Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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1. Misses car, likely intentionally to signal the car turned on Elm. Kennedy reacts to the sound first and Connally right after.

2. Bullet comes through windshield. Watch Connally react to it passing his head. The shooter very likely was located on the South knoll.

3. Connally said somewhere that when he saw the film with frames, he named 234 for the shot that hit him from the rear.

---4 second pause like seen in movie.

4. Greer fires fatal shot.

5. A dummie/distraction for Greer fired arguably from the north knoll. Moorman's affadavit along with other evidence supports this nicely.
This excludes the Kennedy back shot which is questionable at least.
3 gunshot wounds for sure happened with two hitting jfk.

1st shot misses very likely from behind.

2nd wound comes from south knoll.

3rd shot hits Connally from rear. Is that the same shooter that missed around 160?LOL

4th and fatal shot fired by Greer.

5th shot is a grassy shot fired for confusion. How many shooters is that?LOL

Each gunshot wound was fired by a different shooter plus the dummie shot from the north knoll. That's at least 4 shooters and my work pulls from alot of available evidence and agreed upon shots from the government and researchers. No evidence Greer is anything one is supposed to know he fired the fatal shot.
I'm going to tell you this once. You have NOT read through this thread and the only thing that you're doing is posting nonsense and silly denials of visual facts. OSWALD IS INNOCENT AND DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. There is absolutely no evidence to back that up. No one has challenged anything I've posted because there is no defense against visual facts.
You ignore that Greer has both hands off the wheel before he turns the first time and passes an object which is the gun because you are doing what anyone has to do to deny an unpleasant fact. Whatever you think you know about the fatal shot is complete bullshit and easily disproven by simply watching Greer in zapruder and nix. HE KILLED KENNEDY AND THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO EXCEPT DENY THE FACTS THAT PROVE HE CLEARLY SHOT JFK. Arguments posed by other members ARE SIMPLE DENIALS AND NOTHING MORE. There are ZERO flaws in the common sense that Greer shot jfk...none. I have continued to rape the souls of thousands of kooks and wackos on 30 or 40 forums since October. I posted more evidence and logic than any army of lawyers could handle let alone some pea brains on any message board.
I'm going to tell you this once. You have NOT read through this thread and the only thing that you're doing is posting nonsense and silly denials of visual facts. OSWALD IS INNOCENT AND DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. There is absolutely no evidence to back that up. No one has challenged anything I've posted because there is no defense against visual facts.
You ignore that Greer has both hands off the wheel before he turns the first time and passes an object which is the gun because you are doing what anyone has to do to deny an unpleasant fact. Whatever you think you know about the fatal shot is complete bullshit and easily disproven by simply watching Greer in zapruder and nix. HE KILLED KENNEDY AND THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO EXCEPT DENY THE FACTS THAT PROVE HE CLEARLY SHOT JFK. Arguments posed by other members ARE SIMPLE DENIALS AND NOTHING MORE. There are ZERO flaws in the common sense that Greer shot jfk...none. I have continued to rape the souls of thousands of kooks and wackos on 30 or 40 forums since October. I posted more evidence and logic than any army of lawyers could handle let alone some pea brains on any message board.

so you're leaving?
I'm going to tell you this once. You have NOT read through this thread and the only thing that you're doing is posting nonsense and silly denials of visual facts. OSWALD IS INNOCENT AND DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. There is absolutely no evidence to back that up. No one has challenged anything I've posted because there is no defense against visual facts.
You ignore that Greer has both hands off the wheel before he turns the first time and passes an object which is the gun because you are doing what anyone has to do to deny an unpleasant fact. Whatever you think you know about the fatal shot is complete bullshit and easily disproven by simply watching Greer in zapruder and nix. HE KILLED KENNEDY AND THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO EXCEPT DENY THE FACTS THAT PROVE HE CLEARLY SHOT JFK. Arguments posed by other members ARE SIMPLE DENIALS AND NOTHING MORE. There are ZERO flaws in the common sense that Greer shot jfk...none. I have continued to rape the souls of thousands of kooks and wackos on 30 or 40 forums since October. I posted more evidence and logic than any army of lawyers could handle let alone some pea brains on any message board.

Ok so you would have thought Jackie would have said something about that then hu'h....Actually we will never know what happened. I've read some books on the subject and there is so much information that pulls conclusions in 14 different directions its like clear as mud.....which is exactly the way they want it.

No doubt in my mind it was not LHO who killed Kennedy....but for us to think we can figure out who did it is totally insane.....just like building # 7 and the twin towers we know it isn't the official story that is true but we will never know what really happened.
Originally Posted by local
remembers thanking you months earlier for posting this thread.

I totally agree with you but I can't believe people in real life get so up tight when you bring up that greer shot him. It's like you are committing blasphemy but saying that the gov't doesn't always tell us the truth.

