

While youre at it go with the Dutch Master penetrator and liquid light additives and see what you get from that stuff too? Just an idea :)


Active Member
Seems like misting and vegging is not harmful to your plant... I'm not real experience, just reading through and trying to find out if its a good idea to mist.... I'd be curious to see two plants side by side in veg stage one misted one not, to see if it really does assist in veg/leaf development...


New Member
Love misting......throw in a 2L of low sodium seltzer water per gallon sprayer..........Only use it during flowering......I add a 2L/5gallon in my water.


Since i always hear such mixed reviews on this subject this is what i choose 2 do...

I mist the leaves once every other week, the only real benifit i see from doing so is to keep the bugs away


Well-Known Member
LOL, oh my..........
about as conclusive as your evidence, eh?

once again, what do i know?

foliar feeding can be VERY beneficial. spraying plain water on your leaves is doing little to nothing. saying "but my plants are bigger" isn't really proving much. are you doing ANYTHING else at all different this time? anything? or is this a controlled experiment?

i don't mist my leaves and my plants get HUGE. explain that. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Most people dont realize its strictly for veg to two weeks into flowering, and after that you dont mist. Secondarily, you mist at the evening hours not in the morning when the lights come on. You want to do it just before dark basically.

I'm trying a Foliar from Humboldt Nutrients in my current grow, but I used it on all the plants. On the next cycle I'll keep one unmisted and see how it reacts or doesnt react.


New Member
LOL, listen man, all I'm saying is that my pants are bigger this time around with misting 2 times a day than the rest of my grows, that I haven't. Coincidence....maybe, but from what I've read and so far seen, that when you mist them, the leafs intake the water which in turn makes them heavier, which makes them stronger and bigger.
I don't understand why you have to be soooooo against this, just because YOU don't do it, don't really mean shit now does it?
Not taking away the fact that your are an experianced grower and get some killer buds, I just don't see why you shoot down the idea.


Well-Known Member
LOL, listen man, all I'm saying is that my pants are bigger this time around with misting 2 times a day than the rest of my grows, that I haven't. Coincidence....maybe, but from what I've read and so far seen, that when you mist them, the leafs intake the water which in turn makes them heavier, which makes them stronger and bigger.
I don't understand why you have to be soooooo against this, just because YOU don't do it, don't really mean shit now does it?
Not taking away the fact that your are an experianced grower and get some killer buds, I just don't see why you shoot down the idea.
i don't know why you have to be so for it. it's such a noob thing. it can cause more problems than it's worth and it's not necessary. once again, you say the leaves take up water, then why have roots? let the leaves worry about the light intake, the roots will take care of the watering. :bigjoint:

foliar feeding can be very beneficial.
misting isn't really helping.


New Member
Well the way I see it, the bigger the leafs are, the more light they can take up, and then that would mean the more energy they would collect, to feed the plant.
I could be dead wrong but it makes sence to me, and that's why I'm giving it a whirl this time around and it seems to be working. My Bubba Kush and Blue Widow, are bushy as hell, almost too bushy, with nice thick fat hardy stems on the fan leafs.


Well-Known Member
Well the way I see it, the bigger the leafs are, the more light they can take up, and then that would mean the more energy they would collect, to feed the plant.
I could be dead wrong but it makes sence to me, and that's why I'm giving it a whirl this time around and it seems to be working. My Bubba Kush and Blue Widow, are bushy as hell, almost too bushy, with nice thick fat hardy stems on the fan leafs.
this makes no sense. :neutral:

of course the bigger the leaves are, but what does that have to do with "misting"? all you are doing is soaking your leaves. what good does this do? there are 1000 other reasons why your plants may look bigger. are they even the same strain you normally grow? were they from seed? same lighting and feeding schedule?

people will read this thread and run out and start soaking their plants with "mist". it won't end well for some of them. i am simply trying to prevent this from happening.


New Member
Hey i am doing my first grow and i have started spraying water on the leaves once a day ,I thought it was good to do that to plants?? Here are some reasons why i think it could be benificial in the veg stage.

1 - keeps the leaves free of dust
2 - Waters the plant through the leaves
3 - Keeps the heat of the light down on the surface of the leaves
4 - The little globs of water that sit on the leaves possibly reflect the light around the other leaves??
5 Looks nice
6 If they were outdoor they would be getting rained on anyway

Anyway my first grow so i know nothing really,But i have to say it isnt doing any harm and agree with the dude as my plants are growing really bushy to


New Member
It makes perfect sense, when the water is absorbed through the leafs, from misting (1st thing in the morning & just before lights out) makes the leafs heavier, which makes them bigger and stronger than if you didn't? Also didn't you just say that "of course the bigger the leafs are"?
Then if misting makes them bigger and stronger, then you get more light, which equals more energy for the plant to use and store for flowering.

I'm using the same nutes, cycle, light. As always
Not the same strains though, but have grown out 6 diff strains and none of them have had leafs like this.
That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying do this. I'm giving my opinion and how it's working for me.
That's what the op of this thread was asking

this makes no sense. :neutral:

of course the bigger the leaves are, but what does that have to do with "misting"? all you are doing is soaking your leaves. what good does this do? there are 1000 other reasons why your plants may look bigger. are they even the same strain you normally grow? were they from seed? same lighting and feeding schedule?

people will read this thread and run out and start soaking their plants with "mist". it won't end well for some of them. i am simply trying to prevent this from happening.


New Member
Might wanna scrap that spray at night theory and switch to misting during the day when they actually use it. Especially any kinda Co2. Plants don't use it at night.........................just a thought


New Member
Might wanna scrap that spray at night theory and switch to misting during the day when they actually use it. Especially any kinda Co2. Plants don't use it at night.........................just a thought
I've read the the stomata opens at night as well as 1st thing in the morning.
I could have been misinformed.....
I'm not so lucky to use CO2....but that's good to know


New Member
The Stomata closes at night . The point FDD was making (I think) was that misting is a waste but foliar feeding is ok. Water is excreted OUT through the somata, by transpiration. The leaves naturally repel water by having a high surface tension, otherwise a good rain would suffocate it. Surfactants , such as Wet Betty, break this barrier to provide a better delivery system of the nutrients. Foliar feeding is beneficial mainly for fast nutrient uptake, not the uptake of the solution (water ) itself when applied directly to the stomata (located underside of the leaf)


New Member
I stand corrected, thanks for the info
now if FDD said that, it would have made sense, instead of not giving any reason............


Active Member
The Stomata closes at night . The point FDD was making (I think) was that misting is a waste but foliar feeding is ok. Water is excreted OUT through the somata, by transpiration. The leaves naturally repel water by having a high surface tension, otherwise a good rain would suffocate it. Surfactants , such as Wet Betty, break this barrier to provide a better delivery system of the nutrients. Foliar feeding is beneficial mainly for fast nutrient uptake, not the uptake of the solution (water ) itself when applied directly to the stomata (located underside of the leaf)
Finally someone who KNOWS what they're talking about... thanks for the great info +rep