manufacturing" is still totally illegal, but if the plant has less than 1 oz on it, and it's clearly for personal use, how does it work?

This is just me and my hopeful thinking- the boyfriend isn't a citizen and is worried about the legal ramifications if weed was found growing in an apt with his name on the lease (as well as mine). I totally respect that, but damn, wish I could grow some weed!
If you guys didn't see this, this question was on the Massachusetts State House Ballot:

Ballot said:
Medical marijuana use:
Ballot said:
Summary: Should the representative from this district be instructed to vote for legislation allowing seriously ill patients, with the consent of their doctor, to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana for their personal medical use?

It passed overwhelmingly in all 4 state houses.

If I understand everything correctly, I think this means that Massachusetts state representatives will have the opportunity to vote on a proposed medical marijuana bill (once it is created). If they don't, it will go to the popular ballot and most likely be passed; due to the recent surge of public opinion that it should be decriminalized as well as legalized for medicinal purposes.

The times they are-a changing, and it is awesome.
Sweet- although what does seriously ill mean? I'm just wondering how easy it would be to get a card...or if they will be only be issued to people with things like terminal cancer...
TLR:clap: thanks

No gardening allowed yet okie....that's where the state makes it's cash and also why they allowed the billed to be proposed in the first place. the state still gets the revenue from DUI,trafficking growing selling etc.

remember it's still a criminal act to engage in buying selling growing. it's not a criminal act to engage in owning, or possessing.

how do they expect you to get it if you can't buy it or grow it? they don't expect you to get it at all. it's still against the law, it's just a little more acceptable now, and lot easier to get away with a small bag or a few j's if yu get caught.
So any word yet on progress to allow growing? It's pretty clearly stated in the new law that "manufacturing" is still totally illegal, but if the plant has less than 1 oz on it, and it's clearly for personal use, how does it work?

This is just me and my hopeful thinking- the boyfriend isn't a citizen and is worried about the legal ramifications if weed was found growing in an apt with his name on the lease (as well as mine). I totally respect that, but damn, wish I could grow some weed!

naw cant cultivate at all, unless you do it illegally .

Grow it who care? just dont brag
Damnit, I know I'm not a regular poster on the forums, but here's the point in all of this:

If you are carrying under an oz of weed in Mass, sure you'll get slapped with $100 fine and your bag will be "confiscated" - now... the cops will have a lot less paperwork to do for you people, but they will be carrying your weed home and smoking the shit laughing at the new laws! This new law isn't going to make it less likely you will be pulled over if they smell pot emanating from your car. They will still bring out the dogs and search for "all" of your weed. They won't stop looking because you hand over your oz of bud. Now then, your ass is without weed, your less $100 in the bank, and hmmmm - if you're a smart ass, they may be nice enough to pull a few buds out of the last guy's bag to throw into yours to surpass the oz.

I really don't see where this new law has made marijuana any more de-criminalized than before. Yeah, you won't go to jail and retain a record for less than an oz, but if they get to know you as an habitual "offender", your life won't be any easier toting your oz around because if they see you, you will be profiled and assumed a criminal.

The only way we are going to win this war is to pass medical marijuana laws in all states, where sick patients and caregivers are allowed to grow without government or state interference. Don't get excited now. The laws are NOT lax in any sense of the word. You still need to FIGHT.
Damnit, I know I'm not a regular poster on the forums, but here's the point in all of this:

If you are carrying under an oz of weed in Mass, sure you'll get slapped with $100 fine and your bag will be "confiscated" - now... the cops will have a lot less paperwork to do for you people, but they will be carrying your weed home and smoking the shit laughing at the new laws! This new law isn't going to make it less likely you will be pulled over if they smell pot emanating from your car. They will still bring out the dogs and search for "all" of your weed. They won't stop looking because you hand over your oz of bud. Now then, your ass is without weed, your less $100 in the bank, and hmmmm - if you're a smart ass, they may be nice enough to pull a few buds out of the last guy's bag to throw into yours to surpass the oz.

I really don't see where this new law has made marijuana any more de-criminalized than before. Yeah, you won't go to jail and retain a record for less than an oz, but if they get to know you as an habitual "offender", your life won't be any easier toting your oz around because if they see you, you will be profiled and assumed a criminal.

The only way we are going to win this war is to pass medical marijuana laws in all states, where sick patients and caregivers are allowed to grow without government or state interference. Don't get excited now. The laws are NOT lax in any sense of the word. You still need to FIGHT.

with all due respect, that's the stupidist thing i've ever read.:evil: for fuck sake, we;re taking baby steps here. wars are won by battles being fought. how dare you minimize this major victory for another state in the union. this is a HUGE win. what the fuck are you talking about "habitual offenders"? that doesnt' exsist anymore. are there habitual stop sign runners? this law minimizes the criminality of possessing an oz or less of weed. 12 other states have effectively maintained similar laws and continued building from the foundation of these early bills.

research before you post something so definitive. the laws have indeed been made relaxed. that's the purpose of a "sensible marijuana policy" as stated in our states reform or such.

do you have any GD idea how many lives have been ruined as a result of getting busted with a small amount of weed?? you clearly have not been effected by it as many of us here have. lives completely crushed and turned upside down for owning a few joints and a couple bowls of weed.

it's still a GD federal crime to possess a class 1 substance, and MJ is still classified as such on a federal level. so the fact that separate states are enacting their own laws to support MM bills is outstanding.

regular poster or not, what you've writted is bullshit. this is indeed the time to get excited. many people have sacrificed much, many more have fought for years to get this bill passed.

fuck you and your naysaying. i'm glad you don't post often, your an idiot.
Listen up fishstick -

I don't know what fucking boat you're taking a cruise on, but you cruised right on past logic. "We The People" are speaking and have spoken, and with great numbers and I'm not ignoring this, but fishstick, you cannot honestly believe for a second that just because Billy Bob gets pulled over, caught with an ounce of weed, the troubles for him end there. He's going to pay $100 and be handed a get out of jail card and fork over his weed to Jim Bob the cop... but do you think he's not going to be asked where he got his weed from? Clearly you don't think - you assume - you IDIOT.