I don't know why people get so upset, if God had something to do with the death I would understand because weak religious people can't argue a point, but it was just black and white and people still get riled up at me.
<---First time conspiracy theorist

Thanks, for the support. It's not supposed to be true but obviously is. Before my obsession with the Zfilm no person proved it beyond any doubt.

in case you haven't noticed, no one here is getting uptight or upset with what you're posting. they are laughing at you. just what is it you think your "work" amounts to? what is it you hope to prove beyond your obsession with events a half-century past? this is a weed site, we all know what this government is capable of. we all know that there are warring factions within the government that are more than willing to see hundreds, thousands or even millions dead merely to change the balance of power in their favor. it quite obviously has little effect on our willingness to delude ourselves that there is someone we can place in power that we can trust. we are constantly replacing one regime with another, as soon as we realize how thoroughly we have been duped, and we just turn around and rush into the arms of another group of thieves.

look at the man whose assassination you are so obsessed with. born and bred to power, his ascension to the presidency meant little to the people themselves. had he survived and served even two terms, nothing would have changed. the war in viet nam, being an integral part of the cold war, would have proceeded, though it might have ended a few moments sooner. the civil rights movement, spurred on by popular demand, would have proceeded and both its positive and negative results remained unchanged. the tensions between the u.s. and the soviet union would have still existed and its attendant arms race would still have bankrupted the russians and left the world with this glut of useless nuclear hardware. jfk was just another in a long line of would-be kings, groomed for power and destined to abuse it. in truth, his assassination was probably the best thing that could have happened to his legacy. it ended his reign before we had the chance to see that he was little more than another entitled rich kid, guaranteed his place at a table that most of us can never even dream of glimpsing.

the myth is always so much greater than the man. the left holds jfk up as one of its great heroes, but he was conservative when compared to today's batch of liberal elitists. warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex by his predecessor, he would have been as helpless to stop its progress as his successor. in truth, he would have been just as indebted to the support of the military and its attendant industrial suppliers as have been all other presidents. he would have found no up-side to the concept of reducing the collusion between major industry and the government. he would have seen only the power that such control afforded him to further his own agenda. it was only his charisma that was relevant to the furthering of that agenda. johnson's "great society" mirrored every aspect of kennedy's domestic agenda, replete with entitlement programs and populist rhetoric, and its failure was ensured by the heavy hand of government waste. trillions of taxpayer dollars have been squandered over the years on the same sort of misguided pie-in-sky programs that were kennedy's dream and the only real result is a bloated federal bureaucracy that continues to grow and to suck the people dry.

so why this infatuation with what should be just another footnote in history? i suppose there will always be those who just want to feel as if they know something of which the rest of us are ignorant. even if you could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt all you claim, the game would just keep on being played. kennedy's death doesn't even serve as a cautionary tale, it is merely a small blip on the radar of american political history. it may provide the naive with a mythical figure to pin their dreams upon, but he is only a pale imitation of the destructive figure of fdr.
The only authority this forum or any other has is the power to censor the obvious truth about Greer firing the fatal shot. The nix film is the smoking that was given to me this past October. In it, Greer's left arm/hand cross over in unison with the headshot and that visual fact completely destroys those movements that are not supposed to be happening in zapruder. Those movements explain why the government had to add the three points of fakery to cover those movments which killed Kennedy in the Zapruder film. I have never been challenged and never will be. The only thing that will happen, is researchers will for the most part ignore that the real truth about the fatal shot has finally been articulated to a point of no refutation.

in case you haven't noticed, no one here is getting uptight or upset with what you're posting. they are laughing at you. just what is it you think your "work" amounts to? what is it you hope to prove beyond your obsession with events a half-century past? this is a weed site, we all know what this government is capable of. we all know that there are warring factions within the government that are more than willing to see hundreds, thousands or even millions dead merely to change the balance of power in their favor. it quite obviously has little effect on our willingness to delude ourselves that there is someone we can place in power that we can trust. we are constantly replacing one regime with another, as soon as we realize how thoroughly we have been duped, and we just turn around and rush into the arms of another group of thieves.

look at the man whose assassination you are so obsessed with. born and bred to power, his ascension to the presidency meant little to the people themselves. had he survived and served even two terms, nothing would have changed. the war in viet nam, being an integral part of the cold war, would have proceeded, though it might have ended a few moments sooner. the civil rights movement, spurred on by popular demand, would have proceeded and both its positive and negative results remained unchanged. the tensions between the u.s. and the soviet union would have still existed and its attendant arms race would still have bankrupted the russians and left the world with this glut of useless nuclear hardware. jfk was just another in a long line of would-be kings, groomed for power and destined to abuse it. in truth, his assassination was probably the best thing that could have happened to his legacy. it ended his reign before we had the chance to see that he was little more than another entitled rich kid, guaranteed his place at a table that most of us can never even dream of glimpsing.

