milo is so fab

Continuing on the same rocky path (riots, racists,nazis) to another perceived victory has inherent risks. I'm in no way promoting abandoning your ideals simply changing the strategy because it's stale, worn out, hasn't worked and it's causing divisiveness.
Or accept the painful consequences, again, by doubling down.
also do you really believe the left is afraid of free speech.. these protests are built around free speech. the people of america are upset man. id say what they are practicing is free speech. i can see how you can perceive these people as "cucks" but this many people protesting.. and for this long... to think its a hillary thing anymore is stupid. right now its about rights.

There was action though, not just speech. This is the problem. One of the protestors was shot at UW recently for putting hands on someone.
We should all set up a Fund Raiser to buy tin foil for @UncleBuck 's conspiracy theory of the Iron Cross in the United States:

Nazi regime in Germany superimposed a swastika on the traditional medal, turning it into a Nazi symbol.


In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience. Consequently, the use of the Iron Cross in a non-racist context has greatly proliferated in the United States, to the point that an Iron Cross in isolation (i.e., without a superimposed swastika or without other accompanying hate symbols) cannot be determined to be a hate symbol. Care must therefore be used to correctly interpret this symbol in whatever context in which it may be found.


I have a GoFundMe donation for Bucks tin foil supply.