Let me post a little story for you... read up - was in the headlines today:

[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif] BOSTON (AP) - A day after Massachusetts voted to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana, top law enforcement officials were scrambling to figure out what they need to do to put the law into effect - despite their efforts to defeat it at the polls.
Attorney General Martha Coakley, who joined all 11 of the state's district attorneys in opposing the ballot question, said she's working to determine exactly what it will require the legal system to do.

"Question 2's passage not only authorizes the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana, but also establishes a parallel civil regulatory structure that does not currently exist," Coakley said in a written statement. "At this time, we are reviewing all of the implications of the new law and whether further clarification or guidance is needed."

Under the state constitution, a ballot question approved by voters becomes law 30 days after an election.

The courts have defined the end of an election as the date on which the Governor's Council certifies voting results. That typically happens during the last week of November or the first week of December.

Until the new law takes effect, marijuana possession will still be considered a crime, Coakley warned.

Possession of small amounts of marijuana in the state is now punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a $500 fine.
Once the new law takes effect, those caught with an ounce or less of pot will face a civil offense punishable by a $100 fine. They will also have to forfeit the marijuana. Anyone under 18 will also have to give up the drug, but will face a stiffer, $1,000 fine unless they complete a drug awareness program.

Hampden District Attorney William Bennett said Wednesday that he'll drop all pending charges of possessing an ounce or less of marijuana and won't prosecute new ones in order to focus instead on drug dealers.

"I'm going to act as if the law were in effect now," he told The Republican of Springfield newspaper. He said he doesn't know how many charges would be dismissed, but it's not a significant number.

Thomas Kiley, a lawyer representing the Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy, which pushed the ballot question, said the two months will give the state time to make the adjustments needed to conform to the new law, including the creation of new drug awareness programs by the Department of Youth Services.
"Once the people have spoken and expressed their desire for a specific kind of law there must be full implementation by the state," Kiley said.

Supporters of the ballot question said the new law will spare thousands from having a criminal record, which can make it harder to get a job, student loan or gain access to public housing. They also argued that taxpayers would save $30 million in costs associated with marijuana arrests.

But opponents, led by the district attorneys, had warned the measure could lead to more drug abuse among young people. They said marijuana is a gateway to harder drugs and said the marijuana available on the streets today is more potent than pot three decades ago.

They also argued that existing state law requires judges to dismiss charges and seal records for first-time offenders.
Massachusetts becomes the 12th state in the country to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. The measure passed with 65 percent of voters supporting it and 35 percent opposed.

[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Now, in case you didn't catch this part:

[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Hampden District Attorney William Bennett said Wednesday that he'll drop all pending charges of possessing an ounce or less of marijuana and won't prosecute new ones in order to focus instead on drug

[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif][/FONT]Are you a grower fishyfingers? Maybe you're spineless and buy your weed from the same street corner hopper that pimps out your girl. Well, if you are a grower, in THEIR eyes, you are a fucking drug dealer, and they are going to focus their energy on YOU. Oh yeah... you missed that day in school.... the day they were handing out brains...

I'm not in the least trying to discount what people have fought so hard for, and I'm not "nay saying". I'm urging people to realize that the buck doesn't stop here as far as the war on prohibition and I don't want some to get the wrong idea that they can walk down the street with a pipe in one fist and a bag in their back pocket.

God forbid someone be critical of the police and current law. I mean, since when was paranoia and skepticism of the police and our government useful in this movement I've been a part of for years? We should be proud of our "baby steps" and baby step our way over to our buddy's house, light up a fucking doob and just kick back - yeah everything's going to be alright.... someone's out there right now taking "baby steps" for me in my walk of a crusade to reform useless policy.

You are a jerkoff fish. Nice to have met ya! :finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:
your argument holds no merit. your just mad that you spoke out of turn, and posted without using that little brain in your head.

your disputing the right to victory over a passed MJ bill, on a website dedicated to MJ, in a thread celebrating the same.:clap: lol

I'm glad i made you search for 40 minutes to try and dig up even a shred of evidence to support your ridiculous claim that this new law won't make MJ any more decriminalized

And you're mad that I happened on your thread to present refutation of your claims of victory. I'm not denying the fact there was a major upset in Mass. I'm trying to let people know that the primrose path isn't cleared off for a stroll in the fucking park yet. I didn't have to dig for that story fisheyes... I keep up with the headlines of the day because I am clutched to reality. Maybe you are too far gone to look past your five fingers full of stunted growth. Maybe I should give you your thread back and say "May the force be with you" or some other science fiction, fairy tale bullshit.

Get real man. Pretend to fight the good fight. Throw some happy happy joy joy up for everyone to see and puff the herb. You ain't gotta do nothin now bro... it's all down hill with your "baby steps".
PS - I see you're still online reading my posts and I'm sure you're mad as hell, face red and pounding on your keyboard with your tiny little hands. But here's the thing, I'm done with ya. Take back your thread and hey... may the force of a good kick in the ass be with you!