Massachusetts citizens VOTE YES ON #2 decriminalize marijuana

yeah thats pretty sweet that you won't get boned hard for having a joint...but you still end up getting boned in the girlfriend lives in mass and she told me about that on the ballot..i didn't realize all it did was lessen a punishment for having under an's cool it's not as harsh..but it still sucks though...until there is some way the government can tax it,it will never be they do the next best thing..make it illegal so they make money on it some how....they make something that grows out of the ground illegal...are government is fucking twisted...
I got pinched with a bag of herb got six months probation unsupervised and have to remain drug free for those six months for random drug screens have not had one yet and I'm 3 mpnths in. Now I did also get a CWUAF Continued without a finding But, it still shows up on a CORI report. now I am applying for financial aid I doupt I will get it and one of my other jobs does a backround check every year i hope that doesn't affect that either. It also cost me 1700.00 in laywers fees to get this.

Yes we did make a huge change in the way our state is gonna handle small amounts of MJ. There is still alot of work to do.

Phish I know your gonna want a card just as much as I am. Nute You live in the state?

Instead of arguing of how important this win is or how mute, we need to be together and move forward to the next push getting it legal for medical use. MJ as of the moment will never be straight up legal. So our fight begins here. Ask yourself do I want to be part of the revolution or do I want to sit back and let someone else do the work?
koolhand -

I'd rather not disclose my location on a public forum, but I will tell you that I DO make contributions to this war on marijuana prohibition. Just to assure you and the other readers, I am not on here to stir up shit and I sincerely care for this movement... SINCERELY! I am tired of how slow our government moves and am still concerned that we have SO many people wanting prohibition stopped dead cold and it seems our government doesn't listen to its citizens no matter how many voices in the crowd scream to be heard.

I will stay focused and positive on the direction I want this to go and I will not stop. I ask voters in other states that aren't seeing things moving in a positive direction to FIGHT with all your might. Write your Congress person(s); call your Congress person(s). Do whatever you can to keep this ball moving!
Our words fall upon ears that have been deafened by lobbyists from the corporations that would be affected by legalization. It's all about the Benjamins.......
The next step is to join MassCann, support NORML and continue to share your stories about the beneficial effects of medical use of cannabis in legislative hearings to ensure that the state cannot deny its homeopathic benefits. There are apparently organizations in Massachusetts that are working diligently to continue to push through reform and lobby state legislators. They just need our support- via our time and our economic contributions- to make this a reality for Massachusetts residents.

I too believe it is only a matter of time in all states. It would, however, be wonderful if that time would come sooner than later and activisim is the way that we can make this come to pass.
im right next to mass!
and my beachhouse is on the cape! this would help a load. last year they were really cracking down when i was down there. i saw a three 14 year old kids getting busted coming back from boston. hopefully surrounding states will follow:]
Of course one doesn't only need the backing and literature of a pro marijuana organization to see complete reform of these laws. I would suggest anonymous circulations to influential members of your community. Start small. Start in YOUR neck of the woods. When I say influential, I mean doctor offices, legal offices, courts, and alternative health retail stores. The literature to send can be NORML petitions, personalized for the recipient. I wouldn't suggest using your name or address in any of the literature. Dress the envelope professionally so that it will entice the recipient to actually open it and read what you have to say.

Don't just send one to these people, but don't spam them either. Alternate every other week and change up some of the material so it doesn't get boring for the reader. If you can get someone to read the first two paragraphs of something, you've succeeded. People will talk between themselves and know that there is an effort locally to reform these ridiculous laws!

Money is the root of all that is evil, but without money goes without attention. Circulate to the people who have the money and you've already inserted yourself into this incredible campaign to reform these disastrous marijuana laws! I promise if you get involved now, YOU will be an integral part in our efforts to legalize marijuana for EVERY citizen in OUR United States of America!
im right next to mass!
and my beachhouse is on the cape! this would help a load. last year they were really cracking down when i was down there. i saw a three 14 year old kids getting busted coming back from boston. hopefully surrounding states will follow:]

Your beach house wouldn't be near Dennis would it?
Where I live just the word marijuana would get it thrown away, they'd never read enough of it to actually learn anything, but good idea for people who live in more open minded areas of the country.
Take a look at MassCops - Massachusetts Law Enforcement Network - Powered by vBulletin. look for the thread about the new law and see what the glorious LEO's in Mass are already saying about this amongst themselves. Its really worth the time to read it. Everything from "I'm just gonna call in the feds every time I find a stoner on the streets" to "no more breaks....these massholes wanted it and now they'll get it"......I agree this is a victory for the movement but Nute is right, it does not win the war. The Mass residents have one seriously pissed off set of cops on their hands now and theyre out to prove that they were right on this issue. If you thought cops were underhanded before just wait. Seriously read it please. Out of 78 posts or so I think I counted 2 cops that said "well at least its one less thing we've got to worry about"
I just checked out there sight I should sing up and fuck with them. they are a bunch of cry babies. I have to do more paper work. no more breaks. Like I got breaks when I called pulled over. fuck them. lol
It is truly an "us against them" scenario and I can assure you, law enforcement has taken this new law as a personal slap in the face. It's unfortunate they can't see past their pistol clips on this. They are now discussing ways, between themselves, to exploit loopholes in this law, to justify putting you in jail until your docket is up and then let the "system" deal with you to determine whether or not you violated any other penal codes. They are talking about punishing the "state of Massachusetts" by overloading the "system" with these "violators" with hopes that if the court system is all tied up, the new law can be amended or even REVERSED!

