lol...I once lived in wa state as a kid and we had fields and shrooms a plenty...use to make tea at high noon...and midnight and so on...never got shot at, but was chased by a laughing high-ena once...I think...No problem. I live in another part of the country now where every other field is a mushroom field pretty much, sweet!
So Lord F$%kface can stick his 'shrooms up his arse/ass...where they should grow even better in the dark, and he can "own" them even better.
Just read this on Dutch Passion's site;
"...The first people I expect to create GM cannabis are the pharmaceutical companies, they have the cash to make it happen. They are on the crest of a wave as medical marijuana begins to enter mainstream medicine. At the moment this market has an annual value worth just tens of millions but this market will grow exponentially, in a few years I expect the pharmaceutical market for cannabis medicines will be worth literally billions as cannabis starts finding its way into mainstream treatment for pain relief, MS, epilepsy, sleep problems, depression, cancer treatment etc etc. GM cannabis could be created to grow into large tree style plants that may be able to yield insane harvest quantities perhaps over several years. The mind boggles..."
I hadn't given this much thought until now.
I think we owe it to the Herb to stock plenty of seed, especially the landraces. It's not too much of a stretch of the imagination to see a time when seeds are hard to get anywhere, just because those Monsanto C&^tF*&ks seem to think they own it.
In the future we may be getting bust for copyright infringement! WTbloodyF?
I can tell you absolutely that this conspiracy conjecture IS true--
after having lived deep within the cannabis culture in Mendocino for years....Monsanto has ALL the patents and turpenes patented within cannabis--
they have a 'kill' gene cannabis plant that will effectively wipe out any outdoor cannabis growing and cross pollinate with their genetically modified version--thus giving them ownership rights like they pulled on Percy schmeiser in Canada
they are going to follow the path they took with corn--
it is common knowledge in and around mendo and some of these UC folks used to come around talking about it --a lot of them enjoy erb too
i also have a very close friend who's brother is a very high profile and at the top of his field Dr. that told us about the meetings he was privileged to in Colorado where the tax and regulate folks were networking on strategies and Monsanto was bringing the donuts to the meetings---he thought it was funny when he told us and he is a closet 'head'
monsanto is definately at the top of the nefarious corporations list and an extreme threat to humanity and our existence with their control of our food and food supplies---
if you think GMO is good look at how Russia 'banned' it and Europe now made it mandatory to label it and India is now in a huge battle over gmo food as most of the country is vegetarian
GMO food has excito toxins and neuro toxins in it and is the reason the average IQ has went from 120 in the 70s to below 100 now
the dumbing down of the population
i mean would you spray round up on your salad and then eat it? or on your cannabis and then smoke it?
keep drinking soda with GMO corn syrup or your fast foods that areuthanasia for the masses--
most of the sugar beets that we use to extract sugar for most of the food we it is GMO--
what floors me is all the people that still believe this is benign and harmless and actually a good thing--
its NWO stuff and with all the facts it ain't no conspiracy--
beware Monsanto !
I only just found out the US government holds/owns patent the cannabis cures
It never stops surprising me how any government just can't get it's head around the meanings of "free"...
I support Mandala, at least they're trying to do what they can to fight against abused genetics. I love heritage plants in my garden, and I feel like they breed the closest thing to that.
Fuck no! Cannabis is for people with cancer! Not for creating cancer, by smoking cannabis!
Let Monsanto improve our pot.. If I like it, I'll steal it.
There is no way to completely know the long term effects of genetically engineered foods on our body. I vote no