Michael Brown: Killed by racism

that's another post by spandy fantasizing about shooting people.
No it isn't, its a post by you, in which chesus, schuyallarr and London all liked, and then in the next post they each reply to your post saying how right you are and how much better the world would be if black people were all killed. Just look at it, proof is in the pudding, or should I say your posts that you make where you lament that black people are allowed to live.
No it isn't, its a post by you, in which chesus, schuyallarr and London all liked, and then in the next post they each reply to your post saying how right you are and how much better the world would be if black people were all killed. Just look at it, proof is in the pudding, or should I say your posts that you make where you lament that black people are allowed to live.

hitting the bottle again tonight, eh?
who the hell calls indians asian? not a single person i know of, but w/e, not in the mood to argue..
"asian" is a category that encompasses indian, pakistani, bhangladeshi, thai, viet, qin, han, korean, japanese, hmong, lhasa, etc etc etc.

you are aware that india is in asia majoris right?
Don't really drink, still have a beer left over from a six pack my brother bought in 2013.
Unlike you who puts away a case of beer just so you can stand to look at your walrus.

those brews are skunked by now.

you know youre allowed to buy a sixer of Natty Ice Tallboys every now and then...
"asian" is a category that encompasses indian, pakistani, bhangladeshi, thai, viet, qin, han, korean, japanese, hmong, lhasa, etc etc etc.

you are aware that india is in asia majoris right?

While I know you are 100% correct here, I'm with racer in that I wouldn't refer to someone from India or Pakistan as Asian.

I know they are technically, it's just that I nor anyone I know refers to them as such. Indian or Paki.
While I know you are 100% correct here, I'm with racer in that I wouldn't refer to someone from India or Pakistan as Asian.

I know they are technically, it's just that I nor anyone I know refers to them as such. Indian or Paki.
in the world press indians pakistanis etc are referred to as East Asian quite often.

here's spandy saying they deserve to be shot, with ASMALLpenis agreeing.

her's spandy again...


here's ASMALLpenis talking about "killing a few dozen", with likes from harrekin, kelly4, spandy, and nodrama.

in the next post, greenlikemoney describes how he would ambush and murder as many as he could with an AK.

that's halfa dozen right here, only myself and theexpress condemned them.

so you are wrong once again, as always.
I was right to doubt your honesty.

You said they wanted the kkk to come in and hurt the black people.

I read your first example and it was spandy saying that he felt it would be ok for a store owner to use violence to defend his livelihood.

Afterall, that is how he feeds his kids.

I don't think the kkk owns a store there.
because of the relationship with police, the prosecutor should have been replaced by a special prosecutor for the grand jury investigation.

the browns request should have been honored.

it's a no-brainer and ferguson was asking for trouble.
because of the relationship with police, the prosecutor should have been replaced by a special prosecutor for the grand jury investigation.

the browns request should have been honored.

it's a no-brainer and ferguson was asking for trouble.

rhianna was asking for it too.

because of the relationship with police, the prosecutor should have been replaced by a special prosecutor for the grand jury investigation.

the browns request should have been honored.

it's a no-brainer and ferguson was asking for trouble.
Did the witnesses have a relationship with the police as well?
Robert McCulloch has been the prosecuting attorney for St. Louis county for 24 years, should a special prosecutor only be required when blacks are killed or liberals cry race?
Did the witnesses have a relationship with the police as well?
Robert McCulloch has been the prosecuting attorney for St. Louis county for 24 years, should a special prosecutor only be required when blacks are killed or liberals cry race?
Well yeah, the path to equality is paved with special treatment. Liberal loon logic.
lol, you guys couldn't cry for a new judge quick enough in the zimmerman case. now calling for a new judge is "special treatment".

you racist assholes make it so transparent with your hypocrisy.
Our black president is too afraid to call the Ferguson crowd out for their lawless and savage behavior. He's TOO AFRAID. He's afraid sharpton and jackson might not approve of him if he did.


you get any hits on your racist dog whistle bingo?

i nearly got a full diagonal from this sock puppet's post alone.
this thread is so stupid. The only one that was racially motivated is brown. He hates white people and so.does his family. He robbed a store then charged a cop and tried to grab the cops gun when the cop pulled it. What you expect to happen. If anyone does that no matter who they are would get shot. brown is pos thug. He would of got shot by a another black person eventually if the cop didn't do it. The shooting was justified and the cop should have never been indicted. Its funny how black people will stand by other blacks no matter how bad or how much evil they do. Obama is proof of that. The most inept president ever. Blacks voted for him because Obama is black. That is all.