Also, there was discussion about all the potheads at the polling stations. One officer mentioned you could easily identify the people voting this new law in by their just got out of bed hair. Their inference that all people who smoke pot are worthless, lazy, and weak-minded is disgusting and just a bad call altogether, and I surely hope they realize that their words on these forums aren't stealth and can come back to bite them - legally speaking.

I know that most police officers feel that when they put on a badge they are "serving and protecting" - and rightly, that's what they are supposed to do - they took the damn job and now they feel citizens owe them. We owe them in the sense that when we work, our taxes pay their salaries. Then they bitch and complain they don't get paid enough for what they do for "us". I say, if you don't like your job, QUIT - find something else - quit blaming society for your poor attitude on politics of the day. If you don't like policy, go about fighting it in a civil manner like the rest of society has to. VOTE, and contact your Congress persons.

But I would STRONGLY suggest you think twice about taking it upon yourselves to mold and shape state law as you see fit. YOU are not above OUR laws. Don't think for a second you ever were because you took that job. You are a civil servant and when you perform your duties outlined by the state that pays your check, you are an officer of the law and we can respect you for that - but you are nothing more. When you spout your iron fist attitude against the people that pay your salaries, the people that pay your salaries start to resent you. And you officers wonder where the regard for police officers is going....
Oh yeah - One of the law dogs on that site brought up the fact that federal law stipulates ANY marijuana is illegal and maybe they should just call in the feds when they catch someone with under an ounce of weed. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do this! I would love our federal system to be tied up with more petty marijuana "infractions". If they were to do this, you realize how fast federal law would change? PLEASE do this!
I told you it was a good worthwhile read. Its unbelievable to see them plotting how they'll prove 65% of the population wrong. Theres an earlier thread on there from before the law was passed where they were all gloating about the state would overturn it if it ever did pass (which they were all sure it wouldn't) and that turned into a discussion about how it not being a criminal offense takes away their right to search a vehicle based on probable cause if they smell pot. They actually were naming statutes that would allow them to "sidestep" this issue. At that point a "higher ranking member" came on and said that they should stop discussing their "plans" in public on the site.
You realize the real issue is theyre all still bent over Deval Patrick taking away their overtime to stand at road repair sites because it was costing the state 2-3 times what it costs to hire private employees to hold the "slow" sign all day. They just lost more overtime to sit in court for possession charges - thats whats urking them.
You would think they would be happy to have less to worry about. Oh wait, that means they'll have to stop being lazy and fucking with potheads and have to get off their asses and go find some REAL criminals. Damn poor babies, what a bunch of whiners.

OK so I go to the site and am reading the cops forum and can't stop laughing. First of all a "hophead" is some who drinks beer. Hops is in beer not pot, I think all pot smokers should carry a dictionary around with them. They keep calling pot a "drug" when it's a plant.

They see pot as a "gateway" drug, it opens the gates for searches and violations of civil rights.
I read the whole thing. It was like a train wreck....just couldn't stop looking. It strange to see inside the mind of the pigs. There are some good little clues in there though if you read carefully. They're basically in agreement that if you are cited and you dispute the charge it costs the state more to test the evidence at the lab than the $100 so any dispute would be thrown out of court. I don't know how true that is or if its just more of their colective whining. It's pretty clear that theres a theme there. They want to "overwhelm the system" with citations so that next year they can go back to the state senate and say "see...the amount of use has gone up drastically because of this law" Moral of the smart people. I know its tempting to run out in the street with a joint in one hand and a $100bill in the other the day this thing goes into effect but it will not help the situation if they get to write 10,000 citations on day 1. if you know mass lawmakers you know that "the will of the people" only goes so far with them. they can reverse or amend this law anytime they want. Don't give the LEO's more ammunition.
I know its tempting to run out in the street with a joint in one hand and a $100bill in the other..

i would hope nobody's actually thinking along those lines, but after reading some of these posts i'm skeptical.;-)jk

thanks for posting that link, unforgivn. i'm just trying to remember that anyone can post on that site. hopefully they don't represent the majority of cops. their facts on cannabis are so fucking distorted its absurd.

i know a lot of cops. most of them don't give a flying fuck about this law-- with the exception that it makes it a little easier for them to "look the other way" when confronted with something as silly as a little weed.:clap: as a matter of fact most of these guys look for ways out of screwing with us. but only if they feel like your not a dick. they freely admit that how your treated has everything to do with how they are treated by you. these same guys will happily smash your teeth on the hood of their cars if they think your being an asshole.

We're in the same circles, so i drink with these guys, and just wanted to share what i've witnessed. I know there are probably just as many cops that want to fuck with us, but that's not been my experience.