MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

I disagree, if they are calling you every month you got problems. We've had 3 or 4 requests for more info in 16 months, trivial questions. No QA questions, no security questions, security clearances passed, big facility, backing, and a master plan. they asked for shop drawings of our vault, and how many people worked in the office and their hours. Things that were already in the app. The only thing I can think of is our business plan to sell for $5 a gram free delivery.


I don't understand why HC was asking questions that were already in your application?
hc is asking a lot of questions due to the 4 -5" binders we have sent in......
you have a new staff member look at your file most of the time and there is so much info they get lost and don't see or forget you have the info there. its all part of the game.
just keep doing what they want.......
ive had 4 different staff look at my file 5 times
again I wont argue, but your a patient right? with a script or pink slips?
then your not sick if your working, do you have depression or insomnia? ( not really sick)
im not jelous ! and don't care how much cock you take daily.
again I love how you twist shit around,
your fake, you fuck, that's me calling you out!
now twist my words around and make yourself feel good
I don't care if your real, you talk more shit than a rat.
I just luv how bitches hide behind pc screens calling people a goof. lol do it in person and then see what kinda pain meds you will actually need
For a little while i was shocked by some of your posts on here. It really seemed like you had turned over a new leaf or atleast covered it up and it doesnt show but you really couldnt be more wrong.
Your not a dr and really have no place to be telling anyone what is a real sickness or not. Thats nonsense. Depression and insomnia are in fact very real and serious illnesses and shouldnt be thought of as gimmicks or whatever it is you think that makes them not really sick. More young people kill themselves each and every yr because of ignorant people telling them that theres nothing wrong with them.
And no i dont find myself craving dick either or needing to stand up for anyone but if you are trying to make valid points then leave out the childrens tactics of name calling and threatening people its not helping ur argument.
who would you be banning ? Just so we know who it is that is making it so they could be banned, so we don't do what they did.
I mean besides the name calling lol

where's Sunny.
One of the most ignorant thing I have heard on rolitup in along time that depression isn't a legit illness maybe someone should tell my family and friends that are no longer with us due to this illness..... For wanting to be an lp you sure have no compassion toward patients especially ones who suffer with depression and mental illness and I truly mean suffer.. Please please use your head when posting on patient sight! Imo
Hey rnr where are your post going? Can't you see I quoted you each time? Erase your post away. Blaim it on Spartacus or whatever you say. What exactly have I lied about? What am I faking? Let's hear it.
There are so many security reviews now. I even saw a letter the other day that was sent to someone with a ready to build letter and it said they were sent back to security again because some things changed.
That is interesting! I am trying to put together a group of those that have a 'ready to build' letter and security clearances (as far as they give them now). If you could ask that person if I can contact them, I'd appreciate it.
"I don't understand why HC was asking questions that were already in your application?"

>>to continue stalling.and give you some sort of flse hope...and as for things in review "changed" ,

you bet they did..and will continue

HC was sad that Hippy pulled out of his bid to be one of the "ones he hates"TM..because the goat was not gonna be the QA person or the CEO

[just funnin]
Sorry but LP's and Patients rights don't coincide from my standpoint. And the more Lp's HC thinks it has bilking the sick, the worse it is for mmar growers. So beg my pardon but fuck you trying to make money both ways. Traitor weasel. You got no integrity. Just being proud of yourself doesn't make your endeavor correct to me. But hey you don't need me, or any other patients...right.
I got have plenty respect for you as an mmar grower and zero as an greedy LP weasel. If it becomes legal...all the power to you.
I'd like to grow and sell legally to folks as well. But have zero interest in undermining patient grow rights.
And the Gov touts LP's as the fix to me growing fuck your ambitions ARE the enemy. And a wagon jumpin yes man too. Git some pride about ya...oh forget it after ain't gonna see the light thru the dollar bill haze.
Ya ya ..your doing this all for the betterment of the patients....ya heard that...don't buy it.
LP ='s the Gov and HC thinking I should NOT grow my why would we support you greedy fucks...Got even 1 good reason ?????

All I can say to that Hippy is than I'm not a corporation, Im just a regular joe. I wanna be the guy that puts those monstrosities out of business. I've been growing the kind a very long time, I've mentored dozens if not hundreds on how to grow their own and be self sufficient. I know I can bring a quality tested product and offer it at a reasonable price. I believe that everyone should be able to grow, and if you can't I would offer my services. I'm no saint, but Im no scumbag praying off the sick, I can gaurentee that I probably helped more people in Canada accses to canabis than you can imagine. It's easy for you to judge over the Internet, but in reality you don't know me. I respect your opinion, but at the end of the day it's just your opinion.