the myth is always so much greater than the man. the left holds jfk up as one of its great heroes, but he was conservative when compared to today's batch of liberal elitists. warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex by his predecessor, he would have been as helpless to stop its progress as his successor. in truth, he would have been just as indebted to the support of the military and its attendant industrial suppliers as have been all other presidents. he would have found no up-side to the concept of reducing the collusion between major industry and the government. he would have seen only the power that such control afforded him to further his own agenda. it was only his charisma that was relevant to the furthering of that agenda. johnson's "great society" mirrored every aspect of kennedy's domestic agenda, replete with entitlement programs and populist rhetoric, and its failure was ensured by the heavy hand of government waste. trillions of taxpayer dollars have been squandered over the years on the same sort of misguided pie-in-sky programs that were kennedy's dream and the only real result is a bloated federal bureaucracy that continues to grow and to suck the people dry.

so why this infatuation with what should be just another footnote in history? i suppose there will always be those who just want to feel as if they know something of which the rest of us are ignorant. even if you could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt all you claim, the game would just keep on being played. kennedy's death doesn't even serve as a cautionary tale, it is merely a small blip on the radar of american political history. it may provide the naive with a mythical figure to pin their dreams upon, but he is only a pale imitation of the destructive figure of fdr.

In case you haven't noticed, no one here is getting uptight or upset with the facts I have posted over and over. They are ignoring and denying visual facts. Just what is it you think your denials mean more than nothing? What is it you hope to prove beyond your simple denials of visual facts? This is a weed site and I bumped a thread about the driver found from a google search. You all know that Greer killed Kennedy after reading this thread but post as if it's not important but it clearly is based upon the supposed one thousand books that have been published in less than 50 years. The driver killing Kennedy is the most obvious untold truth in american history, certainly in regards to blatant government wrong doing.

THE ONLY STORY left to tell is what I've posted in this thread, destroying the movie and an industry full of LYING conspiracy authors who are ironically the most responsible for keeping the truth from the masses.
GREAT GIF showing his right to left movement. Keep your eyes through the windshield.

FRAME 278 is the last clear view of the fitted gun in Greer's left hand. Logic dictates that Greer would not have put his hand back on the wheel only 2 seconds before he was gonna shoot Kennedy. It's common sense that he moved the gun from lower position in a similar way to resting it on his chest, so all he had to do was raise, straighten and shoot over the seatback. There was no wild motion, flailing of the gun. The gun was rested near his right collarbone before he turned the second time at frame 302 to shoot.
FRAME 278- You can see the fitted gun from frames 242-278 except 64/65 because of the lamp post.
I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that the film had in fact been altered to hide the fact the driver shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with your mouse from 158-200-202. At two minutes you could see the red smoke and then advance to 202 and see the red blotch appear, both of those happening in unison with the white extending backward.
At around 1:30 he's babbling on about how the driver's left hand is at his side while holding steady at frame 312. At the end of his verbal nonsense he advances to frame 313 where you can clearly see it extend in sync with the headshot. What he did was create this effect which distracts the viewer from seeing the fake white working in sync with the fake red blotch. He did this because the screen didn't change for 30 or more seconds before advancing it to 313. This amount of time would have revealed to at least some viewers the connection between the fake reflection and the headshot. Bob, knows the driver fired on Kennedy and this effect proves it beyond any doubt. Bob, is a wannabe conspiracy theorist which means the driver did it, is off limits. This should teach anybody out not try to use the film to disprove an obvious fact because some sleuth may come along and use it against you. After this idiot found out I was using his stupid video to prove the film was altered he went back and enhanced the effect to better hide the fake white and fake mist causing and hiding the headshot from the front.

The above effect was created to hide the fake reflection and fake blood mist from working in sync to cause and hide the heashot coming from the driver. Watch the fake white extend in unison with the red mist between 312-313.


The Certified Idiot himself.
The HSCA said there were 4 shots and gave two scenarios based on the dpd radio analysis. One of their scenarios had a shot coming after the fatal shot which is what the evidence suggests.

1st shot = Z157 - Z161 TSBD
2nd shot = Z188 - Z191 TSBD
3rd shot = Z295 - Z296 Grassy Knoll (MISSSED...LOL)
4th shot = Z312 TSBD

The HSCA went with the above scenario in the late 70's.
1st shot = Z173 - Z177 TSBD
2nd shot = Z205 -Z208 TSBD
3rd shot = Z312 Grassy Knoll
4th shot = Z328 - Z329 TSBD

This was their way of rewarding people like Robert Groden for covering up the truth about Greer. Groden is the pathetic slob on the right.
The parabolic arc being the secondary exit trajectory.
The bullet trace certainly looks to be exiting his right ear.

