meth and shadow ppl...have u seen them...what are they?...experiences

there is a connection between anxiety/panic attacks and sleep paralyses..a family member who experienced it said there was a tall shadow man in her bedroom doorway..

Most people only experience sleep paralysis once or twice in their lifetime. There are a select few who suffer from occasional or regular sleep paralysis..... but it's pretty rare.

So most people that suffer panic attacks etc... do not suffer from SP.

I've experienced it a few times, as a lifelong lucid dreamer and studier of the dream world.

A lot of people might mistake it for something else, like hypnagogic hallucinations
Ive experienced sleep paralysis...or somthing...I was laying asleep on the couch and woke up w this deafening/consuming/vibrating noise of I can only describe it as a huge bee/ was like it was sitting on my neck...I woke up to this n the fear was so intense I was froze...cldnt scream cldnt move cldnt fight....completely helpless...i was face down /on my side n my eyes were open but my face was in the couch...I could feel it...this aweful presence is all I can describe it as like looming over me.....n then it was over....went on for like two minutes
Yup sounds like SP. It's pretty scary isn't it? The few times I had it I couldn't even breathe for 30 seconds or so. The evil presence is common too. Some people even see a figure in the room with them.
Vega..I'm posting this now and going back to read..ansel adams..check him out..I have origanal artwork left to me from a like those pics you posted,check out his winter series...sorry guys,I'm an art nut.
Btw,I haven't slept right in years..look at my post times...I don't do any hard drugs yet I'm allways awake...I wish shadow people would visit..I could talk instead of type!...perhaps more makers mark and. B.dubs
Btw,I haven't slept right in years..look at my post times...I don't do any hard drugs yet I'm allways awake...I wish shadow people would visit..I could talk instead of type!...perhaps more makers mark and. B.dubs
Theyve nvr tlkd to me....and I honestly dont think it has anything to do w sleep dep...sorry rory u can stay awake for weeks n w out the drug induced psychosis im sorry to say u will not see hell...ha...ur mind has to b really twisted to open up ur senses
I chkd out some of his stff rory....very nice...ur lucky to have some of that....84092192_p.jpegFibonacci sequence represented here....u should learn abt that and how it correlates in nature and even in our own bodies...proves creation
Vega..allready knew about that..check out the principal idea of the 'vortex brewer'...its the same idea applied to a compost tea brewer(not trying to sell this product,I got some of the tea mix as a sample from the company based on a friends didn't do shit for my plants.)..
Schuylaar..yes I'm proud of that and my signed jerry garcia print..I can't even tell you about all the other prints and art I've bought on dead tour and at shows..
Back to art,I just now found pics of paintings a guy made using lsd crystal as the paint..the lsd has degraded where its a brown shit. Id post links but I'm on a phone atm...wild stuff..not the greatest paintings but the medium is spectacullar!lol..
He said it was a political statement..I would rather march in a rally while trippin if I wanted to make a political statement...

I'm interested in these shadow figures, and what their plans are for our kitchen sinks.
One thing, how ever, is certain: WE MUST PROTECT OUR SINKS!
Ok ive figured out what the shadow ppl are..go to you tube n search "trey smith"...his video on "Nephelim"....while ur at it chk his video on "the theory of everything"