McCains Funeral

I know he is a Republican, but he is a man that has devoted his life, like his father and grandfather before him to serving this country, became a cripple as a result, and as far as I can tell is the only man in the GOP that had, or has the balls to stand up to Trump.
I personally respect him
I don't care what political party he chose, he's a warmonger.

How else do you explain his signature (as well as that of Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz) on a letter to Clinton in 1998 stating:
"the only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq is able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction."​
2 years before the twin towers attack and Bush Presidency?

As to his "devoted service of this country" he did that so well as to graduate 795 out of 800 from the USNA, lost 5 aircraft he was flying culminating in his capture, was labeled "songbird" by his fellow POWs,
"O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." -U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain.​
which is in direct contravention to United States Military Code of Conduct Article III, and was such a inspiration to fellow Vietnam vets that they setup the organization (which is no longer there but available from

Troll ??? Because I asked what branch of service you were in I'm trolling. GTFO.
I mean you criticized a captured Navy Pilot, so I'm curious as to what branch of the service you were in. Marines...Army, Navy, Coast Guard. Please do tell which branch your bad ass joined, in so we can discuss OUR Code of Conduct.
I myself spent 22 In the USAF. 16 of that was as an Officer
I respect McCain for his service. My problem with him was his vote for MLK day.
He came around on that and many other issues. I don't Repuke but when I do I McCain.
Again what branch you were in ?

See above, troll.
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I don't care what political party he chose, he's a warmonger.

How else do you explain his signature (as well as that of Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz) on a letter to Clinton in 1998 stating:
"the only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq is able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction."​
2 years before the twin towers attack and Bush Presidency?

As to his "devoted service of this country" he did that so well as to graduate 795 out of 800 from the USNA, lost 5 aircraft he was flying culminating in his capture, was labeled "songbird" by his fellow POWs,
"O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." -U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain.​
which is in direct contravention to United States Military Code of Conduct Article III, and was such a inspiration to fellow Vietnam vets that the setup the organization (which is no longer there but available from

See above, troll.

he’s just asked that Trump not attend but asked Obama and Bush to deliver eulogy’s.

and Pence supposedly. If true, it exposes who is in the deep state, in case you didn't know

One thing for sure the scum aka JMc will die long before DJTs first term is over, let alone the second
Sorry it took so long but sometimes life is a little more important than forum posing and I wasn't going to go out of my way to research what I already knew for the eternally clueless. ;)
what branch of the armed forces did you serve in?
and Pence supposedly. If true, it exposes who is in the deep state, in case you didn't know

One thing for sure the scum aka JMc will die long before DJTs first term is over, let alone the second
trump is going to prison

how did the russians even know that his personal lawyer had a shady company where they could funnel him rubles to pay off his hush money to prostitutes?
I don't care what political party he chose, he's a warmonger.

How else do you explain his signature (as well as that of Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz) on a letter to Clinton in 1998 stating:
"the only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the possibility that Iraq is able to use or threaten to use weapons of mass destruction."​
2 years before the twin towers attack and Bush Presidency?

As to his "devoted service of this country" he did that so well as to graduate 795 out of 800 from the USNA, lost 5 aircraft he was flying culminating in his capture, was labeled "songbird" by his fellow POWs,
"O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." -U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain.​
which is in direct contravention to United States Military Code of Conduct Article III, and was such a inspiration to fellow Vietnam vets that they setup the organization (which is no longer there but available from

See above, troll.
I'm sorry but you never have told me what branch of service that you enlisted ? are you another pus pus ?
Why do you think I have any interest in answering your questions?

Buckold (aka El Cuck Nub) doesn't. You run away when I show you your ass by simply asking you a question because you validate the point of the question by running away instead of answering.

London Smog, I can't help it if you were too stupid to realize that the commander in chief of all the armed forces has been an idiot the last few decades.

If I were drafted I'd do my duty.
But I wasn't, so I had a choice and preferred not to go and kill people for idiots, no matter how good the benefits.
Sorry you didn't have the political acumen earlier in life that you espouse here now to realize that.

If you think that makes me a "pus pus", enjoy!
But I'm not very interested in the opinion of an idiot who pledged his service to other idiots for 22 years while idolizing yet another idiot who is more than willing to vote for more wars to further corporate interests. ;)
Mr "Tough Guy I will Never Talk" has never even been in any situation to attempt to judge others. So you never joined the service
Please tell what you have done to serve your country besides talk shit online about others. Hell what have you done to make this nation any better.
Mr "Tough Guy I will Never Talk" has never even been in any situation to attempt to judge others. So you never joined the service
Please tell what you have done to serve your country besides talk shit online about others. Hell what have you done to make this nation any better.
I answered your question, now answer mine.
What military action that happened during your service do you believe was completely justified and for the good of this country's people and not just it's corporations?
I answered your question, now answer mine.
What military action that happened during your service do you believe was completely justified and for the good of this country's people and not just it's corporations?
86 Libya bombing was justified.