Mayor Pete!

The kkk would not endorse me, a Jew who hates racists like you. The kkk endorsed trump, who praises neo nazis. You are a fan of him

I apologize for calling you a garbage can. Garbage cans are useful, and should exist
I've noticed you make a lot of presumptions about me. As if you're mind was made up for you before even reading what I have to say. I dont get your hyper sensitivity, and the KKK was started by Democrats, there's no reason to throw insults.
I'm not presuming you support Trump, you said you do. I completely understand why you go back more than a hundred years to describe Democrats as the party of the KKK because the Trump we have today is the darling of today's KKK. I'd be ashamed to admit that too.

All I said was I really don't care what a Trump supporter (or voter) thinks about Klobuchar and Warren. If that hurt your feelings, so be it. I'm not the one being hyper sensitive.
What makes America great is we are a combination of Russians, Saudi, Chinese, racists, evangelicals, communists, socialists, atheists, all of it. Everyone has a voice and the strongest win. If you believe Russians won't Donald trump the presidency, I believe you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Even if Andrew Yang is nominated I don't believe there will be enough support within the democratic party to win the election. This is what intrigues me about the dem. Party at the moment. i believe the infighting might cost them the election.
What Republikkkans would say to anybody who has a dark skin is "go back to where you came from". They are known for saying this even to people whose ancestors have been in this region we call the US for much longer than there has been a US. I'm OK with you supporting them, though. I'm OK with you believing Trump will win in the fall. I'm just here to talk and I'd prefer if you could stick to relevant facts.

You asked about Yang. I don't much care for him because he has no experience in government. Being good at business rarely translates into being a good leader in a democracy. Different skill sets.

We are having a great contest in our primary. It's possible that we will fracture the party. I think the events of the past couple of weeks, where your guy defended himself by claiming he can commit any crime he wants in order to stay in power, only solidified our resolve to pull together to support whoever wins the nomination.
Yang is too much of a goof, we need someone serious and stable. We need professionals to get elected, and appoint other professionals to do the little we require of our government so that we can go on with our lives without worrying about the next tweet.
Kinda rules out Sanders.
It's from the Intercept, and it's linked in the bottom of the post you quoted

If Sanders lied about the endorsements of hundreds of prominent African Americans, pretty sure you and the other sycophants would have claimed he's racist, why do you give Pete a pass for that?
It not linked though. I had to copy paste the entire post into my search bar, only to find that all of the people mentioned did in fact sign on that they support those policies and agree with them, even if they didn't endorse him for office. In fact it says so in the article you comepletely failed to link.
The word I meant was poverty. The poverty rate in South Bend for blacks are double that of the nation. And fuckin yes he is responsible for that. The same way he is responsible for the unbalanced arrest of blacks for weed, but that shit does not affect you so two fucks you can give right. You never answered why he fired Boykin. Seems like he took the word of white officers over his fuckin Black police chief. Please no need to respond back if you have no answer to my questions.
Firing Boykin was the right choice. He was in charge and the department was full of corruption. New guy takes the job, fires the police chief in his first executive action in a string of actions to clean up an entire culture of corruption. As for weed arrests, my dad was in prison for years while I was a little kid over weed and I have been arrested for it myself. I don't disagree that arrests are race disparate, but that doesn't mean I don't know shit. I bet I have spent more time on the streets than you have by far so yeah, I do give a fuck.

First fucking thing I would do as mayor is fire a bunch of cops, including especially the chief. That is who should be the first blamed for a corrupt department.

As for the poverty, I saw numbers for 2014 and I saw numbers for 2018 and there are significant improvements. It's pretty plain for anyone to see even in the Politifact article where he exaggerated and said more than half when it was in fact 39%. He cut black poverty by 39%. Do you know what Bernie did? Not a fucking thing. Not in Burlington, not in Congress.

Enjoy your stay at Fantasy Island. Buttigieg does poorly amongst blacks and will not do any better as the facts come out about him and South Bend. Dont feel bad my first choice of Warren is not doing as well as I like so yes I did have to give EVERYONE a second look, leading me to Bernie.
OK, so he exaggerated. Just read it.

And take a look at his policies, unless you prefer not being informed when you decide something.
Firing Boykin was the right choice. He was in charge and the department was full of corruption. New guy takes the job, fires the police chief in his first executive action in a string of actions to clean up an entire culture of corruption. As for weed arrests, my dad was in prison for years while I was a little kid over weed and I have been arrested for it myself. I don't disagree that arrests are race disparate, but that doesn't mean I don't know shit. I bet I have spent more time on the streets than you have by far so yeah, I do give a fuck.

First fucking thing I would do as mayor is fire a bunch of cops, including especially the chief. That is who should be the first blamed for a corrupt department.

