Well-Known Member
Then keep looking around ! I,ll take my advice from the commercial grower over the bookworm .There is lots of good info here at RIU, just weed your way through the threads and consider reading UB's writings and if you want to go to school check out RM3 .
i saw loads of info from chemical companies but they were not specifically for weed growing. in here i found exactly what i wanted. if you take the trouble to read through the thread you will actually find the ppm contribution of each chemical you add ya dig? so i don't even have to use the formulas exactly as in here, they're just great examples to refer to when growing your plants and speculating on what they need. so if i think that they will like some more calcium and nitrogen i add some calcium nitrate or if they need some p-k i add mono-potassium phosphate etc... etc... not 2 plants are exactly the same and i have better control on feeding than brand ferts, it's a great way to grow, very professional and low cost.
i was just sad because it's easy to bash someone for no reason or just cuz you're not interested, but over here it caused Fatman to go away from it cuz he felt his efforts were lost. it's better to try and contribute with something instead of killing useful threads