Michael Brown: Killed by racism

are you trying to make white people look stupid?

if you are siding with brown then you make yourself look stupid. Look at the facts. What would you do if a thug ganster charged at you? You would defend yourself. So continue to join the ignorant masses that destroyed their home n the name of pos thug.
if you are siding with brown then you make yourself look stupid. Look at the facts. What would you do if a thug ganster charged at you? You would defend yourself. So continue to join the ignorant masses that destroyed their home n the name of pos thug.

I'm not going to side with a crook who attacks a cop, but death only occurred because the cop didn't have a tazer to use instead.

I'm going to say the thug made some really poor choices that day, but it doesn't change how poorly the FPD handled the situation. The body laying in the street for hours is so disrespectful...

The pressers by the dept afterward were insulting. Send the black guy out to talk, maybe it'll help smooth things over, I mean come on, can we be more transparent?

Waiting until dark to announce the the lack of indictment wasn't the brightest move. Waiting until the next day to bring in the guard was a loser.

The press's handling of it sucked, the race baiters doing their thing sucked, the looters starting fires and stealing from their own neighbors sucked, and maybe most importantly, a kid died that shouldn't have died and that sucks.

Hopefully some good comes out of it. Gopros on every cops lapel (if I were an honest cop I'd want this as a cya), and tazers in every car.

I have to admit though, it made for very compelling TV.
I'm not going to side with a crook who attacks a cop, but death only occurred because the cop didn't have a tazer to use instead.

I'm going to say the thug made some really poor choices that day, but it doesn't change how poorly the FPD handled the situation. The body laying in the street for hours is so disrespectful...

The pressers by the dept afterward were insulting. Send the black guy out to talk, maybe it'll help smooth things over, I mean come on, can we be more transparent?

Waiting until dark to announce the the lack of indictment wasn't the brightest move. Waiting until the next day to bring in the guard was a loser.

The press's handling of it sucked, the race baiters doing their thing sucked, the looters starting fires and stealing from their own neighbors sucked, and maybe most importantly, a kid died that shouldn't have died and that sucks.

Hopefully some good comes out of it. Gopros on every cops lapel (if I were an honest cop I'd want this as a cya), and tazers in every car.

I have to admit though, it made for very compelling TV.
I agree with everything you just said. Mark it on your calendar
With one minor thing. I believe the cop acted appropriatly. Even if he did have a taser
if you are siding with brown then you make yourself look stupid. Look at the facts. What would you do if a thug ganster charged at you? You would defend yourself. So continue to join the ignorant masses that destroyed their home n the name of pos thug.
I side on human decency. People should not riot and burn down their own neighborhoods. Darren Wilson should be on trial and cops should answer for when they use excessive force. Ferguson police seems like a very unprofessional and unlawful police department.
I side on human decency. People should not riot and burn down their own neighborhoods. Darren Wilson should be on trial and cops should answer for when they use excessive force. Ferguson police seems like a very unprofessional and unlawful police department.

uhh Wilson was indicted. They followed the evidence. Prosecution could not prove the shooting was not justified. Even if brown was white he still would have been shot for those actions. Wilson defended himself just like anyone else would. What would you do if you were in wilsons place that day? I'd pull the trigger too. Brown grabbed the top of wilsons gun trying to take it from him. C'mon use some.common sense
uhh Wilson was indicted. They followed the evidence. Prosecution could not prove the shooting was not justified. Even if brown was white he still would have been shot for those actions. Wilson defended himself just like anyone else would. What would you do if you were in wilsons place that day? I'd pull the trigger too. Brown grabbed the top of wilsons gun trying to take it from him. C'mon use some.common sense
Wilson was never indicted. It would help if you understood the term.
Actually a recent report has concluded that the dead guy in the street actually choked on the cigar he stole. Blowing his brains out is after the fact so all of this outrage is for naught.
my bad. I thought indict was prior to conviction. I guess my past lawyers weren't too bright. Wilson still went before a grand jury.
Which in most cases is unheard of. Would you like to go before a grand jury and tell your side of the story without cross examination. Boy I sure would if I ever was thought to be guilty of a crime. I would wear my Sundays best and have my innocent virgin face on. They say grown men should not cry, but that day I would have some tears for show.