Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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First of all, the Police man survived but only because the shooter's gun jammed. He pistol whipped him and then fled the scene. This nails it for the frontal shot slamming a man's head and body backward.



Watch his head, there's no alteration or faux, forward head movement. He gets shot on the right forehead, goes backward and slumps leftward, the side he was leaning before the shot.
damn and i was hoping the CIA got u

First of all, the Police man survived but only because the shooter's gun jammed. He pistol whipped him and then fled the scene. This nails it for the frontal shot slamming a man's head and body backward.



Watch his head, there's no alteration or faux, forward head movement. He gets shot on the right forehead, goes backward and slumps leftward, the side he was leaning before the shot.
Watch his head, there's no alteration or faux, forward head movement. He gets shot on the right forehead, goes backward and slumps leftward, the side he was leaning before the shot.
Did you forget that he was already leaning forward because he just got shot in the neck before your clip starts?
If he's shooting with his left hand how come it's clearly visible in his lap at the time you say he turned around to shoot kennedy? The white is a reflection of light off the top of the passengers head. Also, there is a reflection off the top of the door. Of course the reflection doesn't show up in the other ictures because they were taken from the oposite side of the car. I think that if the shooter was in the front seat everybody in the car would have been aware of that.
If he's shooting with his left hand how come it's clearly visible in his lap at the time you say he turned around to shoot kennedy? The white is a reflection of light off the top of the passengers head. Also, there is a reflection off the top of the door. Of course the reflection doesn't show up in the other ictures because they were taken from the oposite side of the car. I think that if the shooter was in the front seat everybody in the car would have been aware of that.
Yea, that reflection is fake, like that mist of blood and brains. So many things have to be wrong for this to be right. The Connallys didn't see anything, in fact no one happened the notice that the driver of the car getting the most attention, turned and shot the President. :roll:
Seriously, the grainy films show it clearly but no bystander standing 10 ft away saw anything? This has got to be one of the stupidest of the stupid conspiracy theories that exist. At least the grassy knoll had some credibility.
ok 7forever i shot him i was jus a baby and they hid me in glove box so shut the fuck up go home mystery solved
The mist is fake and no person on this planet can prove that fake red blotch has ever happened except in the altered zapruder film. This idiot gets shot right in the face just like Kennedy did and there is nothing but distortion after impact. NO BLOOD FLOWS AT THE MOMENT OF IMPACT. The zfilm has the mist forming before the shot to hide the shot coming from Greer.


Gifs have made the case against this goon, Greer, who was Kennedy's real assassin. Over and over and over an over we can see this killer slowing for only himself and then speeding off to Parkland.

Greer's left arm crosses over in nix film.

Enhanced and zoomed nix gif showing Greer's left arm crossing with headshot.

A brand new year that'll continue to expose this obvious truth to more people who are ignorant of the fact that the driver was jfk's real assassin.
I guess Mike Ruppert said it well - "You`ve had this video for over 40 years now - what difference did it make?" No difference whatsoever. Plus, theres tons of evidence supporting the alternative theories or at least disproving the official account - what did people do with it? Fuck all. And what you're dwelling on here is pretty irrelevant and cannot be proved with absolute certainty so perhaps its better idea to focus your energy on something more useful? Maybe some more recent events?
a type of illusion or misperception involving a vague stimulus which is perceived as clearly being something
Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
I would like to thank the one post flop for giving me a word that defines the silly alterations committed to the zfilm.
There is no hand or arm coming off the wheel between frames 303-304 primarily because Greer's arm crosses in nix but there is nothing but obvious fakery to produce something that is not there but is supposed to be. THERE IS NO HAND BECAUSE GREER PLACED THE GUN IN HIS LEFT HAND (AND NEVER RETURNED IT TO THE WHEEL UNTIL AFTER HE SHOT JFK) AND KILLED JFK. And that pesky little nix film that debunks the silly cartoon-like ZFilm.
It's hard to imagine a better comparable to the Kennedy forehead shot. You can see the bullet smoke when it strikes his face which is mirrored by the nix gif showing the bullet strike his right forehead consistent with my work placing the entrance over the right eye and logically exiting the right rear, supported by 40 witnesses including Greer and Jackie Kennedy.



You're problem of blood mist lies in the fact it only occurs with a high velocity rifle round. Not a pistol round. It has happened so many times that they have a term for it which I posted earlier and you ignored. Don't let facts get in your way or anything.
The WC is a fantasy. The grassy knoll is a government created theory to distract from Greer. The driver shooting jfk is not just the truth, it's a very obvious truth that at least 95% of open minded people will believe in a heartbeat. They will laugh at the complete absurdity of the WC and realize how they were fooled by the grassy snow job and believe the obvious about the shot from the driver.
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