Original Link:"][/QUOTE[/URL]]

My biggest fan/troll tells the truth and even shows the right rear protruding after the front right impact on jfk's forehead. Sicknote and $ick3nin.vend3tta are Soupnazi from and he secretly wants me to move forward with my work.

FRAME 337 showing right rear exit.
you're misreading the video evidence. bullet smoke trails emit from the barrel of the gun, not the target. the target emits fragments of bone, brain and blood. the fragment evidence shows the exit point, not the entrance point. it shows an exit point consistent with a bullet that originated from jackies position.

You're misreading the video evidence and real life. Clear bullet smoke emits when it hits its target. The bullet struck jfk in the right forehead emitting smoke at that point. Mussolini was executed with a shot to the back of the head and smoke emits from that point. You don't know what you're talking about in the least.
Kennedy shot from the front by the driver, William Greer.


A man shot in the face with smoke at entrance.

Mussolini shot in back of head in the mid 40's.

If you look at frame 9 of that gif of mussolini it clearly shows the smoke appearing behind him as we look at it, ie the front of his head (open it in photoshop & view it full screen.
His head also jerks backwards as a recoil from the exit wound (it initially goes forward, then reappears vertically).
Exactly as Kennedy's head did when it received a bullet in the back of the head and it exited out the front.
Case closed.

If you look at the gif of mussolini it clearly shows the smoke appearing at back of his head where the bullet enters. (open it in photoshop & view it full screen. Mussolini's head jerks forward naturally from the rear shot, the exact opposite of what Kennedy's head did when he received the shot from the front.


case closed
Now they won't move this to the dump or ban this guy. there is not a signle person in the war room that agreed on anything with this agent, yet the thread stays put.
I'm guessing orders from up above.
I'm willing to bet that mods cannot touch this guy.

You are a complete lunatic...LOL


in case you haven't noticed, no one here is getting uptight or upset with what you're posting. they are laughing at you. just what is it you think your "work" amounts to? what is it you hope to prove beyond your obsession with events a half-century past? this is a weed site, we all know what this government is capable of. we all know that there are warring factions within the government that are more than willing to see hundreds, thousands or even millions dead merely to change the balance of power in their favor. it quite obviously has little effect on our willingness to delude ourselves that there is someone we can place in power that we can trust. we are constantly replacing one regime with another, as soon as we realize how thoroughly we have been duped, and we just turn around and rush into the arms of another group of thieves.

look at the man whose assassination you are so obsessed with. born and bred to power, his ascension to the presidency meant little to the people themselves. had he survived and served even two terms, nothing would have changed. the war in viet nam, being an integral part of the cold war, would have proceeded, though it might have ended a few moments sooner. the civil rights movement, spurred on by popular demand, would have proceeded and both its positive and negative results remained unchanged. the tensions between the u.s. and the soviet union would have still existed and its attendant arms race would still have bankrupted the russians and left the world with this glut of useless nuclear hardware. jfk was just another in a long line of would-be kings, groomed for power and destined to abuse it. in truth, his assassination was probably the best thing that could have happened to his legacy. it ended his reign before we had the chance to see that he was little more than another entitled rich kid, guaranteed his place at a table that most of us can never even dream of glimpsing.

the myth is always so much greater than the man. the left holds jfk up as one of its great heroes, but he was conservative when compared to today's batch of liberal elitists. warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex by his predecessor, he would have been as helpless to stop its progress as his successor. in truth, he would have been just as indebted to the support of the military and its attendant industrial suppliers as have been all other presidents. he would have found no up-side to the concept of reducing the collusion between major industry and the government. he would have seen only the power that such control afforded him to further his own agenda. it was only his charisma that was relevant to the furthering of that agenda. johnson's "great society" mirrored every aspect of kennedy's domestic agenda, replete with entitlement programs and populist rhetoric, and its failure was ensured by the heavy hand of government waste. trillions of taxpayer dollars have been squandered over the years on the same sort of misguided pie-in-sky programs that were kennedy's dream and the only real result is a bloated federal bureaucracy that continues to grow and to suck the people dry.

so why this infatuation with what should be just another footnote in history? i suppose there will always be those who just want to feel as if they know something of which the rest of us are ignorant. even if you could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt all you claim, the game would just keep on being played. kennedy's death doesn't even serve as a cautionary tale, it is merely a small blip on the radar of american political history. it may provide the naive with a mythical figure to pin their dreams upon, but he is only a pale imitation of the destructive figure of fdr.

I think you are somewhat right, but i think that Kennedy realized towards the end that he needed to do something different, I remember a distinct change in him his last 7 months. He took the monopoly power of credit creation away from the Fed and imposed a silver certificate program, read up on that a bit, scary stuff.
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