Massachusetts citizens VOTE YES ON #2 decriminalize marijuana

I agree that anyone can post on that site but most of the posts that really had me floored came from people who clearly took the stance from a law enforcement point of view. Terms like "we" in reference to cops tend to make me believe its a cop writing it. Amyway I hope the cops you know personally are the ones patrolling my neighborhood :)
How often can the bill be put up in front of the state to pass medical Mj laws? how often can it go up and when can we the people vote on it? Does it have to go on the back burner for a certain amount of time before it can be brought up again?
well they had 4 nonbinding referendums in different counties around mass during this past election to "ask the state rep to vote yes for medical marijuana"....all 4 passed with flying colors so those reps are now kind of obligated to bring it back up soon. If you live in Mass though then you know that the state reps there do not always feel the same as the voters and those ballot questions were "non-binding". the cops and DA's are meeting with the state reps this week to try to overturn the decrim measure. I think the whole pot decrim issue is a little too hot right now for them to want to bring up medical MJ right now too. Patience. BTW - the way those ballot questions were worded was very vague. i think it was something like "do you think seriously ill people should have access to medical marijuana legally?" - seriously ill could mean if you don't have AIDS or cancer yoiu get no card. time will tell.
i havent been on RIU for so long good to see this thread continued without me........ WE WON im so fuckin pumped it goes into effect december 5th... VICTORY BLUNT:bigjoint:
i havent been on RIU for so long good to see this thread continued without me........ WE WON im so fuckin pumped it goes into effect december 5th... VICTORY BLUNT:bigjoint:

actually the latest i read said that it doesn't go into effect until 30 days after the election results are reported by the secretary of state to the governors council which may not happen for another week or so. that would mean it doesn't go into effect until sometime in january. let me know if you have contradicting info. thanks.
I guess governors council can still act on this law and or make changes. If he doesn't sign off on it or make changes I think it goes into effect. not to sure though anyone here anything about whats going on?
nope. as far as i know the election results havent even been submitted to the governors council yet. it goes into affect 30 days after the results are certified not 30 days after the election.
well the DA for western mass said he is going forward as if the law were already in effect and he will no longer prosecute cases of possession. he also threw out all cases that were pending on election day. the other 11 DA's say they will continue to prosecute possession cases until it becomes official which is jan 2nd. i think they delayed it purposely so they can still bust people for possession on new years eve. gotta be one of their biggest nights. and no it does not suck for persons under 18! you get to keep your record clean. thats huge!
it doesn't suck for anyone--it's a winwinwinwin across the board and a fantastic step in the direction towards common sense. i think we'd have a good chance of fighting any small possesion charges from now til 1/2/09. And on that day they should retroactivly recind all current possesion charges for those currently on probation and let this current law stand firm.
On a serious note when will we be able to vote for Medical MJ. How do we get it on the ballot. And When is the next voting?
It's funny how a small minority of people dictate what THE WORLD grows in their gardens. Americans are pussy to the long dick of the law.
The problem with passing a medical marijuana law that allows people to grow if they have a doctors prescription, is that the DEA issues every doctor their license and since weed is still illegal by federal standards, the DEA can pull the docs license and cost them their career. I know many fellow doctors that have no problem with the use of it, when used in moderation, but are not willing to sacrifice everything. Until the feds get off their asses and see the absurdity in their ways, there is only so much a state can do.