As for the poverty, I saw numbers for 2014 and I saw numbers for 2018 and there are significant improvements. It's pretty plain for anyone to see even in the Politifact article where he exaggerated and said more than half when it was in fact 39%. He cut black poverty by 39%. Do you know what Bernie did? Not a fucking thing. Not in Burlington, not in Congress.

OK, so he exaggerated. Just read it.

And take a look at his policies, unless you prefer not being informed when you decide something.

What I saw in that politifact article:

The ACS covering 2007 through 2011 shows that the black poverty rate in South Bend was 41.8%. The latest available five-year estimates are for 2013 through 2017 and show a 39.3% black poverty rate. That’s about a 6% decline from one five-year period to the other.

6% decline in poverty vs his claim of 54%.

Meh, politicians use statistics like drunks use lamp posts. I just don't think his resume shows enough of a record of accomplishment. We can debate his actions. I think his time in office magnifies the controversy. I mean, damn, in just a few years he stirred up this controversy and then pulls some numbers from his ass about black poverty to claim he's some sort of savior.

Don't you find it troubling that this guy with practically no experience has become so prominent without much to show for it? I just think we have more seasoned people to choose. OTOH, I'll vote for him if he wins the nomination.
What I saw in that politifact article:

The ACS covering 2007 through 2011 shows that the black poverty rate in South Bend was 41.8%. The latest available five-year estimates are for 2013 through 2017 and show a 39.3% black poverty rate. That’s about a 6% decline from one five-year period to the other.
There are about half a dozen metrics in there. Basically the writer can't decide if he wants a 1 year metric or a 5 year metric regarding an 8 year stint as mayor. I read the entire article and I can see that everyone seems to want to quantify poverty differently, nobody is saying that the situation didn't improve regarding black poverty in South Bend. Even the lowest metric of 6% with the most stringent factoring signifies a very positive improvement.
There are about half a dozen metrics in there. Basically the writer can't decide if he wants a 1 year metric or a 5 year metric regarding an 8 year stint as mayor. I read the entire article and I can see that everyone seems to want to quantify poverty differently, nobody is saying that the situation didn't improve regarding black poverty in South Bend. Even the lowest metric of 6% with the most stringent factoring signifies a very positive improvement.
As I inferred, politicians use statistics as a prop themselves up. Buttigieg is no different from others in that regard and so I put little weight in that. I'm not going to pile on with others to criticize the guy. Unlike Bernie, he doesn't seem to be a bad choice. I simply cannot get past how little time he has running a public office. I think there are more qualified candidates.
As I inferred, politicians use statistics as a prop themselves up. Buttigieg is no different from others in that regard and so I put little weight in that. I'm not going to pile on with others to criticize the guy. Unlike Bernie, he doesn't seem to be a bad choice. I simply cannot get past how little time he has running a public office. I think there are more qualified candidates.
Look how easily a basket of deplorables got over Trump's lack of experience.

Butti on the other hand is a combat vet and former intelligence officer who graduated from fucking Harvard, Magna Cum Laude. He's apparently never done something and not excelled, including mayor of South Bend. Boykin did all he could to sabotage him out of his butthurt for losing his job that he wasn't doing well. From all accounts, this guy pulled an Obama and fixed a deteriorating situation in South Bend. He's already the first lgbt person to ever win delegates in a presidential primary.
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Look how easily a basket of deplorables got over Trump's lack of experience.

Butti on the other hand is a combat vet and former intelligence officer who graduated from fucking Harvardn Magna Cum Laude. He's apparently never done something and not excelled, including mayor of South Bend. TBoykin did all he could to sabotage him out of his butthurt for losing his job that he wasn't doing well. From all accounts, this guy pulled an Obama and fixed a deteriorating situation in South Bend. He's already the first lgbt person to ever win delegates in a presidential primary.
Yes, Trump had no experience in public office and Republikkkans didn't care. I cared, though and didn't buy the idea that his experience outside of political office held much value in judging Trump's fitness for office. So what if he ran a huge corporation? There were plenty of signs that he was unfit but his most glaring ones were made during his campaign.

The Oregon primary isn't until May. I have plenty of time to revisit my personal bias against a relative newcomer as candidate for the most powerful position in the world. I value your opinion.
Yes, Trump had no experience in public office and Republikkkans didn't care. I cared, though and didn't buy the idea that his experience outside of political office held much value in judging Trump's fitness for office.

The Oregon primary isn't until May. I have plenty of time to revisit my personal bias against a relative newcomer as candidate for the most powerful position in the world. I value your opinion.
And I value London's opinion. Buttigieg will definitely have trouble overcoming the perception that black people don't like him, whether he deserves the dislike or not and he'll also be fighting against the newcomer status. He has some good policies though and he's extremely smart.

