Mini Gorilla Tent Grow Club

Idea was to have volume as a constraint. I mentioned earlier, Plants, soil/grow medium, reservoir must be in the tent. Only fan, power supplies, wiring and pumps outside tent.
Are we allowing reservoir outside now?

Height was always 24". so 1x1x2

I think the rule should be entire plant, including ALL roots are inside the tent.
aside from remote drivers, same should be for lights, all inside the tent.

KISS principle.
I would like to participate, I should receive my light and fan next week.

My setup is (going to be):
Homebox Ambient Q30
120mm Noctua Industrial Fan & DIY Carbon filter
Budmaster II COB-X-1
Plastic container (size not decided)
Strain also not decided, I won't go through my seeds until I've put everything together.
Sounds Delightful Beins That My Drivers Arrived And All I Have To Do Is Go To Radio Shack For A Potentiometer And A Resistor For Dimming. Then Its Off to The Assembly Table Where All The FM Happens :hump:
My arduino mini tent will be ready next week.
Too many wiresupload_2016-3-31_18-20-7.png Codeupload_2016-3-31_18-16-42.png:weed:

Systems check:
DHT 111 sensor is working inside tent is giving Temp and Humidity readings

1x Far Red, 2x 3000K strips, 1x 5000K strip, Red/Blue monos, 12 Noctua 120mm Noctua Industrial Fan
upload_2016-3-31_18-21-27.png upload_2016-3-31_18-22-12.png upload_2016-3-31_18-23-4.png upload_2016-3-31_18-24-5.png upload_2016-3-31_18-24-38.png

Waiting on RTC module for this weekend so that arduino can keep time info.
I am not doing the temperature control or CO2 Sensor.

@guod @salmonetin could use your advise on this.
All LDD driver turn on when arduino resets. This could be an issue if power resets during Light Off period.
Do i need to use a 10K pull up resistor for the PWM wire of LDD
I haven't even started :p

Can the heatsink be located outside the 'tent' for those of us with rigid builds?
I am fine with Heatsink outside. Would be nice if it fits within overall dimensions 12x12x24inches
Looking forward to seeing your setup.
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Looks like we have 4 rules
1)I'm Always Right
2)You Have To Grow In A 1X1X2
3)You Have To Use Some Type of Led And Except The Driver Fan And Filter Everything Else Has To Be Inside The Tent
4)If You think Op Is Wrong Refer To Rule #1
The results are conflicting.... need a tie breaker
Dawg trumps.
Heatsink must be inside tent.

:idea:How about you put heatsink inside rigid build, but cut top over heatsink for cooling? That way ur heatsink is still in tent. I dont think that breaks the rule. Dawg might be fine with that and not hit you with rule #1