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Holocaust survivor: Comparing Trump to Nazis is 'crazy'

Holocaust survivor: Comparing Trump to Nazis is 'crazy'
The best part is that he's a better troll than yall are. Every time he wins by exposing your side. This time it was national and the MSM actually sees the irony that Berkeley is protesting free speech since they were so pivotal in the counter culture.
You're supposed to be eating the rich but you are just eating yourselves. Its hilarious, really.
Is Anita Dittman a Nazi?
She's a Holocaust survivor.
She's lived through it and Fascism.
She loves Jesus.
She supports Trump.
Is Anita Dittman a Nazi? Or is the Left crazy?
"From the left come the cries – Donald Trump is the new Hitler! His “America first” slogan has Nazi undertones! He hates Hispanics, Muslims and gays as much as Hitler hated Jews!"
"But Anita Dittman lived through the Holocaust as a Jewish girl in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, and on this International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Jan. 27, she has a message for those who think Trump is the American Hitler."
“When they say he is another Hitler, they are crazy,” Dittman told WND in a phone interview. “If he was another Hitler, he’d be shooting people that riot, and they wouldn’t have the freedom to riot. If anybody was against things in Nazi times, they would ship them off to the ovens, as we called the camps. There was no freedom.”
"Dittman hopes President Trump fulfills his promise to allow Christians to speak up in America without fear of reprisal, just as she always speaks out about the God who has protected her through the years. And she also prays God keeps Trump safe from harm."
“He’s the only one that has the guts to speak up, and he wants the best for our people,” she concluded. “He loves America.”
"The liberal atheist media has tried to portray the Nazis as a radical right-wing movement but any historian or politician who’s studied the Nazi party would find the exact opposite to be true."
"You will always here liberals and liberal atheists claim the Nazis were “far right wing” but its time for me to completely debunk that myth."
You know I was just watching Tucker Carlson tonight anyways he made a good point. So I was going to ask you liberals can you please define what the parameters of the term hate speech are? I mean you like to regulate everything right so where's the line what qualifies as hate and what does not but doesn't give me a definition. For instance is black lives matter scene to fry cops like bacon hate speech. Are the writers last night at Berkeley graffiti in anti-trump stuff is that hate speech or is it protected by the first amendment.
False. That blanket statement is highly untrue. "Fighting words" is not free speech.
You know I was just watching Tucker Carlson tonight anyways he made a good point. So I was going to ask you liberals can you please define what the parameters of the term hate speech are? I mean you like to regulate everything right so where's the line what qualifies as hate and what does not but doesn't give me a definition. For instance is black lives matter scene to fry cops like bacon hate speech. Are the writers last night at Berkeley graffiti in anti-trump stuff is that hate speech or is it protected by the first amendment.
Democrats condescendingly admonished Republicans to accept the election results, and lost.
Democrats riot violently in the streets.
Censor free speech.
Accuse Trump supporters of Nazism.
Have an already losing mid-term on the horizon.
I can't wait to see what some of the campaign slogans will be. Vote with us cause we're correct and you're not. You're a Nazi.
At this point I really see resolve hardening terribly. Short of a revolt or a Hail Mary impeachment there's no relief in sight.
Carry on.
False. That blanket statement is highly untrue. "Fighting words" is not free speech.
Your daily rails on some poor dumb bastard are unconstitutional. Think on that one.
All I got to say is these protesters need to get with the program If your gonna spray someone bring the fucking bear spray what are you doing with that pussy ass pepper spray bullshit. When I was going to my navy training we were spraying each other with that shit all the time you grow a tolerance to it but bear spray fuck thatyou're a dumb bastard.
if milo said to me in person what he posts on the internet, i would be well justified in collapsing his windpipe.
if he outed your gay kid and told his followers to harass and attack them until they dropped out of college, you'd be singing a different tune. you'd be whining and crying and sobbing like the little bitch you are.
you're a coward who picks on the vulnerable from a position of anonymity. you wouldn't have the balls to do it in person.
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Fuck the spray you see the protester get blasted in the face with rubber bullets last night it was great give the bitches something to cry aboutAll I got to say is these protesters need to get with the program If your gonna spray someone bring the fucking bear spray what are you doing with that pussy ass pepper spray bullshit. Well I was going to my navy training we were spraying each other with that shit all the time you grow a tolerance to it but bear spray fuck that
wahhh. She needed a safe place.Yep, I hate Trump and Milo so let me just spray this girl in the face with pepper spray.
Neo-Nazi site declares ‘Holy Crusade’ on homocon Milo Yiannopoulos
Neo-Nazi hub The Daily Stormer has declared a “Holy Crusade” against Breitbart Tech editor and professional troll Milo Yiannopolous, calling him “the single greatest threat to our movement at this time.”
Nope. Just that he is fab.do they realize he's not actually gay or jewish?
do they realize he's not actually gay or jewish?