meth and shadow ppl...have u seen them...what are they?...experiences


I'm interested in these shadow figures, and what their plans are for our kitchen sinks.
One thing, how ever, is certain: WE MUST PROTECT OUR SINKS!
That bitch is gone...
Somewhere on the net is me and my entire household (roommates and girlfriends) holding the banner that leads the washington d.c. hemp puppy 'scruffy' is past the banner leading us all..and everyone is high as a kite on clear blue gels..actually we had a friend of my roomies girlfriend freak out and go to an ambulance and get treated..she ate a half a gel..lame...
As far as the clip of the spun bitch,...I lived in oklahoma for three years..that shit got old the first its allways funny to see an idiot in
I actually got to smoke a joint wiith jack herer at that rally..I didn't know who he was till later when he began his speach..we yelled at each other whe he spoke of strains being used for medicine..I asked what his fav was and he responded 'i think we both know I'm fond of the jack herer'
None of this has anything to do with shadow people...sorry,they were telling me to type all this...didn't they tell you?lol
They need to speak up or tweak video is hilarious though! I can't say I've never been ther..sadly..
It all stemmed from the rally comment..that bitch is crazy with a saw..perhaps maybe why blue collar carpenters are big users of meth...
No, you were just out on vacation. Because you've your wits (or at least a semblance there-of) about you presently.
Now THAT bitch, she is gone. Soooo far gone.
It almost seems fake because when she takes one blast from the pipe, it's like she hit a $30 rock of crack. IDK, I've smoked meth, and I've never reacted to a hit like that. But the rest of the video seems real... her being skinny as fuck (I'd do it with a bag over her head though). Looking around. Having a SAW for protection. Why was she recording herself? I hate cameras when I'm sober. Tweaking with cameras is a huge no no.
It almost seems fake because when she takes one blast from the pipe, it's like she hit a $30 rock of crack. IDK, I've smoked meth, and I've never reacted to a hit like that. But the rest of the video seems real... her being skinny as fuck (I'd do it with a bag over her head though). Looking around. Having a SAW for protection. Why was she recording herself? I hate cameras when I'm sober. Tweaking with cameras is a huge no no.

I thought the same thing abt the blast....she reacted immediately like u she just blasted some crack or somthin...she was trippin on the camera tho....whatever it was u nvr knw what motherfkrs are doin behind closed doors...crazy shit
It almost seems fake because when she takes one blast from the pipe, it's like she hit a $30 rock of crack. IDK, I've smoked meth, and I've never reacted to a hit like that. But the rest of the video seems real... her being skinny as fuck (I'd do it with a bag over her head though). Looking around. Having a SAW for protection. Why was she recording herself? I hate cameras when I'm sober. Tweaking with cameras is a huge no no.
Whatever happened to rappers that rhymed instead of slurring words to sound like each of them rhyme?...I'm old...
is it possible that u can twist ur mind so much w drugs that it allows u to access parts of ur brain u normally cant use allowing u to see the spirit world...I know it sounds crazy but idk how else to explain some things ive seen....opinions?...experiences? like to hear

Idiotic. It's called hallucinating, which is all the "spirit world" is.