MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

We will be using a bokashi process for our disposable, the benefit of this all our waste will be usable organic nutrients to reapply to our plants. No waste will leave the site, the city loves that fact.


This is the smartest way to deal with it, especially for organic growers. I have seen correspondence from HC stating that mixing up ground material with soil and water and then composting it or putting it to the curb is 100% acceptable. In their eyes, once you grind it up, mix it with soil or kitty litter, and add water, the material is deemed "useless" in that form.
Headline Breaking News.......... Kids now routing through land fills and smoking "kitty litter laced pot"!
Police blame Medical Marijuana industry......... Sgt Stadanko said this morning more kids acting like cats "making purring noises and pissing in neighbours flower beds" Sgt Stadanko also says this epidemic is only going to get worse as more shitty medical pot producers get approval from HC.
How would the price of kitty litter compare to say.. the price of manure or another product?
I know they've approved other methods of making it "unsmokable".

Not sure if disposal is a regular thing (ie: all excess crop cuttings, stems, etc) or just for product that has to be destroyed.
How would the price of kitty litter compare to say.. the price of manure or another product?
I know they've approved other methods of making it "unsmokable".

Not sure if disposal is a regular thing (ie: all excess crop cuttings, stems, etc) or just for product that has to be destroyed.

I've never owned a cat, so couldn't tell you what the cost would be on that front. HC recommend kitty litter as an option to mask the smell. If you are composting, I am sure mixing ground material with soil, manure, etc and adding it to the compost pile would be just fine....especially if your composter is located in a secured area on-site. I am sure there are also other allowable curb-side methods not involving kitty long as you are meeting the requirements for the plant material rendered useless, and the smell is dealt with, it should be fine.

Stems and root material are allowed to be disposed of via normal methods, but all leaves, clippings, trim, etc needs to be dried, weighed and stored in a Level 4 area (same as finished product) until is is destroyed. A qualified witness is required for the destruction process.
Interesting. That makes perfect sense though.
If disposal is common and I was an LP I'd be looking into options for sure, but I have also never owned a cat - maybe cat litter is cheap by the pallet.
A huge source of potential revenue could be coming down the pipe at some point if/when HC changes their stance on concentrates, tinctures, edibles, etc. LP's would immediately be able to turn the vast majority of their waste plant material into other valuable revenue sources and medicating options for patients.
Absolutely. I was reading up on what they're doing with that internationally and it's pretty crazy.
I just find it incredibly interesting at this point to watch what everyone's doing.
Tweed has 4 strains, 3 sold out and all 4 are 0 CBD.
Tilray is another big player, seems to have bought some pre-irradiated product and there's rumors of mites already.
Every day there's a new story - I'm just following it all like a soap opera.
Absolutely. I was reading up on what they're doing with that internationally and it's pretty crazy.
I just find it incredibly interesting at this point to watch what everyone's doing.
Tweed has 4 strains, 3 sold out and all 4 are 0 CBD.
Tilray is another big player, seems to have bought some pre-irradiated product and there's rumors of mites already.
Every day there's a new story - I'm just following it all like a soap opera.

What are the cannabinoid profiles of tweeds 4 strains. There is nothing about it on their website. Really proud of their fine work. I heard there was something on the site and now its gone. Please post the THC% and strain names please.

Really medical with no CBDs. Why wouldn`t they have grown a CBD strain? I thought they had a 13%THC 13%THC strain. The stockholders bought things based on those numbers. Wow.
Greenleaf Medicinals, who was the subject of a recent voluntary recall of their “Purple Kush” strain, has recently launched a new website,

Lift spoke with a contact today at Greenleaf/Broken Coast who says they have had to change their name due to a pending lawsuit from another company with a similar name and that the new name has yet to be finalized after it is cleared by their own legal council.

Many of the links at still leads users back to

Greenleaf/Broken Coast had no comment as to when they will have more strains available for patients.

UPDATE: Greenleaf Medical Clinic has confirmed via twitter that GreenLeaf Medicinals has settled out of court and agreed to change their name.

Stay tuned to Lift for more updates as they unfold.
Greenleaf Medicinals, who was the subject of a recent voluntary recall of their “Purple Kush” strain, has recently launched a new website,

Lift spoke with a contact today at Greenleaf/Broken Coast who says they have had to change their name due to a pending lawsuit from another company with a similar name and that the new name has yet to be finalized after it is cleared by their own legal council.

Many of the links at still leads users back to

Greenleaf/Broken Coast had no comment as to when they will have more strains available for patients.

UPDATE: Greenleaf Medical Clinic has confirmed via twitter that GreenLeaf Medicinals has settled out of court and agreed to change their name.

Stay tuned to Lift for more updates as they unfold.

That is what I said from day one. Two greenleaf brands were never gonna work in the MMPR and greenleaf medicinals is waiting with its application to become an LP.

The Name has a stain on it now with the recall so that sucks for greenleaf medicinals and works out nice for broken coast.
That is what I said from day one. Two greenleaf brands were never gonna work in the MMPR and greenleaf medicinals is waiting with its application to become an LP.

The Name has a stain on it now with the recall so that sucks for greenleaf medicinals and works out nice for broken coast.

When I was talking to them...I pointed out the problems they had with their name. Why they would pick that name is beyond me. At the time they said they were aware of the issues, and due to costs involved would stick it out. Then came the recall. No choice now but to rename.
So they went with broken coast, first thing that comes to mind is brokeback mountain...not that there's anything wrong with that (thanks Jerry).

Very good point though you make in regards to "Greenleaf" now being stained.
Posted late Friday

Peace Naturals Project Inc., of Ontario, is voluntarily recalling one batch (K-Farms Lot: K1-KFM-001-14) of marijuana for medical purposes due to positive bacterial testing outside of acceptable limits.

Peace Naturals Project Inc’s clients should consult with a healthcare professional if they have concerns about their health related to the use of this product.

Peace Naturals Project Inc. has contacted and is instructing the 55 clients who received the affected lot to immediately discontinue use of any marijuana from this lot which they may still have in their possession. Clients may return the marijuana directly to Peace Naturals Project Inc. via secure courier. If clients wish to destroy the product at home, they should add water to the marijuana to render it unusable, mix it with cat litter and dispose of it with regular household waste.

The company has indicated that it has not received any reports of adverse events associated with the use of this product. Further, Health Canada has not received any reports of adverse reactions associated with the use of marijuana supplied by Peace Naturals Project Inc.

Producers of marijuana for medical purposes are subject to compliance and enforcement measures similar to those in place for other producers of controlled substances. They are regularly inspected and must meet strict security, control and reporting requirements, good production practices, and quality assurance.

Dried marijuana is not an approved drug or medicine in Canada. Possession and use of marijuana remains illegal in Canada unless authorized under the regulations with the support of a doctor or nurse practitioner.
how many oil companies make spills ... having full knowledge of it.... until someone says something about it... then they looked surprised..... seems like the same deal..... wait til ya think most of it is gone then make a "recall"