Besides, he'd eviscerate Trump in debate.
You asked about Yang. I don't much care for him because he has no experience in government. Being good at business rarely translates into being a good leader in a democracy. Different skill sets.
That's fair, I guess I like that he doesn't have experience. It give an opportunity for fresh perspectives. But I can understand why it's off-putting, for lots of reasons too. I would hope he would surround himself with smart people that know more about the politics . And he isn't fake. I think that's the biggest plus .
I live in North West Indiana, I'm within a half hour drive of South Bend. I'm not a Pete fan myself but living here I can say that things are blown out of proportion. First Indiana is a red state so liberal mayors get very little help and funding to implement their policies they believe will help the community. Gary gets all the attention here as it was once the murder capital of America. I grew up in Gary and personally I think it will take way more than a mayor to fix these places, state leadership needs to change.
That's fair, I guess I like that he doesn't have experience. It give an opportunity for fresh perspectives. But I can understand why it's off-putting, for lots of reasons too. I would hope he would surround himself with smart people that know more about the politics . And he isn't fake. I think that's the biggest plus .
like people hoped Trump would.

That snarky remark doesn't mean I put Yang at Trump's level. It's just that most successful business leaders become accustomed to yes men surrounding them. They are good decision makers but they direct people rather than run a business by consensus. That's the difference I'm looking for in a political leader. The good ones, like Obama and Bill Clinton were charismatic leaders who led by convincing people rather than directing them.
It not linked though. I had to copy paste the entire post into my search bar, only to find that all of the people mentioned did in fact sign on that they support those policies and agree with them, even if they didn't endorse him for office. In fact it says so in the article you comepletely failed to link.
That's the link

"it was clear to me, or at least I thought I made it clear to them, that I was a strong Bernie Sanders supporter — actually co-chair of the state, and I was not seeking to endorse their candidate or the plan."

Buttigieg lied about African American endorsements, that likely contributes to his approval from African Americans being abysmal. Any other progressive candidate did the same thing, you would call him/her a racist Trump supporter
That's the link
No it isn't. It's just text.
You have never been able to just be upfront with truth. You ALWAYS, invariably, impugn yourself one way or another. Whether it's by omition, outright dishonesty or misrepresentation by chery picking. I have yet to see you show integrity. Not even one time.
it was clear to me, or at least I thought I made it clear to them, that I was a strong Bernie Sanders supporter — actually co-chair of the state, and I was not seeking to endorse their candidate or the plan."
It's clear to me that you don't want to link the article because it contains contradictory statements and makes obvious reference to facts that will show how you are trying to portray a dishonest view. I could have linked it before, but I gave you a chance to be honest and you doubled down.

Here's how the article describes what his campaign tried to do, before they went off about how two people in South Carolina support Sanders.
To build support for the plan, Buttigieg and his staff lobbied prominent black South Carolinians to endorse it in order to strengthen the cause of racial justice. The Washington Post reported on Monday that “Buttigieg persuaded hundreds of prominent black South Carolinians to sign onto the plan even if they are not supporting Buttigieg himself.”

Along with his release of the plan, his campaign directed consultants to convene focus groups with undecided black voters in South Carolina. The resulting research memo, finalized in late July, concluded that Buttigieg’s sexuality was a “barrier” to winning support among black voters. The memo was leaked to the press this fall. Though the campaign has since denied that it was the source of the leak, the initial article about the memo, published on October 22 by McClatchy, includes on-the-record quotes from the Buttigieg campaign — the type that customarily accompany a story that a campaign cooperates with. A spokesperson said that the campaign only cooperated after McClatchy had already obtained the memo.

Three days later, the Buttigieg campaign began promoting a list of 400 South Carolinian supporters of his Douglass Plan in emails to reporters and posts on social media.

This is a link, ya dumb liar. When someone says link it, this is how you fucking link it.

Besides, fuck the intercept. They are known to parrot bullshit curated by Putin.

Here's what Buttigieg has actually said:

"Our response to those who ask what our agenda for black America is, is the Douglass Plan. It is the most comprehensive vision put forward by a 2020 candidate on the question of how we’re going to tackle systemic racism in this country.”

Asked how he anticipated engaging the black community to get greater support, Buttigieg said, “So what’s working for us best right now in engaging the black community is two things: First, substance. And secondly, engagement.”

He's been dogged about this ever since he told some lady he wasn't asking for her support. He has been pretty consistent in his humble approach to engaging black voters with mindfulness of how he's perceived. He has the best policy approach by far in dealing with systemic racism. All Bernie does is pretend racism doesn't exist and then go talking about economics with no fucking plan to pay for his 97 trillion dollar agenda.