might have to cut my plants down almost got busted


Well-Known Member
but i guess "hey i met some guy in the woods taking a piss nowhere to be seen next to his bike" isn't that much better lmao


Well-Known Member
...see i dont think thats brilliant at all. Now you have the neighboors and everyone looking for your dog, there at the dinner table saying "hey i met some guy in the woods looking for his dog" and they probably will have there eyes peeled from now on.
Tell 'em he is a pit bull. They can recognize him because one remaining ear was half ripped off, he was bleeding, snarling, snapping and vicious last time you saw him. His name is Bopeep.


Well-Known Member
Just steer clear a few days. It'll be cool. Betcha. Drunks are too lazy to be curious about a guy pissing in the woods.


Well-Known Member
If these guys like to drink..then they like to sleep in..go early in he morning and you should not see these clowns.


Well-Known Member
next time you see those 2 drunks they're gonna be tokin' on a home grown leaf joint, and drinkin' a beer.


Well-Known Member
meh, i just don't take that trail anymore, instead i walk threw the woods its a lot worse but pretty much foolproof.


Well-Known Member
next time you see those 2 drunks they're gonna be tokin' on a home grown leaf joint, and drinkin' a beer.
Yeah, that is definitely a possibility. I used to know some teens that ripped off my buddy's cousin's barely flowering plants and smoked em. Also wino's will smoke anything when they are drunk if they don't have a cigarette


Well-Known Member
that is what I am sweating now...mine are getting kinda too big and have not even started flowering yet, just hoping that no thieves will yank early..I will be sleeping outside with dogs for the final 5 weeks..but what if some retard makes a move before that has me worried..have no desire to sleep outside in august.


Well-Known Member
i have little trip wires, like little bits of string tied from tree's at ankle length. if one of these gets broken i know someone or something broke it. its pretty thick string so i doubt an animal would break it, no deer around this grow site all season and that's the only animal that would.


Active Member
Business as usual just be cautious when visiting your grow. :)
try to visit the patch at early morning or late at night..that is what I do.
Both of the above quotes are great advice,When visiting take the time to walk the perimeter, inward circular's bro to your grow keep an eye out for game cams strapped to trees.

I found that most old drunks smoke weed I would be more worried about getting ripped!


Well-Known Member
that is what I am sweating now...mine are getting kinda too big and have not even started flowering yet, just hoping that no thieves will yank early..I will be sleeping outside with dogs for the final 5 weeks..but what if some retard makes a move before that has me worried..have no desire to sleep outside in august.
take a chainsaw to em


Well-Known Member
also, chicken poop, next time some drunks in the woods ask you what you are doing out there.....ask them what the fuck THEY are doing in the middle of the fucking woods.....this aint x-files who the fuck are they to question you like it's a top secret mission.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like they already saw the plants and were then curious to this not homeless guy hanging out in the woods...